Applying the same rule to multiple values in an attribute/config value

Alex Perez-Mendez Alex.Perez-Mendez at
Fri Feb 15 07:55:10 CET 2019

> Yep, this definitely worked.
>           [...]
>           rfc7542_recipe
>           #  Standard RADIUS NAI routing
>           if (!updated) {
>                   suffix {
>                           updated = 1
>                           noop = reject
>                   }
>           }
>           [...]
> The only thing we need to make sure about is making sure
> "rfc7542_recipe" does not change the "updated" status when it does not
> resolve a realm.
> Otherwise, we would need to check for the presence of the Realm
> attribute :(.

If fact, that's happening. When "rfc7542_recipe" does not find a Trust 
Router realm, but resolves a local one (Ie. this is the home IDP for the 
End User), it does include a Realm attribute but does not change the 
"update" status. Should it? It is actually updating the Request by 
adding a Realm to it....

On the proxy:
idp3_1          | (18) bangpath: Checking for prefix before "!"
idp3_1          | (18) bangpath: Looking up realm "" for 
User-Name = "!"
idp3_1          | (18) bangpath: Found realm ""
idp3_1          | (18) bangpath: Adding Realm = ""
idp3_1          | (18) bangpath: Proxying request from user! to realm
idp3_1          | (18) bangpath: Preparing to proxy authentication 
request to realm ""
idp3_1          | (18)           [bangpath] = updated
idp3_1          | (18)         } # if (!(&control:RFC7542-Realm-1 =~ 
/^($/) &&         (&control:RFC7542-Realm-2 =~ 
/^($/))  = updated
idp3_1          | (18)         if ((&control:RFC7542-Realm-1 =~ 
/^($/) &&         !(&control:RFC7542-Realm-2 =~ 
/^($/)) {
idp3_1          | (18)         if ((&control:RFC7542-Realm-1 =~ 
/^($/) &&         !(&control:RFC7542-Realm-2 =~ 
/^($/))  -> FALSE
idp3_1          | (18)         update control {
idp3_1          | (18)           RFC7542-Realm-1 !* ANY
idp3_1          | (18)           RFC7542-Realm-2 !* ANY
idp3_1          | (18)         } # update control = noop
idp3_1          | (18)       } # if (&request:User-Name =~ 
/([a-zA-Z0-9\.-]+)!([a-zA-Z0-9\.-]*)\@(.+)/)  = updated
idp3_1          | (18)     } # policy rfc7542.authorize = updated
idp3_1          | (18)     if (!updated) {
idp3_1          | (18)     if (!updated)  -> FALSE
idp3_1          | (18) eap: Request is supposed to be proxied to Realm Not doing EAP.
idp3_1          | (18)     [eap] = noop
idp3_1          | (18)     [expiration] = noop
idp3_1          | (18)     [logintime] = noop
idp3_1          | (18)   } # authorize = updated

On the IDP:
idp5_1          | (11) bangpath: Checking for prefix before "!"
idp5_1          | (11) bangpath: Looking up realm "" for 
User-Name = "!"
idp5_1          | (11) bangpath: Found realm ""
idp5_1          | (11) bangpath: Adding Stripped-User-Name = ""
idp5_1          | (11) bangpath: Adding Realm = ""
idp5_1          | (11) bangpath: Authentication realm is LOCAL
idp5_1          | (11)           [bangpath] = ok
idp5_1          | (11)         } # if ((&control:RFC7542-Realm-1 =~ 
/^($/) &&         !(&control:RFC7542-Realm-2 =~ 
/^($/))  = ok
idp5_1          | (11)         update control {
idp5_1          | (11)           RFC7542-Realm-1 !* ANY
idp5_1          | (11)           RFC7542-Realm-2 !* ANY
idp5_1          | (11)         } # update control = noop
idp5_1          | (11)       } # if (&request:User-Name =~ 
/([a-zA-Z0-9\.-]+)!([a-zA-Z0-9\.-]*)\@(.+)/)  = ok
idp5_1          | (11)     } # policy rfc7542.authorize = ok
idp5_1          | (11)     if (!updated) {
idp5_1          | (11)     if (!updated)  -> TRUE
idp5_1          | (11)     if (!updated)  {
idp5_1          | (11) suffix: Request already has destination realm 
set.  Ignoring
idp5_1          | (11)       [suffix] = noop
idp5_1          | (11)     } # if (!updated)  = reject
idp5_1          | (11)   } # authorize = reject

So I had to force the updated status when bangpath is executed. So, 
within rfc7542_recipe:

                 #  Format: not_local_realm!... at local_realm: Handle with 
                 if (!(&control:RFC7542-Realm-1 =~ 
/^(${policy.rfc7542_realms})$/) && \
                         (&control:RFC7542-Realm-2 =~ 
/^(${policy.rfc7542_realms})$/)) {

> Thanks
>>     Alan DeKok.
>> -
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Alejandro Perez-Mendez
Technical Specialist (AAA), Trust & Identity
M (+34) 619 333 219
Skype alejandro_perez_mendez

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