Eap in v4

Alan DeKok aland at deployingradius.com
Wed Mar 21 22:29:58 CET 2018

> On Mar 21, 2018, at 8:44 AM, Aleksandr Stepanov <alex-eri at ya.ru> wrote:
> Using default is not flexible.

  That's not a good response.  I did *not* say "stay with the default configuration and NEVER CHANGE IT."

  What I *meant* was that you need to START with the default configuration.  Instead, your first action was to destroy the configuration, and to start with something completely different.

  That wastes your time, and ours.

> I want to create project with radius attached to business logic, not  business on top of freerad. SQL scheme would be very different with Freeradius defaut.

  That's nice.

  It helps to READ the default configuration, UNDERSTAND IT, and then make SMALL CHANGES to make it do what you want.

  Alan DeKok.

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