how to manage dynamic list of realms

Gil Sudai gilsudai at
Wed Sep 12 15:07:38 CEST 2018

Hi Alan,
I am not sure I understand how to do this. Sorry, I am new to freeradius.
The query to extract realm should be in policy.d/filter ?
Where to put the query to check the realm in the realm table? In
How to make sure this new query will be called?

On Fri, Sep 7, 2018 at 2:46 PM Alan DeKok <aland at> wrote:

> On Sep 7, 2018, at 3:10 AM, Gil Sudai <gilsudai at> wrote:
> > I am planning following solution:  A system where companies (aka realm in
> > radius?) can be added or remove dynamically. And for each company there
> is
> > a dynamic list of users. For example user at comp-1com, user at,
> etc.
>   That's simple to do.
> > Users will authenticate with name and password.
> >
> > I would like tips and pointers for further reading regarding the
> following
> > questions:
> >
> > - Is it possible to add & remove a company (realm?) dynamically without
> > restarting the radius server?
>   Yes and no.  If you use the proxy.conf file to define realms, it will
> only be re-read when the server starts.
>   But you don't need to define realms there.  The realms are defined there
> only for ease of proxying.  If you're not proxying, you can define realms
> anywhere.
> > - How to setup the radius to support multiple (dynamic) realms?
>   Match the username as a regular expression. Parse the realm off that
> way.  Put the realms into a separate DB table:
>         if (User-Name =~ /^([^@]+)@([^@+)$/) {
>                 update request {
>                         Stripped-User-Name := "%{1}"
>                         Realm := "%{2}"
>                 }
>         }
>   Then, look the realm up in an SQL table.  You will have to create this
> table yourself, and customize the query:
>         #
>         #  Realms NOT in the able get rejected
>         #
>         if ("{%sql:SELECT realm FROM realmstable WHERE realm =
> '%{Realm}'}" == "") {
>                 reject
>         }
> > - I want to put the users in postgresql db. When a user is added to a
> > company my code will add it to the db. To store all users from all realms
> > will be in a single db table (realm would be a column) or in different db
> > tables?
>   However you want.  Once you have verified that the realm is known, you
> can structure SQL any way you want.
>   You can edit the SQL queries in mods-config/sql/main/... to include the
> %{Realm} attribute as part of the table name.
>   Then, create a table for each realm:,
>,, etc.
> > - do I need to use virtual servers for that or only realms?
>   You don't need different virtual servers.
>   Alan DeKok.
> -
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