3.0.17 password ending in '\' problem, LDAP backend [bug?]

Kostas Zorbadelos kzorba at otenet.gr
Fri Sep 7 10:13:42 CEST 2018

Greetings to all,

just finished a project upgrading a big authentication infrastructure
from freeradius 2.2.X to 3.0.17. I face a problem with very few users
whose passwords end in '\'. They used to work in freeradius 2.

Debugging output (stripping the sensitive information):

kzorba at system(0)[10:19 AM]~/radius->cat test_kzorba1.txt 
User-Name = kzorba1 at otenet.gr
NAS-Port-Type = xDSL
User-Password = test123\
NAS-Port = 12234455

using freeradius 3.0.17 radclient:

kzorba at system(0)[10:26 AM]~/radius->/opt/freeradius3-auth/bin/radclient -f test_kzorba1.txt -x localhost:1812 auth XXXXX
(0) Error parsing "test_kzorba1.txt": Invalid escape at end of string
radclient: Failed parsing input files

With radclient 3.0.17 I needed to add an extra \ at the end of the
User-Password to send the request. No Cleartext-Password is set.

kzorba at system(0)[10:49 AM]~/radius->/opt/freeradius3-auth/bin/radclient -f test_kzorba1.txt -x localhost:1812 auth XXXXX
Sent Access-Request Id 141 from to length 140
        User-Name = "kzorba1 at otenet.gr"
        NAS-Port-Type = xDSL
        User-Password = "test123\\"
        NAS-Port = 12234455

Using freeradius 2.2.10 radclient:

kzorba at system(0)[10:22 AM]~/radius->/opt/freeradius2-auth/bin/radclient -f test_kzorba1.txt -x localhost:1812 auth XXXXX
Sending Access-Request of id 184 to port 1812
        User-Name = "kzorba1 at otenet.gr"
        NAS-Port-Type = xDSL
        User-Password = "test123\\"
        NAS-Port = 12234455

Independent of which radclient is used, the server has the same behavior
demonstrated in the following debug (using radmin in production,
excellent feature by the way)

(13592044) Fri Sep  7 10:22:40 2018: Debug: Received Access-Request Id 184 from XXXXXXXX:59592 to XXXXXXXXX:1812 length 140
(13592044) Fri Sep  7 10:22:40 2018: Debug:   User-Name = "kzorba1 at otenet.gr"
(13592044) Fri Sep  7 10:22:40 2018: Debug:   NAS-Port-Type = xDSL
(13592044) Fri Sep  7 10:22:40 2018: Debug:   User-Password = "test123\\"
(13592044) Fri Sep  7 10:22:40 2018: Debug:   NAS-Port-Id = "#DSLAM PORT DESCRIPTION HERE#"
(13592044) Fri Sep  7 10:22:40 2018: Debug:   Calling-Station-Id = "BNG INTERFACE # DSLAM PORT DESCRIPTION"
(13592044) Fri Sep  7 10:22:40 2018: Debug:   NAS-Port = 12234455
(13592044) Fri Sep  7 10:22:40 2018: Debug: # Executing section authorize from file /opt/freeradius-auth-3.0.17/etc/raddb/sites-enabled/MYSERVER
(13592044) Fri Sep  7 10:22:40 2018: Debug:   authorize {
(13592044) Fri Sep  7 10:22:40 2018: Debug:     [preprocess] = ok
(13592044) Fri Sep  7 10:22:40 2018: Debug:     [chap] = noop
(13592044) Fri Sep  7 10:22:40 2018: Debug:     [mschap] = noop
(13592044) Fri Sep  7 10:22:40 2018: Debug: suffix: Checking for suffix after "@"
(13592044) Fri Sep  7 10:22:40 2018: Debug: suffix: Looking up realm "otenet.gr" for User-Name = "kzorba1 at otenet.gr"
(13592044) Fri Sep  7 10:22:40 2018: Debug: suffix: Found realm "otenet.gr"
(13592044) Fri Sep  7 10:22:40 2018: Debug: suffix: Adding Stripped-User-Name = "kzorba1"
(13592044) Fri Sep  7 10:22:40 2018: Debug: suffix: Adding Realm = "otenet.gr"
(13592044) Fri Sep  7 10:22:40 2018: Debug: suffix: Authentication realm is LOCAL
(13592044) Fri Sep  7 10:22:40 2018: Debug:     [suffix] = ok
(13592044) Fri Sep  7 10:22:40 2018: Debug: ldap_1:
(13592044) Fri Sep  7 10:22:40 2018: Debug: ldap_1: Performing search in ..., scope "sub"
(13592044) Fri Sep  7 10:22:40 2018: Debug: ldap_1: Waiting for search result...
(13592044) Fri Sep  7 10:22:40 2018: Debug: ldap_1: User object found at DN ...
(13592044) Fri Sep  7 10:22:40 2018: Debug: ldap_1: Processing user attributes
(13592044) Fri Sep  7 10:22:40 2018: WARNING: ldap_1: Failed parsing value "test123\\" for attribute Cleartext-Password: Invalid escape at end of string
(13592044) Fri Sep  7 10:22:40 2018: Debug: ldap_1: No attributes updated
(13592044) Fri Sep  7 10:22:40 2018: WARNING: pap: No "known good" password found for the user.  Not setting Auth-Type
(13592044) Fri Sep  7 10:22:40 2018: WARNING: pap: Authentication will fail unless a "known good" password is available
(13592044) Fri Sep  7 10:22:40 2018: Debug:     [pap] = noop
(13592044) Fri Sep  7 10:22:40 2018: Debug:   } # authorize = updated
(13592044) Fri Sep  7 10:22:40 2018: ERROR: No Auth-Type found: rejecting the user via Post-Auth-Type = Reject
(13592044) Fri Sep  7 10:22:45 2018: Debug: Cleaning up request packet ID 184 with timestamp +173038

In the ldap entry of the user, the password is stored with a (single) ending

Here is the relevant config of the ldap module in my case (again
sensitive information stripped)

ldap ldap_1 {
        server = "MYSERVER"

        identity = "LDAP BIND DN"
        password = PASSWD
        base_dn = "MY BASE DN"
        sasl {
        #  Mapping of LDAP directory attributes to RADIUS dictionary attributes.
        update {
                control:Cleartext-Password      := 'myTextPwd'
                reply:Framed-IP-Address         = 'Framed-IP-Address'
        user {
                base_dn = "${..base_dn}"
                filter = "MY SEARCH FILTER"
                sasl {
#               scope = 'sub'

        group {

        profile {

        client {

        accounting {

        post-auth {

        options {
                chase_referrals = yes
                rebind = yes
                res_timeout = 10
                srv_timelimit = 4
                net_timeout = 2
                idle = 60
                probes = 3
                interval = 3
                #ldap_debug = 0x0028

        tls {

        pool {
                start = ${thread[pool].start_servers}
                min = ${thread[pool].min_spare_servers}
                max = ${thread[pool].max_servers}
                spare = ${thread[pool].max_spare_servers}
                uses = 0
                retry_delay = 5
                lifetime = 0
                idle_timeout = 60

Is this a bug (looks like to me), feature, or am I missing something?
I also saw a relevant policy to sanitize the password in the request,
commented out: 

filter_password {
        if (&User-Password && \
           (&User-Password != "%{string:User-Password}")) {
                update request {
                        &Tmp-String-0 := "%{string:User-Password}"
                        &User-Password := "%{string:Tmp-String-0}"

However the request doesn't have anything to do with it, this seems like
an ldap module issue. 

Could I do something with unlang, or in the ldap module config in this


PS: If '\' is not at the end of the password, everything is OK.

Kostas Zorbadelos	http://gr.linkedin.com/in/kzorba		

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