The Unix Radius attributes

Full Name nuncestbibendum at
Mon Apr 29 19:06:16 CEST 2019

Freeradius ships with a dictionary file named dictionary.unix, that contains the following attributes:

VENDOR    Unix        4


ATTRIBUTE Unix-FTP-UID        10  integer
ATTRIBUTE Unix-FTP-GID        11  integer
ATTRIBUTE Unix-FTP-Home       12  string
ATTRIBUTE Unix-FTP-Shell        13  string
ATTRIBUTE Unix-FTP-Group-Names      14  string
ATTRIBUTE Unix-FTP-Group-Ids      15  string


Is the goal of this set of attributes to enable a Radius server to send back UID, GID, etc. information for a user that has been authenticated by the RADIUS server? If so, why use FTP in the name of the attributes? I mean, a Radius server will not be able to know whether the users being authenticated is accessing the target system via FTP, or some other service, right?

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