FreeRadius Server crashed when creating a large number of ipsec gateway tunnels.

Alan DeKok aland at
Wed Apr 11 14:32:58 CEST 2018

> On Apr 11, 2018, at 12:50 AM, Li Guanqun <pluto851031 at> wrote:
> Hi expert,
> I am trying to create about 260 ipsec gateway tunnels in my femto test environment with FreeRadius(ver.2.2.0) installed.

  2.2.10 has been out for a long time.  There is no excuse for running such an old version of the server.

  Install 2.2.10.  If that doesn't fix it (and it should), then upgrade to 3.0.

> Can anyone give me some advice on the reason of this symptom ?

  A bug which was found and fixed 5 years ago.

> Is there any limitation for the number of users ?


> I attached a PPT file to describe in detail, with topology, HW info and logs.

  Don't do that.  Ever.

  Alan DeKok.

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