Using different MySQL server with freeradius 3.x ?

philippe2.legoff at philippe2.legoff at
Tue Feb 27 03:43:33 CET 2018


With Freeradius 3.0.16, I store accountings in a MySQL 5.7 database. Authorize_checks and replies are also using this db.
As I receive more than 3000 accountings/sec,  I search a way to reduce the load on the db.

1/ Does it possible to use different MySQL servers to store accountings  depending on the Framed-IP-Address ?
As an example, could I have this logic with FR :
If Framed-IP-Address starts with “10”  Then use the MySQL1 server and store accounting on it,
If Framed-IP-Address starts with “171” then use the MySQL2 server and store accounting on it

2/ Another point concerns the log.
I have a huge quantity of lines in radius.log :
Info: [sql] stop packet with zero session length….

Does it exist a way to drop silently these lines ?

Thanks for help,


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