Freeradius - eapol testing failure
rbbhill at
rbbhill at
Mon Apr 15 07:18:57 CEST 2019
Thanks for your help Alan,
I am not using a standalone supplicant, other than the wpa_supplicant utility on the Pi with freeradius. The eapol_test configuration is pointing to the freeradius ca.der per the following configuration. As you pointed out in the previous email, the server isn't using /etc/freeradius/3.0/certs/, it is getting the ca from somewhere else. I have listed the debug output below, but I am still unable to determine the directory being called for ca presentation.
# eapol_test -c ttls-eap-mschapv2.conf -s testing123
# Uncomment the following to perform server certificate validation.
FreeRADIUS Version 3.0.12
Copyright (C) 1999-2016 The FreeRADIUS server project and contributors
There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
You may redistribute copies of FreeRADIUS under the terms of the
GNU General Public License
For more information about these matters, see the file named COPYRIGHT
Starting - reading configuration files ...
including dictionary file /usr/share/freeradius/dictionary
including dictionary file /usr/share/freeradius/dictionary.dhcp
including dictionary file /usr/share/freeradius/dictionary.vqp
including dictionary file /etc/freeradius/3.0/dictionary
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/3.0/radiusd.conf
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/3.0/proxy.conf
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/3.0/clients.conf
including files in directory /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/mschap
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/expr
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/echo
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/replicate
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/always
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/sradutmp
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/unix
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/logintime
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/realm
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/expiration
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/radutmp
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/cache_eap
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/passwd
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/files
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/ntlm_auth
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/preprocess
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/digest
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/detail
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/utf8
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/attr_filter
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/dynamic_clients
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/linelog
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/soh
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/exec
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/eap
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/exec
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/eap
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/unpack
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/pap
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/chap
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/detail.log
including files in directory /etc/freeradius/3.0/policy.d/
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/3.0/policy.d/canonicalization
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/3.0/policy.d/abfab-tr
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/3.0/policy.d/cui
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/3.0/policy.d/moonshot-targeted-ids
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/3.0/policy.d/debug
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/3.0/policy.d/accounting
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/3.0/policy.d/control
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/3.0/policy.d/filter
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/3.0/policy.d/eap
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/3.0/policy.d/operator-name
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/3.0/policy.d/dhcp
including files in directory /etc/freeradius/3.0/sites-enabled/
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/3.0/sites-enabled/inner-tunnel
including configuration file /etc/freeradius/3.0/sites-enabled/default
main {
security {
user = "freerad"
group = "freerad"
allow_core_dumps = no
name = "freeradius"
prefix = "/usr"
localstatedir = "/var"
logdir = "/var/log/freeradius"
run_dir = "/var/run/freeradius"
main {
name = "freeradius"
prefix = "/usr"
localstatedir = "/var"
sbindir = "/usr/sbin"
logdir = "/var/log/freeradius"
run_dir = "/var/run/freeradius"
libdir = "/usr/lib/freeradius"
run_dir = "/var/run/freeradius"
libdir = "/usr/lib/freeradius"
radacctdir = "/var/log/freeradius/radacct"
hostname_lookups = no
max_request_time = 30
cleanup_delay = 5
max_requests = 16384
pidfile = "/var/run/freeradius/"
checkrad = "/usr/sbin/checkrad"
debug_level = 0
proxy_requests = yes
log {
stripped_names = no
auth = no
auth_badpass = no
auth_goodpass = no
colourise = yes
msg_denied = "You are already logged in - access denied"
resources {
security {
max_attributes = 200
reject_delay = 1.000000
status_server = yes
radiusd: #### Loading Realms and Home Servers ####
proxy server {
retry_delay = 5
retry_count = 3
default_fallback = no
dead_time = 120
wake_all_if_all_dead = no
home_server localhost {
ipaddr =
port = 1812
type = "auth"
secret = <<< secret >>>
response_window = 20.000000
secret = <<< secret >>>
response_window = 20.000000
response_timeouts = 1
max_outstanding = 65536
zombie_period = 40
status_check = "status-server"
ping_interval = 30
check_interval = 30
check_timeout = 4
num_answers_to_alive = 3
revive_interval = 120
limit {
max_connections = 16
max_requests = 0
lifetime = 0
idle_timeout = 0
coa {
irt = 2
mrt = 16
mrc = 5
mrd = 30
home_server_pool my_auth_failover {
type = fail-over
home_server = localhost
realm {
auth_pool = my_auth_failover
realm LOCAL {
radiusd: #### Loading Clients ####
client ubiquiti {
ipaddr =
require_message_authenticator = no
secret = <<< secret >>>
limit {
max_connections = 16
lifetime = 0
max_connections = 16
lifetime = 0
idle_timeout = 30
client localhost {
ipaddr =
require_message_authenticator = no
secret = <<< secret >>>
nas_type = "other"
proto = "*"
limit {
max_connections = 16
lifetime = 0
idle_timeout = 30
client localhost_ipv6 {
ipv6addr = ::1
require_message_authenticator = no
secret = <<< secret >>>
limit {
max_connections = 16
lifetime = 0
idle_timeout = 30
Debugger not attached
# Creating Auth-Type = mschap
# Creating Auth-Type = eap
# Creating Auth-Type = PAP
# Creating Auth-Type = CHAP
# Creating Auth-Type = MS-CHAP
# Creating Auth-Type = digest
radiusd: #### Instantiating modules ####
modules {
# Loaded module rlm_mschap
# Loading module "mschap" from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/mschap
mschap {
use_mppe = yes
require_encryption = no
use_mppe = yes
require_encryption = no
require_strong = no
with_ntdomain_hack = yes
passchange {
allow_retry = yes
# Loaded module rlm_expr
# Loading module "expr" from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/expr
expr {
safe_characters = "@abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789.-_: /äéöüàâæçèéêëîïôœùûüaÿÄÉÖÜßÀÂÆÇÈÉÊËÎÏÔŒÙÛÜŸ"
# Loaded module rlm_exec
# Loading module "echo" from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/echo
exec echo {
wait = yes
program = "/bin/echo %{User-Name}"
input_pairs = "request"
output_pairs = "reply"
shell_escape = yes
# Loaded module rlm_replicate
# Loading module "replicate" from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/replicate
# Loaded module rlm_always
# Loading module "reject" from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/always
always reject {
rcode = "reject"
simulcount = 0
mpp = no
# Loading module "fail" from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/always
always fail {
rcode = "fail"
simulcount = 0
mpp = no
# Loading module "ok" from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/always
always ok {
rcode = "ok"
simulcount = 0
rcode = "ok"
simulcount = 0
mpp = no
# Loading module "handled" from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/always
always handled {
rcode = "handled"
simulcount = 0
mpp = no
# Loading module "invalid" from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/always
always invalid {
rcode = "invalid"
simulcount = 0
mpp = no
# Loading module "userlock" from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/always
always userlock {
rcode = "userlock"
simulcount = 0
mpp = no
# Loading module "notfound" from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/always
always notfound {
rcode = "notfound"
simulcount = 0
mpp = no
# Loading module "noop" from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/always
always noop {
rcode = "noop"
simulcount = 0
mpp = no
# Loading module "updated" from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/always
always updated {
rcode = "updated"
simulcount = 0
mpp = no
# Loaded module rlm_radutmp
# Loaded module rlm_radutmp
# Loading module "sradutmp" from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/sradutmp
radutmp sradutmp {
filename = "/var/log/freeradius/sradutmp"
username = "%{User-Name}"
case_sensitive = yes
check_with_nas = yes
permissions = 420
caller_id = no
# Loaded module rlm_unix
# Loading module "unix" from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/unix
unix {
radwtmp = "/var/log/freeradius/radwtmp"
Creating attribute Unix-Group
# Loaded module rlm_logintime
# Loading module "logintime" from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/logintime
logintime {
minimum_timeout = 60
# Loaded module rlm_realm
# Loading module "IPASS" from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/realm
realm IPASS {
format = "prefix"
delimiter = "/"
ignore_default = no
ignore_null = no
# Loading module "suffix" from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/realm
realm suffix {
format = "suffix"
delimiter = "@"
ignore_default = no
ignore_null = no
# Loading module "realmpercent" from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/realm
realm realmpercent {
format = "suffix"
delimiter = "%"
format = "suffix"
delimiter = "%"
ignore_default = no
ignore_null = no
# Loading module "ntdomain" from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/realm
realm ntdomain {
format = "prefix"
delimiter = "\\"
ignore_default = no
ignore_null = no
# Loaded module rlm_expiration
# Loading module "expiration" from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/expiration
# Loading module "radutmp" from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/radutmp
radutmp {
filename = "/var/log/freeradius/radutmp"
username = "%{User-Name}"
case_sensitive = yes
check_with_nas = yes
permissions = 384
caller_id = yes
# Loaded module rlm_cache
# Loading module "cache_eap" from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/cache_eap
cache cache_eap {
driver = "rlm_cache_rbtree"
key = "%{%{control:State}:-%{%{reply:State}:-%{State}}}"
ttl = 15
max_entries = 0
epoch = 0
add_stats = no
# Loaded module rlm_passwd
# Loading module "etc_passwd" from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/passwd
passwd etc_passwd {
filename = "/etc/passwd"
format = "*User-Name:Crypt-Password:"
delimiter = ":"
ignore_nislike = no
ignore_empty = yes
ignore_nislike = no
ignore_empty = yes
allow_multiple_keys = no
hash_size = 100
# Loaded module rlm_files
# Loading module "files" from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/files
files {
filename = "/etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-config/files/authorize"
acctusersfile = "/etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-config/files/accounting"
preproxy_usersfile = "/etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-config/files/pre-proxy"
# Loading module "ntlm_auth" from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/ntlm_auth
exec ntlm_auth {
wait = yes
program = "/path/to/ntlm_auth --request-nt-key --domain=MYDOMAIN --username=%{mschap:User-Name} --password=%{User-Password}"
shell_escape = yes
# Loaded module rlm_preprocess
# Loading module "preprocess" from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/preprocess
preprocess {
huntgroups = "/etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-config/preprocess/huntgroups"
hints = "/etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-config/preprocess/hints"
with_ascend_hack = no
ascend_channels_per_line = 23
with_ntdomain_hack = no
with_specialix_jetstream_hack = no
with_cisco_vsa_hack = no
with_alvarion_vsa_hack = no
# Loaded module rlm_digest
# Loading module "digest" from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/digest
# Loaded module rlm_detail
# Loading module "detail" from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/detail
detail {
filename = "/var/log/freeradius/radacct/%{%{Packet-Src-IP-Address}:-%{Packet-Src-IPv6-Address}}/detail-%Y%m%d"
header = "%t"
permissions = 384
locking = no
escape_filenames = no
log_packet_header = no
escape_filenames = no
log_packet_header = no
# Loaded module rlm_utf8
# Loading module "utf8" from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/utf8
# Loaded module rlm_attr_filter
# Loading module "" from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/attr_filter
attr_filter {
filename = "/etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-config/attr_filter/post-proxy"
key = "%{Realm}"
relaxed = no
# Loading module "attr_filter.pre-proxy" from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/attr_filter
attr_filter attr_filter.pre-proxy {
filename = "/etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-config/attr_filter/pre-proxy"
key = "%{Realm}"
relaxed = no
# Loading module "attr_filter.access_reject" from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/attr_filter
attr_filter attr_filter.access_reject {
filename = "/etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-config/attr_filter/access_reject"
key = "%{User-Name}"
relaxed = no
# Loading module "attr_filter.access_challenge" from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/attr_filter
attr_filter attr_filter.access_challenge {
filename = "/etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-config/attr_filter/access_challenge"
key = "%{User-Name}"
relaxed = no
# Loading module "attr_filter.accounting_response" from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/attr_filter
attr_filter attr_filter.accounting_response {
filename = "/etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-config/attr_filter/accounting_response"
key = "%{User-Name}"
relaxed = no
# Loaded module rlm_dynamic_clients
# Loading module "dynamic_clients" from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/dynamic_clients
# Loaded module rlm_linelog
# Loading module "linelog" from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/linelog
linelog {
# Loading module "linelog" from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/linelog
linelog {
filename = "/var/log/freeradius/linelog"
escape_filenames = no
syslog_severity = "info"
permissions = 384
format = "This is a log message for %{User-Name}"
reference = "messages.%{%{reply:Packet-Type}:-default}"
# Loading module "log_accounting" from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/linelog
linelog log_accounting {
filename = "/var/log/freeradius/linelog-accounting"
escape_filenames = no
syslog_severity = "info"
permissions = 384
format = ""
reference = "Accounting-Request.%{%{Acct-Status-Type}:-unknown}"
# Loaded module rlm_soh
# Loading module "soh" from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/soh
soh {
dhcp = yes
# Loading module "exec" from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/exec
exec {
wait = no
input_pairs = "request"
shell_escape = yes
timeout = 10
# Loaded module rlm_eap
# Loading module "eap" from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/eap
eap {
default_eap_type = "peap"
timer_expire = 60
ignore_unknown_eap_types = no
cisco_accounting_username_bug = no
max_sessions = 16384
# Loaded module rlm_unpack
# Loading module "unpack" from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/unpack
# Loaded module rlm_unpack
# Loading module "unpack" from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/unpack
# Loaded module rlm_pap
# Loading module "pap" from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/pap
pap {
normalise = yes
# Loaded module rlm_chap
# Loading module "chap" from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/chap
# Loading module "auth_log" from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/detail.log
detail auth_log {
filename = "/var/log/freeradius/radacct/%{%{Packet-Src-IP-Address}:-%{Packet-Src-IPv6-Address}}/auth-detail-%Y%m%d"
header = "%t"
permissions = 384
locking = no
escape_filenames = no
log_packet_header = no
# Loading module "reply_log" from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/detail.log
detail reply_log {
filename = "/var/log/freeradius/radacct/%{%{Packet-Src-IP-Address}:-%{Packet-Src-IPv6-Address}}/reply-detail-%Y%m%d"
header = "%t"
permissions = 384
locking = no
escape_filenames = no
log_packet_header = no
# Loading module "pre_proxy_log" from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/detail.log
detail pre_proxy_log {
filename = "/var/log/freeradius/radacct/%{%{Packet-Src-IP-Address}:-%{Packet-Src-IPv6-Address}}/pre-proxy-detail-%Y%m%d"
header = "%t"
permissions = 384
locking = no
escape_filenames = no
log_packet_header = no
# Loading module "post_proxy_log" from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/detail.log
detail post_proxy_log {
filename = "/var/log/freeradius/radacct/%{%{Packet-Src-IP-Address}:-%{Packet-Src-IPv6-Address}}/post-proxy-detail-%Y%m%d"
header = "%t"
permissions = 384
header = "%t"
permissions = 384
locking = no
escape_filenames = no
log_packet_header = no
instantiate {
# Instantiating module "mschap" from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/mschap
rlm_mschap (mschap): using internal authentication
# Instantiating module "reject" from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/always
# Instantiating module "fail" from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/always
# Instantiating module "ok" from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/always
# Instantiating module "handled" from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/always
# Instantiating module "invalid" from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/always
# Instantiating module "userlock" from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/always
# Instantiating module "notfound" from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/always
# Instantiating module "noop" from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/always
# Instantiating module "updated" from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/always
# Instantiating module "logintime" from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/logintime
# Instantiating module "IPASS" from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/realm
# Instantiating module "suffix" from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/realm
# Instantiating module "realmpercent" from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/realm
# Instantiating module "ntdomain" from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/realm
# Instantiating module "expiration" from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/expiration
# Instantiating module "cache_eap" from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/cache_eap
rlm_cache (cache_eap): Driver rlm_cache_rbtree (module rlm_cache_rbtree) loaded and linked
# Instantiating module "etc_passwd" from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/passwd
rlm_passwd: nfields: 3 keyfield 0(User-Name) listable: no
# Instantiating module "files" from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/files
reading pairlist file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-config/files/authorize
reading pairlist file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-config/files/accounting
reading pairlist file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-config/files/pre-proxy
# Instantiating module "preprocess" from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/preprocess
reading pairlist file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-config/preprocess/huntgroups
reading pairlist file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-config/preprocess/hints
# Instantiating module "detail" from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/detail
# Instantiating module "" from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/attr_filter
reading pairlist file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-config/attr_filter/post-proxy
# Instantiating module "attr_filter.pre-proxy" from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/attr_filter
reading pairlist file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-config/attr_filter/pre-proxy
# Instantiating module "attr_filter.pre-proxy" from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/attr_filter
reading pairlist file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-config/attr_filter/pre-proxy
# Instantiating module "attr_filter.access_reject" from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/attr_filter
reading pairlist file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-config/attr_filter/access_reject
[/etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-config/attr_filter/access_reject]:11 Check item "FreeRADIUS-Response-Delay" found in filter list for realm "DEFAULT".
[/etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-config/attr_filter/access_reject]:11 Check item "FreeRADIUS-Response-Delay-USec" found in filter list for realm "DEFAULT".
# Instantiating module "attr_filter.access_challenge" from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/attr_filter
reading pairlist file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-config/attr_filter/access_challenge
# Instantiating module "attr_filter.accounting_response" from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/attr_filter
reading pairlist file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-config/attr_filter/accounting_response
# Instantiating module "linelog" from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/linelog
# Instantiating module "log_accounting" from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/linelog
# Instantiating module "eap" from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/eap
# Linked to sub-module rlm_eap_md5
# Linked to sub-module rlm_eap_leap
# Linked to sub-module rlm_eap_gtc
gtc {
challenge = "Password: "
auth_type = "PAP"
# Linked to sub-module rlm_eap_tls
tls {
tls = "tls-common"
tls-config tls-common {
verify_depth = 0
ca_path = "/etc/freeradius/3.0/certs"
pem_file_type = yes
private_key_file = "/etc/ssl/private/ssl-cert-snakeoil.key"
certificate_file = "/etc/ssl/certs/ssl-cert-snakeoil.pem"
ca_file = "/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt"
private_key_password = <<< secret >>>
dh_file = "/etc/freeradius/3.0/certs/dh"
fragment_size = 1024
include_length = yes
auto_chain = yes
check_crl = no
check_all_crl = no
cipher_list = "DEFAULT"
ecdh_curve = "prime256v1"
cache {
ecdh_curve = "prime256v1"
cache {
enable = yes
lifetime = 24
max_entries = 255
verify {
skip_if_ocsp_ok = no
ocsp {
enable = no
override_cert_url = yes
url = ""
use_nonce = yes
timeout = 0
softfail = no
# Linked to sub-module rlm_eap_ttls
ttls {
tls = "tls-common"
default_eap_type = "md5"
copy_request_to_tunnel = no
use_tunneled_reply = no
virtual_server = "inner-tunnel"
include_length = yes
require_client_cert = no
tls: Using cached TLS configuration from previous invocation
# Linked to sub-module rlm_eap_peap
peap {
tls = "tls-common"
default_eap_type = "mschapv2"
copy_request_to_tunnel = no
use_tunneled_reply = no
proxy_tunneled_request_as_eap = yes
virtual_server = "inner-tunnel"
soh = no
require_client_cert = no
tls: Using cached TLS configuration from previous invocation
tls: Using cached TLS configuration from previous invocation
# Linked to sub-module rlm_eap_mschapv2
mschapv2 {
with_ntdomain_hack = no
send_error = no
# Instantiating module "pap" from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/pap
# Instantiating module "auth_log" from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/detail.log
rlm_detail (auth_log): 'User-Password' suppressed, will not appear in detail output
# Instantiating module "reply_log" from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/detail.log
# Instantiating module "pre_proxy_log" from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/detail.log
# Instantiating module "post_proxy_log" from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-enabled/detail.log
} # modules
radiusd: #### Loading Virtual Servers ####
server { # from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/radiusd.conf
} # server
server inner-tunnel { # from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/sites-enabled/inner-tunnel
# Loading authenticate {...}
# Loading authorize {...}
Ignoring "sql" (see raddb/mods-available/README.rst)
Ignoring "ldap" (see raddb/mods-available/README.rst)
# Loading session {...}
# Loading post-proxy {...}
# Loading post-auth {...}
} # server inner-tunnel
server default { # from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/sites-enabled/default
# Loading authenticate {...}
# Loading authorize {...}
# Loading preacct {...}
# Loading accounting {...}
# Loading post-proxy {...}
# Loading post-auth {...}
} # server default
radiusd: #### Opening IP addresses and Ports ####
listen {
type = "auth"
ipaddr =
port = 18120
listen {
listen {
type = "auth"
ipaddr = *
port = 0
limit {
max_connections = 16
lifetime = 0
idle_timeout = 30
listen {
type = "acct"
ipaddr = *
port = 0
limit {
max_connections = 16
lifetime = 0
idle_timeout = 30
listen {
type = "auth"
ipv6addr = ::
port = 0
limit {
max_connections = 16
lifetime = 0
idle_timeout = 30
listen {
type = "acct"
ipv6addr = ::
port = 0
limit {
max_connections = 16
lifetime = 0
idle_timeout = 30
Listening on auth address port 18120 bound to server inner-tunnel
Listening on auth address * port 1812 bound to server default
Listening on acct address * port 1813 bound to server default
Listening on auth address :: port 1812 bound to server default
Listening on acct address :: port 1813 bound to server default
Listening on proxy address * port 39598
Listening on proxy address :: port 32944
Ready to process requests
(0) Received Access-Request Id 0 from to length 132
(0) User-Name = "anonymous"
(0) NAS-IP-Address =
(0) Calling-Station-Id = "02-00-00-00-00-01"
(0) Framed-MTU = 1400
(0) NAS-Port-Type = Wireless-802.11
(0) Service-Type = Framed-User
(0) Connect-Info = "CONNECT 11Mbps 802.11b"
(0) EAP-Message = 0x0200000e01616e6f6e796d6f7573
(0) Message-Authenticator = 0xe91a0a4211375b1ec592ef82043b6839
(0) # Executing section authorize from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/sites-enabled/default
(0) authorize {
(0) policy filter_username {
(0) if (&User-Name) {
(0) if (&User-Name) -> TRUE
(0) if (&User-Name) {
(0) if (&User-Name =~ / /) {
(0) if (&User-Name =~ / /) -> FALSE
(0) if (&User-Name =~ /@[^@]*@/ ) {
(0) if (&User-Name =~ /@[^@]*@/ ) -> FALSE
(0) if (&User-Name =~ /\.\./ ) {
(0) if (&User-Name =~ /\.\./ ) -> FALSE
(0) if ((&User-Name =~ /@/) && (&User-Name !~ /@(.+)\.(.+)$/)) {
(0) if ((&User-Name =~ /@/) && (&User-Name !~ /@(.+)\.(.+)$/)) -> FALSE
(0) if (&User-Name =~ /\.$/) {
(0) if (&User-Name =~ /\.$/) -> FALSE
(0) if (&User-Name =~ /@\./) {
(0) if (&User-Name =~ /@\./) -> FALSE
(0) } # if (&User-Name) = notfound
(0) } # policy filter_username = notfound
(0) [preprocess] = ok
(0) } # policy filter_username = notfound
(0) [preprocess] = ok
(0) [chap] = noop
(0) [mschap] = noop
(0) [digest] = noop
(0) suffix: Checking for suffix after "@"
(0) suffix: No '@' in User-Name = "anonymous", looking up realm NULL
(0) suffix: No such realm "NULL"
(0) [suffix] = noop
(0) eap: Peer sent EAP Response (code 2) ID 0 length 14
(0) eap: EAP-Identity reply, returning 'ok' so we can short-circuit the rest of authorize
(0) [eap] = ok
(0) } # authorize = ok
(0) Found Auth-Type = eap
(0) # Executing group from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/sites-enabled/default
(0) authenticate {
(0) eap: Peer sent packet with method EAP Identity (1)
(0) eap: Calling submodule eap_peap to process data
(0) eap_peap: Initiating new EAP-TLS session
(0) eap_peap: [eaptls start] = request
(0) eap: Sending EAP Request (code 1) ID 1 length 6
(0) eap: EAP session adding &reply:State = 0xa1b0858aa1b19c09
(0) [eap] = handled
(0) } # authenticate = handled
(0) Using Post-Auth-Type Challenge
(0) Post-Auth-Type sub-section not found. Ignoring.
(0) # Executing group from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/sites-enabled/default
(0) Sent Access-Challenge Id 0 from to length 0
(0) EAP-Message = 0x010100061920
(0) Message-Authenticator = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000
(0) State = 0xa1b0858aa1b19c0998614206367371a6
(0) Finished request
Waking up in 4.9 seconds.
(1) Received Access-Request Id 1 from to length 318
(1) User-Name = "anonymous"
(1) NAS-IP-Address =
(1) Calling-Station-Id = "02-00-00-00-00-01"
(1) Framed-MTU = 1400
(1) NAS-Port-Type = Wireless-802.11
(1) Service-Type = Framed-User
(1) Connect-Info = "CONNECT 11Mbps 802.11b"
(1) Service-Type = Framed-User
(1) Connect-Info = "CONNECT 11Mbps 802.11b"
(1) EAP-Message = 0x020100b61980000000ac16030100a7010000a30303860bf8a8872d1814268455ce17a2a87e0d798884edef35eb0ee04b06fe9b8e20000038c02cc030009fcca9cca8ccaac02bc02f009ec024c028006bc023c02$
(1) State = 0xa1b0858aa1b19c0998614206367371a6
(1) Message-Authenticator = 0x90b9549c1e19de3cc3f127394790a5fc
(1) session-state: No cached attributes
(1) # Executing section authorize from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/sites-enabled/default
(1) authorize {
(1) policy filter_username {
(1) if (&User-Name) {
(1) if (&User-Name) -> TRUE
(1) if (&User-Name) {
(1) if (&User-Name =~ / /) {
(1) if (&User-Name =~ / /) -> FALSE
(1) if (&User-Name =~ /@[^@]*@/ ) {
(1) if (&User-Name =~ /@[^@]*@/ ) -> FALSE
(1) if (&User-Name =~ /\.\./ ) {
(1) if (&User-Name =~ /\.\./ ) -> FALSE
(1) if ((&User-Name =~ /@/) && (&User-Name !~ /@(.+)\.(.+)$/)) {
(1) if ((&User-Name =~ /@/) && (&User-Name !~ /@(.+)\.(.+)$/)) -> FALSE
(1) if (&User-Name =~ /\.$/) {
(1) if (&User-Name =~ /\.$/) -> FALSE
(1) if (&User-Name =~ /@\./) {
(1) if (&User-Name =~ /@\./) -> FALSE
(1) } # if (&User-Name) = notfound
(1) } # policy filter_username = notfound
(1) [preprocess] = ok
(1) [chap] = noop
(1) [mschap] = noop
(1) [digest] = noop
(1) suffix: Checking for suffix after "@"
(1) suffix: No '@' in User-Name = "anonymous", looking up realm NULL
(1) suffix: No such realm "NULL"
(1) [suffix] = noop
(1) eap: Peer sent EAP Response (code 2) ID 1 length 182
(1) eap: Continuing tunnel setup
(1) [eap] = ok
(1) } # authorize = ok
(1) Found Auth-Type = eap
(1) # Executing group from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/sites-enabled/default
(1) authenticate {
(1) # Executing group from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/sites-enabled/default
(1) authenticate {
(1) eap: Expiring EAP session with state 0xa1b0858aa1b19c09
(1) eap: Finished EAP session with state 0xa1b0858aa1b19c09
(1) eap: Previous EAP request found for state 0xa1b0858aa1b19c09, released from the list
(1) eap: Peer sent packet with method EAP PEAP (25)
(1) eap: Calling submodule eap_peap to process data
(1) eap_peap: Continuing EAP-TLS
(1) eap_peap: Peer indicated complete TLS record size will be 172 bytes
(1) eap_peap: Got complete TLS record (172 bytes)
(1) eap_peap: [eaptls verify] = length included
(1) eap_peap: (other): before SSL initialization
(1) eap_peap: TLS_accept: before SSL initialization
(1) eap_peap: TLS_accept: before SSL initialization
(1) eap_peap: <<< recv TLS 1.2 [length 00a7]
(1) eap_peap: TLS_accept: SSLv3/TLS read client hello
(1) eap_peap: >>> send TLS 1.2 [length 003d]
(1) eap_peap: TLS_accept: SSLv3/TLS write server hello
(1) eap_peap: >>> send TLS 1.2 [length 02d9]
(1) eap_peap: TLS_accept: SSLv3/TLS write certificate
(1) eap_peap: >>> send TLS 1.2 [length 014d]
(1) eap_peap: TLS_accept: SSLv3/TLS write key exchange
(1) eap_peap: >>> send TLS 1.2 [length 0004]
(1) eap_peap: TLS_accept: SSLv3/TLS write server done
(1) eap_peap: TLS_accept: Need to read more data: SSLv3/TLS write server done
(1) eap_peap: In SSL Handshake Phase
(1) eap_peap: In SSL Accept mode
(1) eap_peap: [eaptls process] = handled
(1) eap: Sending EAP Request (code 1) ID 2 length 1004
(1) eap: EAP session adding &reply:State = 0xa1b0858aa0b29c09
(1) [eap] = handled
(1) } # authenticate = handled
(1) Using Post-Auth-Type Challenge
(1) Post-Auth-Type sub-section not found. Ignoring.
(1) # Executing group from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/sites-enabled/default
(1) Sent Access-Challenge Id 1 from to length 0
(1) EAP-Message = 0x010203ec19c00000047b160303003d0200003903032c3dd45b424431005f4380406ed090071978ceaa63a168b4b345da59a69bd69800c030000011ff01000100000b0004030001020017000016030302d90b000$
(1) Message-Authenticator = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000
(1) State = 0xa1b0858aa0b29c0998614206367371a6
(1) Finished request
Waking up in 4.4 seconds.
(1) Finished request
Waking up in 4.4 seconds.
(2) Received Access-Request Id 2 from to length 142
(2) User-Name = "anonymous"
(2) NAS-IP-Address =
(2) Calling-Station-Id = "02-00-00-00-00-01"
(2) Framed-MTU = 1400
(2) NAS-Port-Type = Wireless-802.11
(2) Service-Type = Framed-User
(2) Connect-Info = "CONNECT 11Mbps 802.11b"
(2) EAP-Message = 0x020200061900
(2) State = 0xa1b0858aa0b29c0998614206367371a6
(2) Message-Authenticator = 0x14d43f9302cd8700a726df43ba10eb6d
(2) session-state: No cached attributes
(2) # Executing section authorize from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/sites-enabled/default
(2) authorize {
(2) policy filter_username {
(2) if (&User-Name) {
(2) if (&User-Name) -> TRUE
(2) if (&User-Name) {
(2) if (&User-Name =~ / /) {
(2) if (&User-Name =~ / /) -> FALSE
(2) if (&User-Name =~ /@[^@]*@/ ) {
(2) if (&User-Name =~ /@[^@]*@/ ) -> FALSE
(2) if (&User-Name =~ /\.\./ ) {
(2) if (&User-Name =~ /\.\./ ) -> FALSE
(2) if ((&User-Name =~ /@/) && (&User-Name !~ /@(.+)\.(.+)$/)) {
(2) if ((&User-Name =~ /@/) && (&User-Name !~ /@(.+)\.(.+)$/)) -> FALSE
(2) if (&User-Name =~ /\.$/) {
(2) if (&User-Name =~ /\.$/) -> FALSE
(2) if (&User-Name =~ /@\./) {
(2) if (&User-Name =~ /@\./) -> FALSE
(2) } # if (&User-Name) = notfound
(2) } # policy filter_username = notfound
(2) [preprocess] = ok
(2) [chap] = noop
(2) [mschap] = noop
(2) [digest] = noop
(2) suffix: Checking for suffix after "@"
(2) suffix: No '@' in User-Name = "anonymous", looking up realm NULL
(2) suffix: No such realm "NULL"
(2) suffix: No '@' in User-Name = "anonymous", looking up realm NULL
(2) suffix: No such realm "NULL"
(2) [suffix] = noop
(2) eap: Peer sent EAP Response (code 2) ID 2 length 6
(2) eap: Continuing tunnel setup
(2) [eap] = ok
(2) } # authorize = ok
(2) Found Auth-Type = eap
(2) # Executing group from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/sites-enabled/default
(2) authenticate {
(2) eap: Expiring EAP session with state 0xa1b0858aa0b29c09
(2) eap: Finished EAP session with state 0xa1b0858aa0b29c09
(2) eap: Previous EAP request found for state 0xa1b0858aa0b29c09, released from the list
(2) eap: Peer sent packet with method EAP PEAP (25)
(2) eap: Calling submodule eap_peap to process data
(2) eap_peap: Continuing EAP-TLS
(2) eap_peap: Peer ACKed our handshake fragment
(2) eap_peap: [eaptls verify] = request
(2) eap_peap: [eaptls process] = handled
(2) eap: Sending EAP Request (code 1) ID 3 length 159
(2) eap: EAP session adding &reply:State = 0xa1b0858aa3b39c09
(2) [eap] = handled
(2) } # authenticate = handled
(2) Using Post-Auth-Type Challenge
(2) Post-Auth-Type sub-section not found. Ignoring.
(2) # Executing group from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/sites-enabled/default
(2) Sent Access-Challenge Id 2 from to length 0
(2) EAP-Message = 0x0103009f1900288cc33aa919f74cbdfb1fadaf8ac3a901f95d86cbe5fb4bb4d84cac8f3a8b60a3e5dabcf82c5079577efa11938f12a720ffea242b9b235c775df675f2adbefe2e8796a8d0fd1a95fe76e923790$
(2) Message-Authenticator = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000
(2) State = 0xa1b0858aa3b39c0998614206367371a6
(2) Finished request
Waking up in 4.4 seconds.
(3) Received Access-Request Id 3 from to length 153
(3) User-Name = "anonymous"
(3) NAS-IP-Address =
(3) Calling-Station-Id = "02-00-00-00-00-01"
(3) Framed-MTU = 1400
(3) NAS-Port-Type = Wireless-802.11
(3) Service-Type = Framed-User
(3) Connect-Info = "CONNECT 11Mbps 802.11b"
(3) EAP-Message = 0x0203001119800000000715030300020230
(3) Connect-Info = "CONNECT 11Mbps 802.11b"
(3) EAP-Message = 0x0203001119800000000715030300020230
(3) State = 0xa1b0858aa3b39c0998614206367371a6
(3) Message-Authenticator = 0xa20feef604022ea0d15e1afbf4edf672
(3) session-state: No cached attributes
(3) # Executing section authorize from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/sites-enabled/default
(3) authorize {
(3) policy filter_username {
(3) if (&User-Name) {
(3) if (&User-Name) -> TRUE
(3) if (&User-Name) {
(3) if (&User-Name =~ / /) {
(3) if (&User-Name =~ / /) -> FALSE
(3) if (&User-Name =~ /@[^@]*@/ ) {
(3) if (&User-Name =~ /@[^@]*@/ ) -> FALSE
(3) if (&User-Name =~ /\.\./ ) {
(3) if (&User-Name =~ /\.\./ ) -> FALSE
(3) if ((&User-Name =~ /@/) && (&User-Name !~ /@(.+)\.(.+)$/)) {
(3) if ((&User-Name =~ /@/) && (&User-Name !~ /@(.+)\.(.+)$/)) -> FALSE
(3) if (&User-Name =~ /\.$/) {
(3) if (&User-Name =~ /\.$/) -> FALSE
(3) if (&User-Name =~ /@\./) {
(3) if (&User-Name =~ /@\./) -> FALSE
(3) } # if (&User-Name) = notfound
(3) } # policy filter_username = notfound
(3) [preprocess] = ok
(3) [chap] = noop
(3) [mschap] = noop
(3) [digest] = noop
(3) suffix: Checking for suffix after "@"
(3) suffix: No '@' in User-Name = "anonymous", looking up realm NULL
(3) suffix: No such realm "NULL"
(3) [suffix] = noop
(3) eap: Peer sent EAP Response (code 2) ID 3 length 17
(3) eap: Continuing tunnel setup
(3) [eap] = ok
(3) } # authorize = ok
(3) Found Auth-Type = eap
(3) # Executing group from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/sites-enabled/default
(3) authenticate {
(3) eap: Expiring EAP session with state 0xa1b0858aa3b39c09
(3) authenticate {
(3) eap: Expiring EAP session with state 0xa1b0858aa3b39c09
(3) eap: Finished EAP session with state 0xa1b0858aa3b39c09
(3) eap: Previous EAP request found for state 0xa1b0858aa3b39c09, released from the list
(3) eap: Peer sent packet with method EAP PEAP (25)
(3) eap: Calling submodule eap_peap to process data
(3) eap_peap: Continuing EAP-TLS
(3) eap_peap: Peer indicated complete TLS record size will be 7 bytes
(3) eap_peap: Got complete TLS record (7 bytes)
(3) eap_peap: [eaptls verify] = length included
(3) eap_peap: <<< recv TLS 1.2 [length 0002]
(3) eap_peap: ERROR: TLS Alert read:fatal:unknown CA
(3) eap_peap: TLS_accept: Need to read more data: SSLv3/TLS write server done
(3) eap_peap: ERROR: Failed in __FUNCTION__ (SSL_read): error:14094418:SSL routines:ssl3_read_bytes:tlsv1 alert unknown ca
(3) eap_peap: ERROR: System call (I/O) error (-1)
(3) eap_peap: ERROR: TLS receive handshake failed during operation
(3) eap_peap: ERROR: [eaptls process] = fail
(3) eap: ERROR: Failed continuing EAP PEAP (25) session. EAP sub-module failed
(3) eap: Sending EAP Failure (code 4) ID 3 length 4
(3) eap: Failed in EAP select
(3) [eap] = invalid
(3) } # authenticate = invalid
(3) Failed to authenticate the user
(3) Using Post-Auth-Type Reject
(3) # Executing group from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/sites-enabled/default
(3) Post-Auth-Type REJECT {
(3) attr_filter.access_reject: EXPAND %{User-Name}
(3) attr_filter.access_reject: --> anonymous
(3) attr_filter.access_reject: Matched entry DEFAULT at line 11
(3) [attr_filter.access_reject] = updated
(3) [eap] = noop
(3) policy remove_reply_message_if_eap {
(3) if (&reply:EAP-Message && &reply:Reply-Message) {
(3) if (&reply:EAP-Message && &reply:Reply-Message) -> FALSE
(3) else {
(3) [noop] = noop
(3) } # else = noop
(3) } # policy remove_reply_message_if_eap = noop
(3) } # Post-Auth-Type REJECT = updated
(3) Delaying response for 1.000000 seconds
Waking up in 0.3 seconds.
(3) Delaying response for 1.000000 seconds
Waking up in 0.3 seconds.
Waking up in 0.6 seconds.
(3) Sending delayed response
(3) Sent Access-Reject Id 3 from to length 44
(3) EAP-Message = 0x04030004
(3) Message-Authenticator = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000
Waking up in 3.3 seconds.
(0) Cleaning up request packet ID 0 with timestamp +13
Waking up in 0.4 seconds.
(1) Cleaning up request packet ID 1 with timestamp +13
(2) Cleaning up request packet ID 2 with timestamp +14
(3) Cleaning up request packet ID 3 with timestamp +14
Ready to process requests
(4) Received Access-Request Id 0 from to length 132
(4) User-Name = "anonymous"
(4) NAS-IP-Address =
(4) Calling-Station-Id = "02-00-00-00-00-01"
(4) Framed-MTU = 1400
(4) NAS-Port-Type = Wireless-802.11
(4) Service-Type = Framed-User
(4) Connect-Info = "CONNECT 11Mbps 802.11b"
(4) EAP-Message = 0x0200000e01616e6f6e796d6f7573
(4) Message-Authenticator = 0x74f485700ace38d3a912177314edd716
(4) # Executing section authorize from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/sites-enabled/default
(4) authorize {
(4) policy filter_username {
(4) if (&User-Name) {
(4) if (&User-Name) -> TRUE
(4) if (&User-Name) {
(4) if (&User-Name =~ / /) {
(4) if (&User-Name =~ / /) -> FALSE
(4) if (&User-Name =~ /@[^@]*@/ ) {
(4) if (&User-Name =~ /@[^@]*@/ ) -> FALSE
(4) if (&User-Name =~ /\.\./ ) {
(4) if (&User-Name =~ /\.\./ ) -> FALSE
(4) if ((&User-Name =~ /@/) && (&User-Name !~ /@(.+)\.(.+)$/)) {
(4) if ((&User-Name =~ /@/) && (&User-Name !~ /@(.+)\.(.+)$/)) -> FALSE
(4) if (&User-Name =~ /\.$/) {
(4) if (&User-Name =~ /\.$/) -> FALSE
(4) if (&User-Name =~ /@\./) {
(4) if (&User-Name =~ /\.$/) -> FALSE
(4) if (&User-Name =~ /@\./) {
(4) if (&User-Name =~ /@\./) -> FALSE
(4) } # if (&User-Name) = notfound
(4) } # policy filter_username = notfound
(4) [preprocess] = ok
(4) [chap] = noop
(4) [mschap] = noop
(4) [digest] = noop
(4) suffix: Checking for suffix after "@"
(4) suffix: No '@' in User-Name = "anonymous", looking up realm NULL
(4) suffix: No such realm "NULL"
(4) [suffix] = noop
(4) eap: Peer sent EAP Response (code 2) ID 0 length 14
(4) eap: EAP-Identity reply, returning 'ok' so we can short-circuit the rest of authorize
(4) [eap] = ok
(4) } # authorize = ok
(4) Found Auth-Type = eap
(4) # Executing group from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/sites-enabled/default
(4) authenticate {
(4) eap: Peer sent packet with method EAP Identity (1)
(4) eap: Calling submodule eap_peap to process data
(4) eap_peap: Initiating new EAP-TLS session
(4) eap_peap: [eaptls start] = request
(4) eap: Sending EAP Request (code 1) ID 1 length 6
(4) eap: EAP session adding &reply:State = 0x7cb2fc507cb3e55b
(4) [eap] = handled
(4) } # authenticate = handled
(4) Using Post-Auth-Type Challenge
(4) Post-Auth-Type sub-section not found. Ignoring.
(4) # Executing group from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/sites-enabled/default
(4) Sent Access-Challenge Id 0 from to length 0
(4) EAP-Message = 0x010100061920
(4) Message-Authenticator = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000
(4) State = 0x7cb2fc507cb3e55b86cd612645cba906
(4) Finished request
Waking up in 4.9 seconds.
(5) Received Access-Request Id 1 from to length 142
(5) User-Name = "anonymous"
(5) NAS-IP-Address =
(5) Calling-Station-Id = "02-00-00-00-00-01"
(5) NAS-IP-Address =
(5) Calling-Station-Id = "02-00-00-00-00-01"
(5) Framed-MTU = 1400
(5) NAS-Port-Type = Wireless-802.11
(5) Service-Type = Framed-User
(5) Connect-Info = "CONNECT 11Mbps 802.11b"
(5) EAP-Message = 0x020100060315
(5) State = 0x7cb2fc507cb3e55b86cd612645cba906
(5) Message-Authenticator = 0xad804965169d36f2bb3fbe585f3220a4
(5) session-state: No cached attributes
(5) # Executing section authorize from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/sites-enabled/default
(5) authorize {
(5) policy filter_username {
(5) if (&User-Name) {
(5) if (&User-Name) -> TRUE
(5) if (&User-Name) {
(5) if (&User-Name =~ / /) {
(5) if (&User-Name =~ / /) -> FALSE
(5) if (&User-Name =~ /@[^@]*@/ ) {
(5) if (&User-Name =~ /@[^@]*@/ ) -> FALSE
(5) if (&User-Name =~ /\.\./ ) {
(5) if (&User-Name =~ /\.\./ ) -> FALSE
(5) if ((&User-Name =~ /@/) && (&User-Name !~ /@(.+)\.(.+)$/)) {
(5) if ((&User-Name =~ /@/) && (&User-Name !~ /@(.+)\.(.+)$/)) -> FALSE
(5) if (&User-Name =~ /\.$/) {
(5) if (&User-Name =~ /\.$/) -> FALSE
(5) if (&User-Name =~ /@\./) {
(5) if (&User-Name =~ /@\./) -> FALSE
(5) } # if (&User-Name) = notfound
(5) } # policy filter_username = notfound
(5) [preprocess] = ok
(5) [chap] = noop
(5) [mschap] = noop
(5) [digest] = noop
(5) suffix: Checking for suffix after "@"
(5) suffix: No '@' in User-Name = "anonymous", looking up realm NULL
(5) suffix: No such realm "NULL"
(5) [suffix] = noop
(5) eap: Peer sent EAP Response (code 2) ID 1 length 6
(5) eap: No EAP Start, assuming it's an on-going EAP conversation
(5) [eap] = updated
(5) eap: No EAP Start, assuming it's an on-going EAP conversation
(5) [eap] = updated
(5) [files] = noop
(5) [expiration] = noop
(5) [logintime] = noop
(5) pap: WARNING: No "known good" password found for the user. Not setting Auth-Type
(5) pap: WARNING: Authentication will fail unless a "known good" password is available
(5) [pap] = noop
(5) } # authorize = updated
(5) Found Auth-Type = eap
(5) # Executing group from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/sites-enabled/default
(5) authenticate {
(5) eap: Expiring EAP session with state 0x7cb2fc507cb3e55b
(5) eap: Finished EAP session with state 0x7cb2fc507cb3e55b
(5) eap: Previous EAP request found for state 0x7cb2fc507cb3e55b, released from the list
(5) eap: Peer sent packet with method EAP NAK (3)
(5) eap: Found mutually acceptable type TTLS (21)
(5) eap: Calling submodule eap_ttls to process data
(5) eap_ttls: Initiating new EAP-TLS session
(5) eap_ttls: [eaptls start] = request
(5) eap: Sending EAP Request (code 1) ID 2 length 6
(5) eap: EAP session adding &reply:State = 0x7cb2fc507db0e95b
(5) [eap] = handled
(5) } # authenticate = handled
(5) Using Post-Auth-Type Challenge
(5) Post-Auth-Type sub-section not found. Ignoring.
(5) # Executing group from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/sites-enabled/default
(5) Sent Access-Challenge Id 1 from to length 0
(5) EAP-Message = 0x010200061520
(5) Message-Authenticator = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000
(5) State = 0x7cb2fc507db0e95b86cd612645cba906
(5) Finished request
Waking up in 4.9 seconds.
(6) Received Access-Request Id 2 from to length 314
(6) User-Name = "anonymous"
(6) NAS-IP-Address =
(6) Calling-Station-Id = "02-00-00-00-00-01"
(6) Framed-MTU = 1400
(6) NAS-Port-Type = Wireless-802.11
(6) Service-Type = Framed-User
(6) Connect-Info = "CONNECT 11Mbps 802.11b"
(6) Service-Type = Framed-User
(6) Connect-Info = "CONNECT 11Mbps 802.11b"
(6) EAP-Message = 0x020200b2150016030100a7010000a30303e51f51535de3983944d2582d0174d45753f0a856d58bf732c0992d00fd150a29000038c02cc030009fcca9cca8ccaac02bc02f009ec024c028006bc023c0270067c00$
(6) State = 0x7cb2fc507db0e95b86cd612645cba906
(6) Message-Authenticator = 0x909d8709bdfa74503ee132f431a8b8f0
(6) session-state: No cached attributes
(6) # Executing section authorize from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/sites-enabled/default
(6) authorize {
(6) policy filter_username {
(6) if (&User-Name) {
(6) if (&User-Name) -> TRUE
(6) if (&User-Name) {
(6) if (&User-Name =~ / /) {
(6) if (&User-Name =~ / /) -> FALSE
(6) if (&User-Name =~ /@[^@]*@/ ) {
(6) if (&User-Name =~ /@[^@]*@/ ) -> FALSE
(6) if (&User-Name =~ /\.\./ ) {
(6) if (&User-Name =~ /\.\./ ) -> FALSE
(6) if ((&User-Name =~ /@/) && (&User-Name !~ /@(.+)\.(.+)$/)) {
(6) if ((&User-Name =~ /@/) && (&User-Name !~ /@(.+)\.(.+)$/)) -> FALSE
(6) if (&User-Name =~ /\.$/) {
(6) if (&User-Name =~ /\.$/) -> FALSE
(6) if (&User-Name =~ /@\./) {
(6) if (&User-Name =~ /@\./) -> FALSE
(6) } # if (&User-Name) = notfound
(6) } # policy filter_username = notfound
(6) [preprocess] = ok
(6) [chap] = noop
(6) [mschap] = noop
(6) [digest] = noop
(6) suffix: Checking for suffix after "@"
(6) suffix: No '@' in User-Name = "anonymous", looking up realm NULL
(6) suffix: No such realm "NULL"
(6) [suffix] = noop
(6) eap: Peer sent EAP Response (code 2) ID 2 length 178
(6) eap: Continuing tunnel setup
(6) [eap] = ok
(6) } # authorize = ok
(6) Found Auth-Type = eap
(6) # Executing group from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/sites-enabled/default
(6) authenticate {
(6) # Executing group from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/sites-enabled/default
(6) authenticate {
(6) eap: Expiring EAP session with state 0x7cb2fc507db0e95b
(6) eap: Finished EAP session with state 0x7cb2fc507db0e95b
(6) eap: Previous EAP request found for state 0x7cb2fc507db0e95b, released from the list
(6) eap: Peer sent packet with method EAP TTLS (21)
(6) eap: Calling submodule eap_ttls to process data
(6) eap_ttls: Authenticate
(6) eap_ttls: Continuing EAP-TLS
(6) eap_ttls: [eaptls verify] = ok
(6) eap_ttls: Done initial handshake
(6) eap_ttls: (other): before SSL initialization
(6) eap_ttls: TLS_accept: before SSL initialization
(6) eap_ttls: TLS_accept: before SSL initialization
(6) eap_ttls: <<< recv TLS 1.2 [length 00a7]
(6) eap_ttls: TLS_accept: SSLv3/TLS read client hello
(6) eap_ttls: >>> send TLS 1.2 [length 003d]
(6) eap_ttls: TLS_accept: SSLv3/TLS write server hello
(6) eap_ttls: >>> send TLS 1.2 [length 02d9]
(6) eap_ttls: TLS_accept: SSLv3/TLS write certificate
(6) eap_ttls: >>> send TLS 1.2 [length 014d]
(6) eap_ttls: TLS_accept: SSLv3/TLS write key exchange
(6) eap_ttls: >>> send TLS 1.2 [length 0004]
(6) eap_ttls: TLS_accept: SSLv3/TLS write server done
(6) eap_ttls: TLS_accept: Need to read more data: SSLv3/TLS write server done
(6) eap_ttls: In SSL Handshake Phase
(6) eap_ttls: In SSL Accept mode
(6) eap_ttls: [eaptls process] = handled
(6) eap: Sending EAP Request (code 1) ID 3 length 1004
(6) eap: EAP session adding &reply:State = 0x7cb2fc507eb1e95b
(6) [eap] = handled
(6) } # authenticate = handled
(6) Using Post-Auth-Type Challenge
(6) Post-Auth-Type sub-section not found. Ignoring.
(6) # Executing group from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/sites-enabled/default
(6) Sent Access-Challenge Id 2 from to length 0
(6) EAP-Message = 0x010303ec15c00000047b160303003d020000390303a48ec3291ffdad331434cd1f53656a17297fa14fa438832d137d7062f380961a00c030000011ff01000100000b0004030001020017000016030302d90b000$
(6) Message-Authenticator = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000
(6) State = 0x7cb2fc507eb1e95b86cd612645cba906
(6) Finished request
Waking up in 4.5 seconds.
(6) Finished request
Waking up in 4.5 seconds.
(7) Received Access-Request Id 3 from to length 142
(7) User-Name = "anonymous"
(7) NAS-IP-Address =
(7) Calling-Station-Id = "02-00-00-00-00-01"
(7) Framed-MTU = 1400
(7) NAS-Port-Type = Wireless-802.11
(7) Service-Type = Framed-User
(7) Connect-Info = "CONNECT 11Mbps 802.11b"
(7) EAP-Message = 0x020300061500
(7) State = 0x7cb2fc507eb1e95b86cd612645cba906
(7) Message-Authenticator = 0xf57e52dc860514e1764acd8786783de4
(7) session-state: No cached attributes
(7) # Executing section authorize from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/sites-enabled/default
(7) authorize {
(7) policy filter_username {
(7) if (&User-Name) {
(7) if (&User-Name) -> TRUE
(7) if (&User-Name) {
(7) if (&User-Name =~ / /) {
(7) if (&User-Name =~ / /) -> FALSE
(7) if (&User-Name =~ /@[^@]*@/ ) {
(7) if (&User-Name =~ /@[^@]*@/ ) -> FALSE
(7) if (&User-Name =~ /\.\./ ) {
(7) if (&User-Name =~ /\.\./ ) -> FALSE
(7) if ((&User-Name =~ /@/) && (&User-Name !~ /@(.+)\.(.+)$/)) {
(7) if ((&User-Name =~ /@/) && (&User-Name !~ /@(.+)\.(.+)$/)) -> FALSE
(7) if (&User-Name =~ /\.$/) {
(7) if (&User-Name =~ /\.$/) -> FALSE
(7) if (&User-Name =~ /@\./) {
(7) if (&User-Name =~ /@\./) -> FALSE
(7) } # if (&User-Name) = notfound
(7) } # policy filter_username = notfound
(7) [preprocess] = ok
(7) [chap] = noop
(7) [mschap] = noop
(7) [digest] = noop
(7) suffix: Checking for suffix after "@"
(7) suffix: No '@' in User-Name = "anonymous", looking up realm NULL
(7) suffix: No such realm "NULL"
((7) suffix: No '@' in User-Name = "anonymous", looking up realm NULL
(7) suffix: No such realm "NULL"
(7) [suffix] = noop
(7) eap: Peer sent EAP Response (code 2) ID 3 length 6
(7) eap: Continuing tunnel setup
(7) [eap] = ok
(7) } # authorize = ok
(7) Found Auth-Type = eap
(7) # Executing group from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/sites-enabled/default
(7) authenticate {
(7) eap: Expiring EAP session with state 0x7cb2fc507eb1e95b
(7) eap: Finished EAP session with state 0x7cb2fc507eb1e95b
(7) eap: Previous EAP request found for state 0x7cb2fc507eb1e95b, released from the list
(7) eap: Peer sent packet with method EAP TTLS (21)
(7) eap: Calling submodule eap_ttls to process data
(7) eap_ttls: Authenticate
(7) eap_ttls: Continuing EAP-TLS
(7) eap_ttls: Peer ACKed our handshake fragment
(7) eap_ttls: [eaptls verify] = request
(7) eap_ttls: [eaptls process] = handled
(7) eap: Sending EAP Request (code 1) ID 4 length 163
(7) eap: EAP session adding &reply:State = 0x7cb2fc507fb6e95b
(7) [eap] = handled
(7) } # authenticate = handled
(7) Using Post-Auth-Type Challenge
(7) Post-Auth-Type sub-section not found. Ignoring.
(7) # Executing group from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/sites-enabled/default
(7) Sent Access-Challenge Id 3 from to length 0
(7) EAP-Message = 0x010400a315800000047bd69a449daa4cab88a2395250ee31e2f61df036299c8d214844e9a4262a33f7dc86ee88f1cd5798105e54d219748d7ec63624ddfb4c8c3aa0cafead3bc956443ddcc15681270e33f8b2f$
(7) Message-Authenticator = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000
(7) State = 0x7cb2fc507fb6e95b86cd612645cba906
(7) Finished request
Waking up in 4.4 seconds.
(8) Received Access-Request Id 4 from to length 149
(8) User-Name = "anonymous"
(8) NAS-IP-Address =
(8) Calling-Station-Id = "02-00-00-00-00-01"
(8) Framed-MTU = 1400
(8) NAS-Port-Type = Wireless-802.11
(8) Service-Type = Framed-User
(8) Connect-Info = "CONNECT 11Mbps 802.11b"
(8) Service-Type = Framed-User
(8) Connect-Info = "CONNECT 11Mbps 802.11b"
(8) EAP-Message = 0x0204000d150015030300020230
(8) State = 0x7cb2fc507fb6e95b86cd612645cba906
(8) Message-Authenticator = 0xda8bbc41c56e142e1af7d9e1eb13d763
(8) session-state: No cached attributes
(8) # Executing section authorize from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/sites-enabled/default
(8) authorize {
(8) policy filter_username {
(8) if (&User-Name) {
(8) if (&User-Name) -> TRUE
(8) if (&User-Name) {
(8) if (&User-Name =~ / /) {
(8) if (&User-Name =~ / /) -> FALSE
(8) if (&User-Name =~ /@[^@]*@/ ) {
(8) if (&User-Name =~ /@[^@]*@/ ) -> FALSE
(8) if (&User-Name =~ /\.\./ ) {
(8) if (&User-Name =~ /\.\./ ) -> FALSE
(8) if ((&User-Name =~ /@/) && (&User-Name !~ /@(.+)\.(.+)$/)) {
(8) if ((&User-Name =~ /@/) && (&User-Name !~ /@(.+)\.(.+)$/)) -> FALSE
(8) if (&User-Name =~ /\.$/) {
(8) if (&User-Name =~ /\.$/) -> FALSE
(8) if (&User-Name =~ /@\./) {
(8) if (&User-Name =~ /@\./) -> FALSE
(8) } # if (&User-Name) = notfound
(8) } # policy filter_username = notfound
(8) [preprocess] = ok
(8) [chap] = noop
(8) [mschap] = noop
(8) [digest] = noop
(8) suffix: Checking for suffix after "@"
(8) suffix: No '@' in User-Name = "anonymous", looking up realm NULL
(8) suffix: No such realm "NULL"
(8) [suffix] = noop
(8) eap: Peer sent EAP Response (code 2) ID 4 length 13
(8) eap: Continuing tunnel setup
(8) [eap] = ok
(8) } # authorize = ok
(8) Found Auth-Type = eap
(8) # Executing group from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/sites-enabled/default
(8) authenticate {
(8) # Executing group from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/sites-enabled/default
(8) authenticate {
(8) eap: Expiring EAP session with state 0x7cb2fc507fb6e95b
(8) eap: Finished EAP session with state 0x7cb2fc507fb6e95b
(8) eap: Previous EAP request found for state 0x7cb2fc507fb6e95b, released from the list
(8) eap: Peer sent packet with method EAP TTLS (21)
(8) eap: Calling submodule eap_ttls to process data
(8) eap_ttls: Authenticate
(8) eap_ttls: Continuing EAP-TLS
(8) eap_ttls: [eaptls verify] = ok
(8) eap_ttls: Done initial handshake
(8) eap_ttls: <<< recv TLS 1.2 [length 0002]
(8) eap_ttls: ERROR: TLS Alert read:fatal:unknown CA
(8) eap_ttls: TLS_accept: Need to read more data: SSLv3/TLS write server done
(8) eap_ttls: ERROR: Failed in __FUNCTION__ (SSL_read): error:14094418:SSL routines:ssl3_read_bytes:tlsv1 alert unknown ca
(8) eap_ttls: ERROR: System call (I/O) error (-1)
(8) eap_ttls: ERROR: TLS receive handshake failed during operation
(8) eap_ttls: ERROR: [eaptls process] = fail
(8) eap: ERROR: Failed continuing EAP TTLS (21) session. EAP sub-module failed
(8) eap: Sending EAP Failure (code 4) ID 4 length 4
(8) eap: Failed in EAP select
(8) [eap] = invalid
(8) } # authenticate = invalid
(8) Failed to authenticate the user
(8) Using Post-Auth-Type Reject
(8) # Executing group from file /etc/freeradius/3.0/sites-enabled/default
(8) Post-Auth-Type REJECT {
(8) attr_filter.access_reject: EXPAND %{User-Name}
(8) attr_filter.access_reject: --> anonymous
(8) attr_filter.access_reject: Matched entry DEFAULT at line 11
(8) [attr_filter.access_reject] = updated
(8) [eap] = noop
(8) policy remove_reply_message_if_eap {
(8) if (&reply:EAP-Message && &reply:Reply-Message) {
(8) if (&reply:EAP-Message && &reply:Reply-Message) -> FALSE
(8) else {
(8) [noop] = noop
(8) } # else = noop
(8) } # policy remove_reply_message_if_eap = noop
(8) } # Post-Auth-Type REJECT = updated
(8) Delaying response for 1.000000 seconds
(8) } # Post-Auth-Type REJECT = updated
(8) Delaying response for 1.000000 seconds
Waking up in 0.2 seconds.
Waking up in 0.7 seconds.
(8) Sending delayed response
(8) Sent Access-Reject Id 4 from to length 44
(8) EAP-Message = 0x04040004
(8) Message-Authenticator = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000
Waking up in 3.3 seconds.
(4) Cleaning up request packet ID 0 with timestamp +37
(5) Cleaning up request packet ID 1 with timestamp +37
Waking up in 0.3 seconds.
(6) Cleaning up request packet ID 2 with timestamp +38
(7) Cleaning up request packet ID 3 with timestamp +38
Waking up in 0.1 seconds.
(8) Cleaning up request packet ID 4 with timestamp +38
Ready to process requests
-----Original Message-----
From: Freeradius-Users < at> On Behalf Of Alan DeKok
Sent: Sunday, April 14, 2019 6:35 PM
To: FreeRadius users mailing list <freeradius-users at>
Subject: Re: Freeradius - eapol testing failure
On Apr 14, 2019, at 7:18 PM, rbbhill at wrote:
> Hi all, thanks for your help in advance. I have spent the last week
> trying to solve this issue, I have read and read all information I can
> find. I have set up a raspberry pi 3, with freeradius 3.0 and openssl.
> For the freeradius I have followed the guides by each detail in full,
> the only exception is replacing etc/raddb with etc/freeradius/3.0. The
> freeradius server is set up and running and I have completed testing
> with local host using radtest and eapol. Test results:
> Localhost = Ok, passes - used radtest bob hello localhost 0 testing123
> EAP (using EAPOL)
> PEAPv0_EAP-MSCHAPv2 = Ok, Passes
> EAP-TTLS_EAP-MSCHAPv2 = Ok, Passes
That's good.
> Good so far, next I edit EAPOL test scripts to uncomment so as to use
> the test certs for testing. The only thing I changed here was
> /etc/raddb/certs/ca.der to /etc/freeradius/3.0/certs/ca.der so as to
> point test utility to the correct directory.
> EAP (using EAPOL with cert check uncommented)
> PEAPv0_EAP-MSCHAPv2 = Fails, TLS Alert read:fatal:unknown CA
> EAP-TTLS_EAP-MSCHAPv2 = Fails, TLS Alert read:fatal:unknown CA
That means you haven't told eapol_test what the CA cert is.
The eapol_test configuration file *should* point to the correct CA file. If that's done, then the "unknown CA" error should go away.
> I followed deployingradius, and used make to build certs, they are all
> populated in the directory, but tests repeatedly fail. This same error
> comes up repeatedly across peap and ttls using cert:
> Sun Apr 14 16:56:49 2019 : ERROR: (9) eap_ttls: TLS Alert
> read:fatal:unknown CA Sun Apr 14 16:56:49 2019 : Debug: (9) eap_ttls:
> TLS_accept: Need to read more data: SSLv3/TLS write server done Sun
> Apr 14 16:56:49 2019 : ERROR: (9) eap_ttls: Failed in __FUNCTION__
> (SSL_read): ../ssl/record/rec_layer_s3.c[1407]:error:14094418:SSL
> routines:ssl3_read_bytes:tlsv1 alert unknown ca
That's eapol_test telling FreeRADIUS that eapol_test doesn't like the CA cert being presented by FreeRADIUS.
If this authentication isn't with eapol_test, then the same comment applies. Configure the supplicant to know about the CA cert used by FreeRADIUS.
> Sun Apr 14 16:56:49 2019 : ERROR: (9) eap_ttls: System call (I/O)
> error (-1) Sun Apr 14 16:56:49 2019 : ERROR: (9) eap_ttls: TLS receive
> handshake failed during operation Sun Apr 14 16:56:49 2019 : ERROR:
> (9) eap_ttls: [eaptls process] = fail Sun Apr 14 16:56:49 2019 :
> ERROR: (9) eap: Failed continuing EAP TTLS (21) session. EAP
> sub-module failed
> I am very new to radius, and I am trying to setup the server to test
> with some headless devices, and they need to be able to support PEAP,
> TLS, and TTLS with certs. I went as far as setting a completely
> identical server on another Pi and tried with production certificates,
> with same error. The only thing I notice different is that when I
> access the network with my iphone, the public cert it sends my iphone
> is completely different than any of the certs in /etc/freeradius/3.0/certs/.
Then the server isn't using /etc/freeradius/3.0/certs/, is it?
READ the debug output. ALL OF IT. It will print out what files it's reading, including which certificates it's reading. Those are the certificates you need to use.
> Verbose log:
> Sun Apr 14 16:55:58 2019 : Info: Ready to process requests
PLEASE read the documentation on what to post to the list. When you join the list, you get an email message telling to read the documentation. It includes a URL. PLEASE read it.
Alan DeKok.
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