How group works in Radius

Somanath Mishra somanath.mishra at
Wed Sep 5 14:15:53 CEST 2018

so i have gone through queries.conf file. So not able to understand how to
fetch group data after authentication , and not able to find
authcheck_table, authreply_table and usergroup_table. Can you please
suggest how will i proceed?

On Fri, August 31, 2018 6:15 pm, Alan DeKok wrote:

>> On Aug 31, 2018, at 7:39 AM, Somanath Mishra
>> <somanath.mishra at> wrote:
>> We are using Freeradius3. So basic authentication,authorization,
>> accounting is working. We created group in radgroupcheck. On Register
>> user we are storing username with group in radusergroup. So still we are
>> not getting groupname in radacct table. So in debug we found radius only
>> not sending groupname when it is giving input to radacct.
> No, you found that the accounting packets don't contain the group name.
>> We need group for users . Can anyone explain me on how it works for
>> group?
> Accounting packets are entirely independent from authentication packets.
> If you want to get the user's group when the server receives the
> accounting packet, you must do the group lookup again.
> The server doesn't magically know the user's group when it receives the
> authentication packet.  It has to look up the group in SQL.  So... the
> same thing goes for accounting packets.
> Alan DeKok.
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