FreeRADIUS accounting to multiple destinations

Alan DeKok aland at
Tue Jul 24 19:00:50 CEST 2018

On Jul 24, 2018, at 12:49 PM, Алексей Морозенко <alexmorozenko at> wrote:
> I'm incorrect telling «reply», I mean after successfull authorization NAS sends accounting request to my RADIUS and then RADIUS proxies that request to FG-1 and FG-2


> Doesn't matter what's it's name, by using files in preacct (pre-proxy) I insert additional attribute «Reply-Message» containing group name in accounting REQUEST from NAS. And further this modified accounting request being proxied to forti according realms.
> Am I right?

  Yes.  But only for PROXIED packets.  The "pre-proxy" section doesn't change the *original* packet.

  And the "replicate" module only sends copies of the ORIGINAL packet.

  So you have to edit the original packet before calling replicate.

  Alan DeKok.

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