Rewrite Rule

Maile Halatuituia maile.halatuituia at
Thu Nov 1 03:04:00 CET 2018

Hi Nathan
Yes you right .
I have this situation to be exact.

MSAN ------------ BRAS (Cisco) ---------- Freeradius Server (Acct+Auth)
I will refer to me Freeradius Server as Radius for short.

Right now I have IPv4 only which i received this standard attribute (Acct-Input-Octets) from my BRAS on my Radius server. Upon receive a perl module process that attribute to store on local mysql server DB on the same server above.

Before asking the question I enabe ipv6 as well alongside ipv4 where now I have dual stack working perfectly. Still I continue to recives the same standard attribute above (Acct-Input-Octets) which contain the count for both the ipv4 and ipv6 according the ietf RFC 2866.

Now I also enable the Cisco command to receive also the Cisco AVP attribute (acct-input-octets-ipv6) in the format  mentioned on my previous email (Cisco-AVPair = "acct-input-octets-ipv6=xxx)" I want to process that in addition to my standard counter so I can know how much ipv6 traffic to each customer compare to its ipv4 traffic.

Because Radius doesn't understand that Cisco thing I need to rewrite that specific Cisco thing upon receiving the request packet from BRAS on the preacct module on my default server config before it can be processed......

That’s why I do that regex thing and I am still asking for help regarding it.

I hope I express my situation more clear. Please let me know

-----Original Message-----
From: Freeradius-Users < at> On Behalf Of Nathan Ward
Sent: Thursday, 1 November 2018 2:36 PM
To: FreeRadius users mailing list <freeradius-users at>
Subject: Re: Rewrite Rule

> On 1/11/2018, at 2:26 PM, Maile Halatuituia <maile.halatuituia at> wrote:
> I looked through the cisco dictionary file and see no mention of ipv6 there


What is the outcome you are trying to achieve? It is not clear why you need to rewrite this. What do you want to happen? Why?

I replied to a very similar question from you a few days ago, but I see you haven’t made any changes, and are asking basically the same question.

Nathan Ward

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