Update Noop In Authorize Section

One Zero Art onezeroartapps at gmail.com
Thu May 9 22:48:54 CEST 2019


I am trying to reject user by checking session time from radacct. I am
using 4 SQL query and checking various things in debug mode every SQL query
looking good but the only issue updates control noop.

Debug mode shows update control noop. Below is my SQL queries.


authorize section

    update control {

        Tmp-String-1 := "%{sql:=============================='}"

        Tmp-String-2 := "%{sql:================================}"

        Tmp-String-3 := "%{sql:=================================}'}"
        Tmp-String-3 := "%{expr:%{control:Tmp-String-3} * 3600}"

        Tmp-String-4 := "%{sql:S=================================='}"


    if(%{control:Tmp-String-4} >= 1){

        if(%{control:Tmp-String-2} >= %{control:Tmp-String-3}){
            update reply {
                Reply-Message := 'Reached Session Limit'


All SQL query working fine and showing exact value. The only problem is
that update control showing noop. Some reason update control is not

Thank you very much

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