Freeradius not using sql clients

Alan DeKok aland at
Thu Feb 22 14:46:17 CET 2018

On Feb 22, 2018, at 1:20 PM, Paco Madrid <pmadrid at> wrote:
> I ask for help because I'm unable to make freeeradius work with a database.
> Please help! I have a test environment in which i have deployed Freeradius
> and MariaDB  on a single server, but I am not being able to get Freeradius
> to read it's clients from the MariaDB server. In fact, I think it's reading
> the clients correctly but it's not using the data it reads for some reason.
> I've searched the Internet but I have not found anyone with my specific
> issue...

  Maybe try upgrading to 3.0.16.

> But when I try to test it, the server seems not to answer the requests:
> # echo "User-Password=password,User-Name=test" | radclient auth
> my secret

 Debug output... we don't care about "radclient" output.

> Sent Access-Request Id 243 from to length 44
> Sent Access-Request Id 243 from to length 44
> Sent Access-Request Id 243 from to length 44
> (0) No reply from server for ID 243 socket 3
> From the server side, all I get are the following messages:
> Ignoring request to auth address * port 1812 bound to server default from
> unknown client port 50479 proto udp

  That's not good.

> What puzzles me are the following lines that appear in the startup, that
> make me think that freeradius is adding correctly the clients:
> [...]
> rlm_sql (sql): Adding client ( to default clients list
> rlm_sql ( Client "" (sql) added
> rlm_sql (sql): Adding client ( to default
> clients list
> rlm_sql ( Client "" (sql) added
> [...]

  Yes, that shows it's loading the clients.

> Furthermore, radmin tells me the same:

  That's good.

> But if freeradius is adding correctly the clients, why is not answering the
> requests? And even more, if I add the client by the means of a clients.conf
> file and restart the freeradius it works correctly!
> I am runnning Freeradius 3.0.13 and MariaDB 5.5.56 on a CentOS 7.4

  Must be an issue with 3.0.13.

> # cat /etc/centos-release
> CentOS Linux release 7.4.1708 (Core)

  Why?  The FAQ explains what information we need.  I just don't understand the desire to give all kinds of irrelevant information... especially when the documentation says what we need.

  Alan DeKok.

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