FreeRADIUS and radiusCheckItem

Gianluca Gerunda ggerunda at
Tue Jul 24 09:50:14 CEST 2018

Hi all,
first of all sorry if the question has been already treated, but I
haven't found nothing about it.

So, I successfully configured a FreeRADIUS 3 with an OpenLDAP 2.4 as
backend and, luckily, all works fine: I can authenticate users from
their clients, with some specific return-attribute and all that
configuration is stored on Ldap.

Now I'd like to check user's check-attributes list, storing them also on
Ldap with the others user attributes: I tried to play with
radiusCheckItem attribute, but surely I'm losing some piece around....
Can someone help me? An example configuration or a good link are enough.

Thanks for your time,

/*GERUNDA Gianluca* System Engineer
Xech s.r.l.
Via Ajraghi, 30
20156 Milano (Italy)
Mob.: +39 347 8318200
E-mail: ggerunda at /


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