DB valid fields

Alan DeKok aland at deployingradius.com
Sat Oct 20 16:05:40 CEST 2018

On Oct 20, 2018, at 9:43 AM, Stephen <kbaegis at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>  Then read the documentation for that product to see what it takes.
> While these projects are also open source, I wasn't able to find much in
> the way of documentation helping describe what you're assuming they should:

  That's a common failure of Open Source projects.

> In fact, you have to dig into the source code to see what they can
> really handle, so I don't really consider that so implicit as suggested:

  My point is that you shouldn't ask on the FREERADIUS list for what attributes are accepted by STRONGSWAN or by OPENWRT.

  Continuing to argue this point is counter-productive.

> It's certainly fair for these projects to include more documentation on
> how various RADIUS attributes are used. Unfortunately, I didn't find
> that in a cursory search.

  Then complain to them.  Don't complain to us.

> Clearly I should have come to the discussion as an expert on RADIUS,

  No one suggested that, and it's a rude and ignorant comment.

> As part of the actual RFC describing what a RADIUS server is supposed to
> be, I simply disagree with your assessments above.

  As someone who has admitted to knowing little about RADIUS, your opinions aren't relevant.

> Not everyone using
> your product has read all the pertinent RFCs, and it's an extraordinary
> burden for those of us not specializing in your area of expertise.
> To extend your own analogy, should I *really* need to read 4+
> international regulatory standards to change my tire?

  No, but you need to read the *relevant* documentation.  If that documentation doesn't exist, complain to the *proper* people.

  Your complaints here are off topic.  As such, you will stop complaining to *us* about *other peoples* software.  Failure to follow these instructions will result in a permanent ban.

  This is your only warning.

  Alan DeKok.

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