unlang & variable

petr.linke at seznam.cz petr.linke at seznam.cz
Thu May 17 16:32:02 CEST 2018

---------- Original e-mail ----------
From: Alan DeKok <aland at deployingradius.com>
To: FreeRadius users mailing list <freeradius-users at lists.freeradius.org>
Date: 17. 5. 2018 16:10:50
Subjectt: Re: unlang & variable 

Hi all,
this will happen when the eyes are tired and then a stupid mistake is 
discovered ... I have mistyping in condition, I wrote outer.session_state:
SOME_ATTIBUTE and should be outer.session-state:SOME_ATTRIBUTE. And 
referencing outer.session-state:SOME_ATTRIBUTE worked as expected.
Alan, you are completely right with sending full debug, I only try save time
and send only necessary informations. Very sorry for my stupid mistype.

Many thanks for help, Petr

> On May 17, 2018, at 9:59 AM, <petr.linke at seznam.cz> <petr.linke at seznam.cz>
> I tried put into soh-server:
> update outer.session-state {
> &SOME_ATTRIBUTE := some_value
> }

It's best to *understand* the problem. The solution is usually obvious. 
"trying" things means you're not understanding, just making random changes 
in the hope that it will work.

That's a good way to get frustrated.

> now I can see, that in outer-server (default) the value for &SOME_
> was restored to some_value, so in outer-server I can use this, but in 
> server I cannot restore &SOME_ATTRIBUTE - in debug I can see "session-
> No cached attributes". It looks, that soh-server "is on the same level" as

> inner-server,


> so inner-server is not parent of soh-server, and is not 
> possible use outer.session-state for sending values from soh-server to 
> -server.

Why not? If they're both parented from the outer server, then it should 

> Really very thanks for your answer, if you have any other idea, I'll be 
> glad.

Post the FULL DEBUG OUTPUT. It's not helpful to post vague descriptions of 
what you *think* is happening. Only the full debug output describes exactly 
what's happening.

Alan DeKok.

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