Invalid location for 'if' on 3.0.4

MDS Test mdstest.99999 at
Wed Nov 28 18:33:34 CET 2018

Thank you.  I will start from the 3.0 default config.
On Wed, Nov 28, 2018 at 11:27 AM Adam Bishop <Adam.Bishop at> wrote:
> On 28 Nov 2018, at 17:22, MDS Test <mdstest.99999 at> wrote:
> > We  have freeradius running on version 2.2.6 running on CentOS6 for a
> > few years now.  Now we need to build a need a new host on CentOS7.  I
> > installed version 3.0.4 from repo.  As I copied my proxy.conf file
> > from the old host.  I encounter an error and couldn't figure out what
> > is wrong.
> It sounds like your 2.2 config has been heavily modified - that content shouldn't be in the proxy.conf file.
> It's best to start from the default 3.0 configuration, and apply your changes one at a time as 2.2 and 3.0 are not 100% config compatible.
> Also, upgrade - 3.0.4 is very old at this point, and there are a number of improvements you're missing out on.
> Adam Bishop
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