LDAP OU based authentication

Alan DeKok aland at deployingradius.com
Tue Oct 30 16:48:53 CET 2018

On Oct 30, 2018, at 10:27 AM, Tom Yard <tomyyard at gmail.com> wrote:
> But now, the AD has changed and it hasn't groups anymore. So I have to do
> an OU based authentication for the users:

  That's unfortunate.  Groups really are a lot simpler.

> Basedn: OU=technology,OU=mexico,DC=company,DC=com
> I've read that DN's are also accepted as LDAP-Group values, so now I'm
> using this condition:
> If (LDAP-Group == "OU=technology,OU=mexico,DC=company,DC=com")...
> but it doesn't work.

  Because that OU isn't an LDAP group.

> Please how can I authenticate users in accordance with their OU and not
> their groups?

  You need to run a custom LDAP query, and see if it returns any results:

	if ("%{ldap:... query OU and User}") {
		... matched
	else {
		... it didn't match...

    What that query is depends on your LDAP config.  I'm not enough of an expert in LDAP to say more.

   Alan DeKok.

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