FreeRadius 3.0.15 - some radius requests with realm wrongly get assigned to Default realm (and then proxied)

Alan DeKok aland at
Mon Sep 24 14:03:14 CEST 2018

On Sep 24, 2018, at 5:49 AM, Thorsten Fritsch <wiesentalfreunde at> wrote:
> thanks our checks this morning revealed that this is the problem. The user
> requests all were containing whitespaces.
> The ../policy.d/filter file is configured by default as follows:

  We don't need to see the default policies.  We wrote them, we know what they do.

> But for some reason our FreeRadius 3.0.15 still does not reject these user
> requests but tries to forward them to the radius server (in our case
> to which all default realm requests are proxied.

  Likely because you changed the default configuration to remove that check, or bypassed it, or broke it.

> Any idea what is going wrong and why the request is not rejected locally
> but still being proxied ?

  It's a total mystery.  If only there was some kind of "debug output" which would tell you what the server is doing.

  Alan DeKok.

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