FR 3.0: Fall back to proxy if SQL returns no result

Rens Houben rhouben at
Wed Nov 14 08:55:50 CET 2018

Van: Freeradius-Users < at> namens Alan DeKok <aland at>
Verzonden: dinsdag 13 november 2018 19:05
Aan: FreeRadius users mailing list
Onderwerp: Re: FR 3.0: Fall back to proxy if SQL returns no result

>  Hmm... I guess that's there to catch people doing bad things.  No worries, just do:

redundant {
        group {
                update control {
                       Proxy-To-Realm := "FALLBACK"

 > And that should work.


If I'm reading the debug info  right, what happens is that the rlm_sql module returns an "ok" status because it executed correctly - it found no entry in the database, but that isn't an incorrect answer - so the redundant stanza didn't see a need to try the fallback...

>  Alan DeKok.

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