Problems Auth with Username Password and Huntgroups

Netadm netadm at
Wed Aug 29 11:04:43 CEST 2018


I have certain problems to login as a user via 802.11 Username/Password.

The user and reply-values are working fine, but when I add the huntgroup-name to the user, I always get "Login incorrect" Reject.

Someone hat the same problem?
What can I do?
Searched the web, but found nothing (except some hints of syntax and SQL, not helpful)


huntgroups WLAN-Users   NAS-IP-Address ==, NAS-Port-Type == "Wireless-802.11"


This is woking...
Cof23   Cleartext-Password := "xxxxxxx"
         Tunnel-Private-Group-Id = 902

Tue Aug 28 12:11:11 2018 : Auth: Login OK: [Cof23] (from client iap600xxx port 0 via TLS tunnel)
Tue Aug 28 12:11:11 2018 : Auth: Login OK: [Cof23] (from client iap600xxx port 0 cli aaabbbccc0ca)

This not:
Cof23   Cleartext-Password := "xxxxxxx", Huntgroup-Name == "WLAN-Users"
         Tunnel-Private-Group-Id = 902

Tue Aug 28 11:10:25 2018 : Auth: Login incorrect: [Cof23/<via Auth-Type = Reject>] (from client iap600xxx port 0 via TLS tunnel)
Tue Aug 28 11:10:25 2018 : Auth: Login incorrect: [Cof23/<via Auth-Type = EAP>] (from client iap600xxx port 0 cli aaabbbccc0ca)

What is the problem?
The huntgroupfile is read by freeradius 2.1.2 (in 3.0 with (my)SQL is the same problem!). The users file is ok, what else?
Huntgroups are working for the most other entries we have.
Please help me!

Frank C from Germany, Muenster, LWL

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