Catching DB errors in sqlippool

Бенджамин Томпсон b.thompson at
Mon Apr 9 16:02:05 CEST 2018


I have a test setup consisting of three servers and on each of them is
installed FreeRADIUS (3.0.12) and one node of a Percona MySQL cluster.
FreeRADIUS is configured to allocate IP addreses from the database using
sqlipool. Authentication data is stored elsewhere.

The idea was to build a fully redundant system which could cope with
loosing one or more nodes of the backend DB.

It was very easy to set up and I generated some load with radperf and did
some testing and everything generally worked apart from a couple of

The first problem I noticed is that when requsts are sent to multiple DB
nodes at the same time, the DB sometimes throws a cluster conflict error.
This error is picked up by the sqlippool module and this is how it looks in
the logs:

ERROR: (220) sqlippool: rlm_sql_mysql: ERROR 1213 (WSREP detected
deadlock/conflict and aborted the transaction. Try restarting the
transaction): 40001

As there was a problem with the transaction I wanted to configure
FreeRADIUS either to retry the request to the DB or to silently drop the
packet. The problem is that the module returns the code ok:

 Debug: (220)     modsingle[post-auth]: calling sqlippool (rlm_sqlippool)
 Debug: rlm_sql (sql): Reserved connection (9)
 Debug: %{User-Name}
 Debug: Parsed xlat tree:
 Debug: attribute --> User-Name
 Debug: (220) sqlippool: EXPAND %{User-Name}
 Debug: (220) sqlippool:    --> testusername111
 Debug: (220) sqlippool: SQL-User-Name set to 'testusername111'
 Debug: Parsed xlat tree:
 Debug: literal --> START TRANSACTION
 Debug: (220) sqlippool: EXPAND START TRANSACTION
 Debug: (220) sqlippool:    --> START TRANSACTION
 Debug: (220) sqlippool: Executing query: START TRANSACTION
 Debug: SELECT framedipaddress FROM   radippool WHERE  pool_name   =
'%{control:Pool-Name}' AND    (pool_key = '%{User-Name}' or expiry_time <
NOW()) ORDER BY (pool_key <> '%{User-Name}'), expiry_time LIMIT 1 FOR UPDATE
 Debug: Parsed xlat tree:
 Debug: literal --> SELECT framedipaddress FROM   radippool WHERE
pool_name   = '
 Debug: attribute --> Pool-Name
 Debug: literal --> ' AND    (pool_key = '
 Debug: attribute --> User-Name
 Debug: literal --> ' or expiry_time < NOW()) ORDER BY (pool_key <> '
 Debug: attribute --> User-Name
 Debug: literal --> '), expiry_time LIMIT 1 FOR UPDATE
 Debug: (220) sqlippool: EXPAND SELECT framedipaddress FROM   radippool
WHERE  pool_name   = '%{control:Pool-Name}' AND    (pool_key =
'%{User-Name}' or expiry_time < NOW()) ORDER BY (pool_key <>
'%{User-Name}'), expiry_time LIMIT 1 FOR UPDATE
 Debug: (220) sqlippool:    --> SELECT framedipaddress FROM   radippool
WHERE  pool_name   = 'POOL1' AND    (pool_key = 'testusername111' or
expiry_time < NOW()) ORDER BY (pool_key <> 'testusername111'), expiry_time
 Debug: (220) sqlippool: Executing select query: SELECT framedipaddress
FROM   radippool WHERE  pool_name   = 'POOL1' AND    (pool_key =
'testusername111' or expiry_time < NOW()) ORDER BY (pool_key <>
'testusername111'), expiry_time LIMIT 1 FOR UPDATE
 Debug: (220) sqlippool: Allocated IP
 Debug: UPDATE radippool SET    nasipaddress     = '%{NAS-IP-Address}',
pool_key         = '%{User-Name}', callingstationid =
'%{Calling-Station-Id}', username         = '%{User-Name}',
expiry_time      = NOW() + INTERVAL 3600 SECOND WHERE  framedipaddress  =
 Debug: Parsed xlat tree:
 Debug: literal --> UPDATE radippool SET    nasipaddress     = '
 Debug: attribute --> NAS-IP-Address
 Debug: literal --> ', pool_key         = '
 Debug: attribute --> User-Name
 Debug: literal --> ', callingstationid = '
 Debug: attribute --> Calling-Station-Id
 Debug: literal --> ', username         = '
 Debug: attribute --> User-Name
 Debug: literal --> ', expiry_time      = NOW() + INTERVAL 3600 SECOND
WHERE  framedipaddress  = ''
 Debug: (220) sqlippool: EXPAND UPDATE radippool SET    nasipaddress     =
'%{NAS-IP-Address}', pool_key         = '%{User-Name}', callingstationid =
'%{Calling-Station-Id}', username         = '%{User-Name}',
expiry_time      = NOW() + INTERVAL 3600 SECOND WHERE  framedipaddress  =
 Debug: (220) sqlippool:    --> UPDATE radippool SET    nasipaddress     =
'', pool_key         = 'testusername111', callingstationid =
'testusername111', username         = 'testusername111', expiry_time      =
NOW() + INTERVAL 3600 SECOND WHERE  framedipaddress  = ''
 Debug: (220) sqlippool: Executing query: UPDATE radippool SET
nasipaddress     = '', pool_key         = 'testusername111',
callingstationid = 'testusername111', username         = 'testusername111',
expiry_time      = NOW() + INTERVAL 3600 SECOND WHERE  framedipaddress  =
 Debug: rlm_sql_mysql: Rows matched: 1  Changed: 1  Warnings: 0
 Debug: COMMIT
 Debug: Parsed xlat tree:
 Debug: literal --> COMMIT
 Debug: (220) sqlippool: EXPAND COMMIT
 Debug: (220) sqlippool:    --> COMMIT
 Debug: (220) sqlippool: Executing query: COMMIT
 Debug: rlm_sql_mysql: No additional diagnostic info on server
 ERROR: (220) sqlippool: rlm_sql_mysql: ERROR 1213 (WSREP detected
deadlock/conflict and aborted the transaction. Try restarting the
transaction): 40001
 Debug: rlm_sql (sql): Released connection (9)
 Debug: Allocated IP: %{reply:Framed-IP-Address} from %{control:Pool-Name}
(did %{Called-Station-Id} cli %{Calling-Station-Id} port %{NAS-Port} user
 Debug: Parsed xlat tree:
 Debug: literal --> Allocated IP:
 Debug: attribute --> Framed-IP-Address
 Debug: literal -->  from
 Debug: attribute --> Pool-Name
 Debug: literal -->  (did
 Debug: attribute --> Called-Station-Id
 Debug: literal -->  cli
 Debug: attribute --> Calling-Station-Id
 Debug: literal -->  port
 Debug: attribute --> NAS-Port
 Debug: literal -->  user
 Debug: attribute --> User-Name
 Debug: literal --> )
 Debug: (220) sqlippool: EXPAND Allocated IP: %{reply:Framed-IP-Address}
from %{control:Pool-Name} (did %{Called-Station-Id} cli
%{Calling-Station-Id} port %{NAS-Port} user %{User-Name})
 Debug: (220) sqlippool:    --> Allocated IP: from POOL1 (did
cli testusername111 port  user testusername111)
 Debug: (220)     modsingle[post-auth]: returned from sqlippool
 Debug: (220)     [sqlippool] = ok

As the module returns ok I could not see any way to deal with the error.

Sometimes I noticed that the SELECT request failed to return an IP address.
In this case the module returned notfound and as I understand it I could
use some unlang to send the request again (I'm not sure how many times it's
wise to to this). However, I also tried to drop the request by calling
do_not_respond when Framed-IP-Address is empty, but I found that this did
not prevent the request from being sent:

 Debug: (222)     if (!&reply:Framed-IP-Address) {
 Debug: (222)     if (!&reply:Framed-IP-Address)  -> TRUE
 Debug: (222)     if (!&reply:Framed-IP-Address)  {
 Debug: (222)       policy do_not_respond {
 Debug: (222)         update control {
 Debug: (222)           &Response-Packet-Type := Do-Not-Respond
 Debug: (222)         } # update control = noop
 Debug: (222)         modsingle[post-auth]: calling handled (rlm_always)
 Debug: (222)         modsingle[post-auth]: returned from handled
 Debug: (222)         [handled] = handled
 Debug: (222)       } # policy do_not_respond = handled
 Debug: (222)     } # if (!&reply:Framed-IP-Address)  = handled
 Debug: (222)   } # post-auth = handled
 Debug: | %{reply:Framed-IP-Address}
 Debug: Parsed xlat tree:
 Debug: literal --> |
 Debug: attribute --> Framed-IP-Address
 Debug: (222) EXPAND | %{reply:Framed-IP-Address}
 Debug: (222)    --> |
 Auth: (222) Login OK: [testusername112/testpassword112] (from client
localhost port 0 cli testusername112) |
 Debug: (222) Sent Access-Accept Id 28 from to length 0

I would be grateful for any help or advice on these issues.

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