Mikrotik User Status and Used Data

Safiullah Tariq safiullahtariq at gmail.com
Wed Jul 18 20:02:15 CEST 2018

Dear All,

I hope you are doing great.

I am new to Freeradius. I have some questions.

Is it possible to see the current logged in users?
i have used the command radwho but i get the following answer:
radwho: No configuration information in radutmp section of radiusd.conf!

Is there a possibility that, suppose a user is authenticated and is logged
in on Mikrotik and the RADIUS gets unreachable - is there any chance that
the radius asks the NAS to give the user's accounting details.
What I want to achieve is,
I logged in and used the total limit and my reset time was 1 day.
Now when the Radius was disconnected, Radius didnt receive the info of my
total usage. What happens is, I am again able to login to and use the data.
This is one scenario. I want to achieve complete accounting data after
reconnecting. Any help on that ?


Safiullah Tariq

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