update disconnect is not working in accounting section

One Zero Art onezeroartapps at gmail.com
Sat May 11 22:53:24 CEST 2019


I am trying to disconnect the user in the accounting section. Is FreeRadius
support auto disconnection?

In the accounting section, I tried this

update disconnect {
Framed-IP-Address = "%{Framed-IP-Address}"
User-Name = "%{request:User-Name}"

This giving me error in accounting section when debuging. I am also using
CoA successfully. CoA is working great.

This error message showing in debug

(7) if (&control:Tmp-Integer-4 == 1){ (7) if (&control:Tmp-Integer-4 == 1)
-> TRUE (7) if (&control:Tmp-Integer-4 == 1) { (7) if
(&control:Tmp-Integer-2 > &control:Tmp-Integer-3){ (7) if
(&control:Tmp-Integer-2 > &control:Tmp-Integer-3) -> TRUE (7) if
(&control:Tmp-Integer-2 > &control:Tmp-Integer-3) { (7) update disconnect {
(7) *WARNING: List "disconnect" is not available (7) ERROR: Mapping
"%{Framed-IP-Address}" -> "Framed-IP-Address" invalid in this context* (7)
} # update disconnect = invalid (7) } # if (&control:Tmp-Integer-2 >
&control:Tmp-Integer-3) = invalid (7) } # if (&control:Tmp-Integer-4 == 1)
= invalid (7) } # accounting = invalid (7) Sent CoA-Request Id 89 from to length 47 (7) Framed-IP-Address = (7) User-Name = "user" (7) Mikrotik-Rate-Limit = "10M/10M" (7) Not
sending reply to client. (7) Finished request (7) Cleaning up request
packet ID 52 with timestamp +266 Waking up in 2.4 seconds. (7) Clearing
existing &reply: attributes (7) Received CoA-NAK Id 89 from to length 42 (7) Error-Cause =
Unsupported-Extension (7) NAS-Identifier = "MikroTik" (7) NAS-IP-Address = (7) # Executing section post-proxy from file
/etc/freeradius/3.0/sites-enabled/default (7) post-proxy { (7) eap: No
pre-existing handler found (7) [eap] = noop (7) } # post-proxy = noop (7)
Cleaning up request packet ID 52 with timestamp +266 Ready to process

Thank you

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