MS-CHAPv2 not working
Matthew McTague
matthew.mctague at
Sun May 19 10:28:50 CEST 2019
Hi all,
I've removed the change to hints.
In case it's relevant, this FreeRADIUS deployment was deployed using the DaloRADIUS instructions, including their web GUI.
MS-CHAPv2 works perfectly when I try to connect as testlane5, but when I authenticate as testlane5 at, it doesn't work.
I understand the suggestion to use NT-Password.
I have two questions:
- How do I hash to get NT-Password prior to INSERT into the database?
- If this is the issue, why does it connect normally without the realm?
The user information is in the MySQL database, and does not include realm, i.e. I've used testlane5 rather than testlane5 at as the username in the database
I need this to work, to enable a user to use any realm configured in FreeRADIUS.
I'm using ClearText-Password, shown below:
mysql> select * from radcheck where id=189\G;
*************************** 1. row ***************************
id: 189
username: testlane5
attribute: Cleartext-Password
op: :=
value: s8fds9856f
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
No query specified
Current debug output:
[root at radius-220q ~]# radiusd -X
radiusd: FreeRADIUS Version 2.2.6, for host x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu, built on Jul 18 2017 at 12:13:14
Copyright (C) 1999-2013 The FreeRADIUS server project and contributors.
There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
You may redistribute copies of FreeRADIUS under the terms of the
GNU General Public License.
For more information about these matters, see the file named COPYRIGHT.
Starting - reading configuration files ...
including configuration file /etc/raddb/radiusd.conf
including configuration file /etc/raddb/proxy.conf
including configuration file /etc/raddb/clients.conf
including files in directory /etc/raddb/modules/
including configuration file /etc/raddb/modules/pam
including configuration file /etc/raddb/modules/digest
including configuration file /etc/raddb/modules/ippool
including configuration file /etc/raddb/modules/etc_group
including configuration file /etc/raddb/modules/cui
including configuration file /etc/raddb/modules/dhcp_sqlippool
including configuration file /etc/raddb/modules/opendirectory
including configuration file /etc/raddb/modules/wimax
including configuration file /etc/raddb/modules/realm
including configuration file /etc/raddb/modules/passwd
including configuration file /etc/raddb/modules/acct_unique
including configuration file /etc/raddb/modules/soh
including configuration file /etc/raddb/modules/redis
including configuration file /etc/raddb/modules/sql_log
including configuration file /etc/raddb/modules/ntlm_auth
including configuration file /etc/raddb/modules/attr_rewrite
including configuration file /etc/raddb/modules/detail.log
including configuration file /etc/raddb/modules/cache
including configuration file /etc/raddb/modules/policy
including configuration file /etc/raddb/modules/pap
including configuration file /etc/raddb/modules/exec
including configuration file /etc/raddb/modules/unix
including configuration file /etc/raddb/modules/sqlcounter_expire_on_login
including configuration file /etc/raddb/modules/always
including configuration file /etc/raddb/modules/attr_filter
including configuration file /etc/raddb/modules/mac2ip
including configuration file /etc/raddb/modules/otp
including configuration file /etc/raddb/modules/mac2vlan
including configuration file /etc/raddb/modules/
including configuration file /etc/raddb/modules/sradutmp
including configuration file /etc/raddb/modules/smbpasswd
including configuration file /etc/raddb/modules/radrelay
including configuration file /etc/raddb/modules/rediswho
including configuration file /etc/raddb/modules/inner-eap
including configuration file /etc/raddb/modules/logintime
including configuration file /etc/raddb/modules/linelog
including configuration file /etc/raddb/modules/dynamic_clients
including configuration file /etc/raddb/modules/perl
including configuration file /etc/raddb/modules/echo
including configuration file /etc/raddb/modules/radutmp
including configuration file /etc/raddb/modules/checkval
including configuration file /etc/raddb/modules/files
including configuration file /etc/raddb/modules/mschap
including configuration file /etc/raddb/modules/replicate
including configuration file /etc/raddb/modules/expr
including configuration file /etc/raddb/modules/expiration
including configuration file /etc/raddb/modules/smsotp
including configuration file /etc/raddb/modules/counter
including configuration file /etc/raddb/modules/detail
including configuration file /etc/raddb/modules/preprocess
including configuration file /etc/raddb/modules/chap
including configuration file /etc/raddb/eap.conf
including configuration file /etc/raddb/sql.conf
including configuration file /etc/raddb/sql/mysql/dialup.conf
including configuration file /etc/raddb/sqlippool.conf
including configuration file /etc/raddb/sql/mysql/ippool.conf
including configuration file /etc/raddb/policy.conf
including files in directory /etc/raddb/sites-enabled/
including configuration file /etc/raddb/sites-enabled/control-socket
including configuration file /etc/raddb/sites-enabled/default
including configuration file /etc/raddb/sites-enabled/inner-tunnel
main {
user = "radiusd"
group = "radiusd"
allow_core_dumps = no
including dictionary file /etc/raddb/dictionary
main {
name = "radiusd"
prefix = "/usr"
localstatedir = "/var"
sbindir = "/usr/sbin"
logdir = "/var/log/radius"
run_dir = "/var/run/radiusd"
libdir = "/usr/lib64/freeradius"
radacctdir = "/var/log/radius/radacct"
hostname_lookups = no
max_request_time = 30
cleanup_delay = 5
max_requests = 1024
pidfile = "/var/run/radiusd/"
checkrad = "/usr/sbin/checkrad"
debug_level = 0
proxy_requests = yes
log {
stripped_names = yes
auth = no
auth_badpass = yes
auth_goodpass = no
security {
max_attributes = 200
reject_delay = 1
status_server = yes
radiusd: #### Loading Realms and Home Servers ####
realm {
authhost =
accthost =
secret = s7f9876dg6sg85shd5s9
realm {
authhost =
accthost =
secret = s7f9876dg6sg85shd5s9
radiusd: #### Loading Clients ####
client localhost {
ipaddr =
require_message_authenticator = no
secret = "s7f9876dg6sg85shd5s9"
nastype = "other"
client {
require_message_authenticator = no
secret = "s7f9876dg6sg85shd5s9"
client {
require_message_authenticator = no
secret = "s7f9876dg6sg85shd5s9"
radiusd: #### Instantiating modules ####
instantiate {
Module: Linked to module rlm_exec
Module: Instantiating module "exec" from file /etc/raddb/modules/exec
exec {
wait = no
input_pairs = "request"
shell_escape = yes
timeout = 10
Module: Linked to module rlm_expr
Module: Instantiating module "expr" from file /etc/raddb/modules/expr
Module: Linked to module rlm_expiration
Module: Instantiating module "expiration" from file /etc/raddb/modules/expiration
expiration {
reply-message = "Password Has Expired "
Module: Linked to module rlm_logintime
Module: Instantiating module "logintime" from file /etc/raddb/modules/logintime
logintime {
reply-message = "You are calling outside your allowed timespan "
minimum-timeout = 60
radiusd: #### Loading Virtual Servers ####
server { # from file
modules {
Module: Creating Auth-Type = digest
Module: Creating Post-Auth-Type = REJECT
Module: Checking authenticate {...} for more modules to load
Module: Linked to module rlm_pap
Module: Instantiating module "pap" from file /etc/raddb/modules/pap
pap {
encryption_scheme = "auto"
auto_header = no
Module: Linked to module rlm_chap
Module: Instantiating module "chap" from file /etc/raddb/modules/chap
Module: Linked to module rlm_mschap
Module: Instantiating module "mschap" from file /etc/raddb/modules/mschap
mschap {
use_mppe = yes
require_encryption = no
require_strong = no
with_ntdomain_hack = no
allow_retry = yes
Module: Linked to module rlm_digest
Module: Instantiating module "digest" from file /etc/raddb/modules/digest
Module: Linked to module rlm_unix
Module: Instantiating module "unix" from file /etc/raddb/modules/unix
unix {
radwtmp = "/var/log/radius/radwtmp"
Module: Linked to module rlm_eap
Module: Instantiating module "eap" from file /etc/raddb/eap.conf
eap {
default_eap_type = "md5"
timer_expire = 60
ignore_unknown_eap_types = no
cisco_accounting_username_bug = no
max_sessions = 1024
Module: Linked to sub-module rlm_eap_md5
Module: Instantiating eap-md5
Module: Linked to sub-module rlm_eap_leap
Module: Instantiating eap-leap
Module: Linked to sub-module rlm_eap_gtc
Module: Instantiating eap-gtc
gtc {
challenge = "Password: "
auth_type = "PAP"
Module: Linked to sub-module rlm_eap_tls
Module: Instantiating eap-tls
tls {
rsa_key_exchange = no
dh_key_exchange = yes
rsa_key_length = 512
dh_key_length = 512
verify_depth = 0
CA_path = "/etc/raddb/certs"
pem_file_type = yes
private_key_file = "/etc/raddb/certs/server.pem"
certificate_file = "/etc/raddb/certs/server.pem"
CA_file = "/etc/raddb/certs/ca.pem"
private_key_password = "whatever"
dh_file = "/etc/raddb/certs/dh"
fragment_size = 1024
include_length = yes
check_crl = no
cipher_list = "DEFAULT"
ecdh_curve = "prime256v1"
cache {
enable = no
lifetime = 24
max_entries = 255
verify {
ocsp {
enable = no
override_cert_url = yes
url = ""
use_nonce = yes
timeout = 0
softfail = no
Module: Linked to sub-module rlm_eap_ttls
Module: Instantiating eap-ttls
ttls {
default_eap_type = "md5"
copy_request_to_tunnel = no
use_tunneled_reply = no
virtual_server = "inner-tunnel"
include_length = yes
Module: Linked to sub-module rlm_eap_peap
Module: Instantiating eap-peap
peap {
default_eap_type = "mschapv2"
copy_request_to_tunnel = no
use_tunneled_reply = no
proxy_tunneled_request_as_eap = yes
virtual_server = "inner-tunnel"
soh = no
Module: Linked to sub-module rlm_eap_mschapv2
Module: Instantiating eap-mschapv2
mschapv2 {
with_ntdomain_hack = no
send_error = no
Module: Checking authorize {...} for more modules to load
Module: Linked to module rlm_preprocess
Module: Instantiating module "preprocess" from file /etc/raddb/modules/preprocess
preprocess {
huntgroups = "/etc/raddb/huntgroups"
hints = "/etc/raddb/hints"
with_ascend_hack = no
ascend_channels_per_line = 23
with_ntdomain_hack = no
with_specialix_jetstream_hack = no
with_cisco_vsa_hack = no
with_alvarion_vsa_hack = no
reading pairlist file /etc/raddb/huntgroups
reading pairlist file /etc/raddb/hints
Module: Linked to module rlm_realm
Module: Instantiating module "suffix" from file /etc/raddb/modules/realm
realm suffix {
format = "suffix"
delimiter = "@"
ignore_default = no
ignore_null = no
Module: Linked to module rlm_sql
Module: Instantiating module "sql" from file /etc/raddb/sql.conf
sql {
driver = "rlm_sql_mysql"
server = "localhost"
port = ""
login = "radius"
password = "pqJdP6qa3sZPt76"
radius_db = "cloudradius"
read_groups = yes
sqltrace = no
sqltracefile = "/var/log/radius/sqltrace.sql"
readclients = no
deletestalesessions = yes
num_sql_socks = 32
lifetime = 0
max_queries = 0
sql_user_name = "%{%{Stripped-User-Name}:-%{%{User-Name}:-DEFAULT}}"
default_user_profile = ""
nas_query = "SELECT id, nasname, shortname, type, secret, server FROM nas"
authorize_check_query = "SELECT id, username, attribute, value, op FROM radcheck WHERE username = '%{SQL-User-Name}' ORDER BY id"
authorize_reply_query = "SELECT id, username, attribute, value, op FROM radreply WHERE username = '%{SQL-User-Name}' ORDER BY id"
authorize_group_check_query = "SELECT id, groupname, attribute, Value, op FROM radgroupcheck WHERE groupname = '%{Sql-Group}' ORDER BY id"
authorize_group_reply_query = "SELECT id, groupname, attribute, value, op FROM radgroupreply WHERE groupname = '%{Sql-Group}' ORDER BY id"
accounting_onoff_query = " UPDATE radacct SET acctstoptime = '%S', acctsessiontime = unix_timestamp('%S') - unix_timestamp(acctstarttime), acctterminatecause = '%{Acct-Terminate-Cause}', acctstopdelay = %{%{Acct-Delay-Time}:-0} WHERE acctstoptime IS NULL AND nasipaddress = '%{NAS-IP-Address}' AND acctstarttime <= '%S'"
accounting_update_query = " UPDATE radacct SET framedipaddress = '%{Framed-IP-Address}', acctsessiontime = '%{%{Acct-Session-Time}:-0}', acctinputoctets = '%{%{Acct-Input-Gigawords}:-0}' << 32 | '%{%{Acct-Input-Octets}:-0}', acctoutputoctets = '%{%{Acct-Output-Gigawords}:-0}' << 32 | '%{%{Acct-Output-Octets}:-0}' WHERE acctsessionid = '%{Acct-Session-Id}' AND username = '%{SQL-User-Name}' AND nasipaddress = '%{NAS-IP-Address}'"
accounting_update_query_alt = " INSERT INTO radacct (acctsessionid, acctuniqueid, username, realm, nasipaddress, nasportid, nasporttype, acctstarttime, acctsessiontime, acctauthentic, connectinfo_start, acctinputoctets, acctoutputoctets, calledstationid, callingstationid, servicetype, framedprotocol, framedipaddress, acctstartdelay, xascendsessionsvrkey) VALUES ('%{Acct-Session-Id}', '%{Acct-Unique-Session-Id}', '%{SQL-User-Name}', '%{Realm}', '%{NAS-IP-Address}', '%{NAS-Port}', '%{NAS-Port-Type}', DATE_SUB('%S', INTERVAL (%{%{Acct-Session-Time}:-0} + %{%{Acct-Delay-Time}:-0}) SECOND), '%{%{Acct-Session-Time}:-0}', '%{Acct-Authentic}', '', '%{%{Acct-Input-Gigawords}:-0}' << 32 | '%{%{Acct-Input-Octets}:-0}', '%{%{Acct-Output-Gigawords}:-0}' << 32 | '%{%{Acct-Output-Octets}:-0}', '%{Called-Station-Id}', '%{Calling-Station-Id}', '%{Service-Type}', '%{Framed-Protocol}', '%{Framed-IP-Address}', '0', '%{X-Ascend-Session-Svr-Key}')"
accounting_start_query = " INSERT INTO radacct (acctsessionid, acctuniqueid, username, realm, nasipaddress, nasportid, nasporttype, acctstarttime, acctstoptime, acctsessiontime, acctauthentic, connectinfo_start, connectinfo_stop, acctinputoctets, acctoutputoctets, calledstationid, callingstationid, acctterminatecause, servicetype, framedprotocol, framedipaddress, acctstartdelay, acctstopdelay, xascendsessionsvrkey) VALUES ('%{Acct-Session-Id}', '%{Acct-Unique-Session-Id}', '%{SQL-User-Name}', '%{Realm}', '%{NAS-IP-Address}', '%{NAS-Port}', '%{NAS-Port-Type}', '%S', NULL, '0', '%{Acct-Authentic}', '%{Connect-Info}', '', '0', '0', '%{Called-Station-Id}', '%{Calling-Station-Id}', '', '%{Service-Type}', '%{Framed-Protocol}', '%{Framed-IP-Address}', '%{%{Acct-Delay-Time}:-0}', '0', '%{X-Ascend-Session-Svr-Key}')"
accounting_start_query_alt = " UPDATE radacct SET acctstarttime = '%S', acctstartdelay = '%{%{Acct-Delay-Time}:-0}', connectinfo_start = '%{Connect-Info}' WHERE acctsessionid = '%{Acct-Session-Id}' AND username = '%{SQL-User-Name}' AND nasipaddress = '%{NAS-IP-Address}'"
accounting_stop_query = " UPDATE radacct SET acctstoptime = '%S', acctsessiontime = '%{%{Acct-Session-Time}:-0}', acctinputoctets = '%{%{Acct-Input-Gigawords}:-0}' << 32 | '%{%{Acct-Input-Octets}:-0}', acctoutputoctets = '%{%{Acct-Output-Gigawords}:-0}' << 32 | '%{%{Acct-Output-Octets}:-0}', acctterminatecause = '%{Acct-Terminate-Cause}', acctstopdelay = '%{%{Acct-Delay-Time}:-0}', connectinfo_stop = '%{Connect-Info}' WHERE acctsessionid = '%{Acct-Session-Id}' AND username = '%{SQL-User-Name}' AND nasipaddress = '%{NAS-IP-Address}'"
accounting_stop_query_alt = " INSERT INTO radacct (acctsessionid, acctuniqueid, username, realm, nasipaddress, nasportid, nasporttype, acctstarttime, acctstoptime, acctsessiontime, acctauthentic, connectinfo_start, connectinfo_stop, acctinputoctets, acctoutputoctets, calledstationid, callingstationid, acctterminatecause, servicetype, framedprotocol, framedipaddress, acctstartdelay, acctstopdelay) VALUES ('%{Acct-Session-Id}', '%{Acct-Unique-Session-Id}', '%{SQL-User-Name}', '%{Realm}', '%{NAS-IP-Address}', '%{NAS-Port}', '%{NAS-Port-Type}', DATE_SUB('%S', INTERVAL (%{%{Acct-Session-Time}:-0} + %{%{Acct-Delay-Time}:-0}) SECOND), '%S', '%{%{Acct-Session-Time}:-0}', '%{Acct-Authentic}', '', '%{Connect-Info}', '%{%{Acct-Input-Gigawords}:-0}' << 32 | '%{%{Acct-Input-Octets}:-0}', '%{%{Acct-Output-Gigawords}:-0}' << 32 | '%{%{Acct-Output-Octets}:-0}', '%{Called-Station-Id}', '%{Calling-Station-Id}', '%{Acct-Terminate-Cause}', '%{Service-Type}', '%{Framed-Protocol}', '%{Framed-IP-Address}', '0', '%{%{Acct-Delay-Time}:-0}')"
group_membership_query = "SELECT groupname FROM radusergroup WHERE username = '%{SQL-User-Name}' ORDER BY priority"
connect_failure_retry_delay = 60
simul_count_query = ""
simul_verify_query = "SELECT radacctid, acctsessionid, username, nasipaddress, nasportid, framedipaddress, callingstationid, framedprotocol FROM radacct WHERE username = '%{SQL-User-Name}' AND acctstoptime IS NULL"
postauth_query = "INSERT INTO radpostauth (username, pass, reply, authdate) VALUES ( '%{User-Name}', '%{%{User-Password}:-%{Chap-Password}}', '%{reply:Packet-Type}', '%S')"
safe-characters = "@abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789.-_: /"
rlm_sql (sql): Driver rlm_sql_mysql (module rlm_sql_mysql) loaded and linked
rlm_sql (sql): Attempting to connect to radius at localhost:/cloudradius
rlm_sql (sql): starting 0
rlm_sql (sql): Attempting to connect rlm_sql_mysql #0
rlm_sql_mysql: Starting connect to MySQL server for #0
rlm_sql (sql): Connected new DB handle, #0
rlm_sql (sql): starting 1
rlm_sql (sql): Attempting to connect rlm_sql_mysql #1
rlm_sql_mysql: Starting connect to MySQL server for #1
rlm_sql (sql): Connected new DB handle, #1
rlm_sql (sql): starting 2
rlm_sql (sql): Attempting to connect rlm_sql_mysql #2
rlm_sql_mysql: Starting connect to MySQL server for #2
rlm_sql (sql): Connected new DB handle, #2
rlm_sql (sql): starting 3
rlm_sql (sql): Attempting to connect rlm_sql_mysql #3
rlm_sql_mysql: Starting connect to MySQL server for #3
rlm_sql (sql): Connected new DB handle, #3
rlm_sql (sql): starting 4
rlm_sql (sql): Attempting to connect rlm_sql_mysql #4
rlm_sql_mysql: Starting connect to MySQL server for #4
rlm_sql (sql): Connected new DB handle, #4
rlm_sql (sql): starting 5
rlm_sql (sql): Attempting to connect rlm_sql_mysql #5
rlm_sql_mysql: Starting connect to MySQL server for #5
rlm_sql (sql): Connected new DB handle, #5
rlm_sql (sql): starting 6
rlm_sql (sql): Attempting to connect rlm_sql_mysql #6
rlm_sql_mysql: Starting connect to MySQL server for #6
rlm_sql (sql): Connected new DB handle, #6
rlm_sql (sql): starting 7
rlm_sql (sql): Attempting to connect rlm_sql_mysql #7
rlm_sql_mysql: Starting connect to MySQL server for #7
rlm_sql (sql): Connected new DB handle, #7
rlm_sql (sql): starting 8
rlm_sql (sql): Attempting to connect rlm_sql_mysql #8
rlm_sql_mysql: Starting connect to MySQL server for #8
rlm_sql (sql): Connected new DB handle, #8
rlm_sql (sql): starting 9
rlm_sql (sql): Attempting to connect rlm_sql_mysql #9
rlm_sql_mysql: Starting connect to MySQL server for #9
rlm_sql (sql): Connected new DB handle, #9
rlm_sql (sql): starting 10
rlm_sql (sql): Attempting to connect rlm_sql_mysql #10
rlm_sql_mysql: Starting connect to MySQL server for #10
rlm_sql (sql): Connected new DB handle, #10
rlm_sql (sql): starting 11
rlm_sql (sql): Attempting to connect rlm_sql_mysql #11
rlm_sql_mysql: Starting connect to MySQL server for #11
rlm_sql (sql): Connected new DB handle, #11
rlm_sql (sql): starting 12
rlm_sql (sql): Attempting to connect rlm_sql_mysql #12
rlm_sql_mysql: Starting connect to MySQL server for #12
rlm_sql (sql): Connected new DB handle, #12
rlm_sql (sql): starting 13
rlm_sql (sql): Attempting to connect rlm_sql_mysql #13
rlm_sql_mysql: Starting connect to MySQL server for #13
rlm_sql (sql): Connected new DB handle, #13
rlm_sql (sql): starting 14
rlm_sql (sql): Attempting to connect rlm_sql_mysql #14
rlm_sql_mysql: Starting connect to MySQL server for #14
rlm_sql (sql): Connected new DB handle, #14
rlm_sql (sql): starting 15
rlm_sql (sql): Attempting to connect rlm_sql_mysql #15
rlm_sql_mysql: Starting connect to MySQL server for #15
rlm_sql (sql): Connected new DB handle, #15
rlm_sql (sql): starting 16
rlm_sql (sql): Attempting to connect rlm_sql_mysql #16
rlm_sql_mysql: Starting connect to MySQL server for #16
rlm_sql (sql): Connected new DB handle, #16
rlm_sql (sql): starting 17
rlm_sql (sql): Attempting to connect rlm_sql_mysql #17
rlm_sql_mysql: Starting connect to MySQL server for #17
rlm_sql (sql): Connected new DB handle, #17
rlm_sql (sql): starting 18
rlm_sql (sql): Attempting to connect rlm_sql_mysql #18
rlm_sql_mysql: Starting connect to MySQL server for #18
rlm_sql (sql): Connected new DB handle, #18
rlm_sql (sql): starting 19
rlm_sql (sql): Attempting to connect rlm_sql_mysql #19
rlm_sql_mysql: Starting connect to MySQL server for #19
rlm_sql (sql): Connected new DB handle, #19
rlm_sql (sql): starting 20
rlm_sql (sql): Attempting to connect rlm_sql_mysql #20
rlm_sql_mysql: Starting connect to MySQL server for #20
rlm_sql (sql): Connected new DB handle, #20
rlm_sql (sql): starting 21
rlm_sql (sql): Attempting to connect rlm_sql_mysql #21
rlm_sql_mysql: Starting connect to MySQL server for #21
rlm_sql (sql): Connected new DB handle, #21
rlm_sql (sql): starting 22
rlm_sql (sql): Attempting to connect rlm_sql_mysql #22
rlm_sql_mysql: Starting connect to MySQL server for #22
rlm_sql (sql): Connected new DB handle, #22
rlm_sql (sql): starting 23
rlm_sql (sql): Attempting to connect rlm_sql_mysql #23
rlm_sql_mysql: Starting connect to MySQL server for #23
rlm_sql (sql): Connected new DB handle, #23
rlm_sql (sql): starting 24
rlm_sql (sql): Attempting to connect rlm_sql_mysql #24
rlm_sql_mysql: Starting connect to MySQL server for #24
rlm_sql (sql): Connected new DB handle, #24
rlm_sql (sql): starting 25
rlm_sql (sql): Attempting to connect rlm_sql_mysql #25
rlm_sql_mysql: Starting connect to MySQL server for #25
rlm_sql (sql): Connected new DB handle, #25
rlm_sql (sql): starting 26
rlm_sql (sql): Attempting to connect rlm_sql_mysql #26
rlm_sql_mysql: Starting connect to MySQL server for #26
rlm_sql (sql): Connected new DB handle, #26
rlm_sql (sql): starting 27
rlm_sql (sql): Attempting to connect rlm_sql_mysql #27
rlm_sql_mysql: Starting connect to MySQL server for #27
rlm_sql (sql): Connected new DB handle, #27
rlm_sql (sql): starting 28
rlm_sql (sql): Attempting to connect rlm_sql_mysql #28
rlm_sql_mysql: Starting connect to MySQL server for #28
rlm_sql (sql): Connected new DB handle, #28
rlm_sql (sql): starting 29
rlm_sql (sql): Attempting to connect rlm_sql_mysql #29
rlm_sql_mysql: Starting connect to MySQL server for #29
rlm_sql (sql): Connected new DB handle, #29
rlm_sql (sql): starting 30
rlm_sql (sql): Attempting to connect rlm_sql_mysql #30
rlm_sql_mysql: Starting connect to MySQL server for #30
rlm_sql (sql): Connected new DB handle, #30
rlm_sql (sql): starting 31
rlm_sql (sql): Attempting to connect rlm_sql_mysql #31
rlm_sql_mysql: Starting connect to MySQL server for #31
rlm_sql (sql): Connected new DB handle, #31
Module: Checking preacct {...} for more modules to load
Module: Linked to module rlm_acct_unique
Module: Instantiating module "acct_unique" from file /etc/raddb/modules/acct_unique
acct_unique {
key = "User-Name, Acct-Session-Id, NAS-IP-Address, NAS-Identifier, NAS-Port"
Module: Linked to module rlm_files
Module: Instantiating module "files" from file /etc/raddb/modules/files
files {
usersfile = "/etc/raddb/users"
acctusersfile = "/etc/raddb/acct_users"
preproxy_usersfile = "/etc/raddb/preproxy_users"
compat = "no"
reading pairlist file /etc/raddb/users
reading pairlist file /etc/raddb/acct_users
reading pairlist file /etc/raddb/preproxy_users
Module: Checking accounting {...} for more modules to load
Module: Linked to module rlm_sqlippool
Module: Instantiating module "sqlippool" from file /etc/raddb/sqlippool.conf
sqlippool {
sql-instance-name = "sql"
lease-duration = 1200
pool-name = ""
allocate-begin = "START TRANSACTION"
allocate-clear = "UPDATE radippool SET nasipaddress = '', pool_key = 0, callingstationid = '', username = '', expiry_time = NULL WHERE expiry_time <= NOW() - INTERVAL 1 SECOND AND nasipaddress = '%{Nas-IP-Address}'"
allocate-find = "SELECT framedipaddress FROM radippool WHERE pool_name = '%{control:Pool-Name}' AND (expiry_time < NOW() OR expiry_time IS NULL) ORDER BY (username <> '%{User-Name}'), (callingstationid <> '%{Calling-Station-Id}'), expiry_time LIMIT 1 FOR UPDATE"
allocate-update = "UPDATE radippool SET nasipaddress = '%{NAS-IP-Address}', pool_key = '%{NAS-Port}', callingstationid = '%{Calling-Station-Id}', username = '%{User-Name}', expiry_time = NOW() + INTERVAL 1200 SECOND WHERE framedipaddress = '%I' AND expiry_time IS NULL"
allocate-commit = "COMMIT"
allocate-rollback = "ROLLBACK"
pool-check = "SELECT id FROM radippool WHERE pool_name='%{control:Pool-Name}' LIMIT 1"
start-begin = "START TRANSACTION"
start-update = "UPDATE radippool SET expiry_time = NOW() + INTERVAL 1200 SECOND WHERE nasipaddress = '%{NAS-IP-Address}' AND pool_key = '%{NAS-Port}' AND username = '%{User-Name}' AND callingstationid = '%{Calling-Station-Id}' AND framedipaddress = '%{Framed-IP-Address}'"
start-commit = "COMMIT"
start-rollback = "ROLLBACK"
alive-begin = "START TRANSACTION"
alive-update = "UPDATE radippool SET expiry_time = NOW() + INTERVAL 1200 SECOND WHERE nasipaddress = '%{Nas-IP-Address}' AND pool_key = '%{NAS-Port}' AND username = '%{User-Name}' AND callingstationid = '%{Calling-Station-Id}' AND framedipaddress = '%{Framed-IP-Address}'"
alive-commit = "COMMIT"
alive-rollback = "ROLLBACK"
stop-begin = "START TRANSACTION"
stop-clear = "UPDATE radippool SET nasipaddress = '', pool_key = 0, callingstationid = '', username = '', expiry_time = NULL WHERE nasipaddress = '%{Nas-IP-Address}' AND pool_key = '%{NAS-Port}' AND username = '%{User-Name}' AND callingstationid = '%{Calling-Station-Id}' AND framedipaddress = '%{Framed-IP-Address}'"
stop-commit = "COMMIT"
stop-rollback = "ROLLBACK"
on-clear = "UPDATE radippool SET nasipaddress = '', pool_key = 0, callingstationid = '', username = '', expiry_time = NULL WHERE nasipaddress = '%{Nas-IP-Address}'"
on-commit = "COMMIT"
on-rollback = "ROLLBACK"
off-clear = "UPDATE radippool SET nasipaddress = '', pool_key = 0, callingstationid = '', username = '', expiry_time = NULL WHERE nasipaddress = '%{Nas-IP-Address}'"
off-commit = "COMMIT"
off-rollback = "ROLLBACK"
sqlippool_log_exists = "Existing IP: %{reply:Framed-IP-Address} (did %{Called-Station-Id} cli %{Calling-Station-Id} port %{NAS-Port} user %{User-Name})"
sqlippool_log_success = "Allocated IP: %{reply:Framed-IP-Address} from %{control:Pool-Name} (did %{Called-Station-Id} cli %{Calling-Station-Id} port %{NAS-Port} user %{User-Name})"
sqlippool_log_clear = "Released IP %{Framed-IP-Address} (did %{Called-Station-Id} cli %{Calling-Station-Id} user %{User-Name})"
sqlippool_log_failed = "IP Allocation FAILED from %{control:Pool-Name} (did %{Called-Station-Id} cli %{Calling-Station-Id} port %{NAS-Port} user %{User-Name})"
sqlippool_log_nopool = "No Pool-Name defined (did %{Called-Station-Id} cli %{Calling-Station-Id} port %{NAS-Port} user %{User-Name})"
defaultpool = "main_pool"
Module: Linked to module rlm_always
Module: Instantiating module "ok" from file /etc/raddb/modules/always
always ok {
rcode = "ok"
simulcount = 0
mpp = no
Module: Linked to module rlm_attr_filter
Module: Instantiating module "attr_filter.accounting_response" from file /etc/raddb/modules/attr_filter
attr_filter attr_filter.accounting_response {
attrsfile = "/etc/raddb/attrs.accounting_response"
key = "%{User-Name}"
relaxed = no
reading pairlist file /etc/raddb/attrs.accounting_response
Module: Checking session {...} for more modules to load
Module: Linked to module rlm_radutmp
Module: Instantiating module "radutmp" from file /etc/raddb/modules/radutmp
radutmp {
filename = "/var/log/radius/radutmp"
username = "%{User-Name}"
case_sensitive = yes
check_with_nas = yes
perm = 384
callerid = yes
Module: Checking post-proxy {...} for more modules to load
Module: Checking post-auth {...} for more modules to load
Module: Instantiating module "attr_filter.access_reject" from file /etc/raddb/modules/attr_filter
attr_filter attr_filter.access_reject {
attrsfile = "/etc/raddb/attrs.access_reject"
key = "%{User-Name}"
relaxed = no
reading pairlist file /etc/raddb/attrs.access_reject
} # modules
} # server
server inner-tunnel { # from file /etc/raddb/sites-enabled/inner-tunnel
modules {
Module: Checking authenticate {...} for more modules to load
Module: Checking authorize {...} for more modules to load
Module: Checking session {...} for more modules to load
Module: Checking post-proxy {...} for more modules to load
Module: Checking post-auth {...} for more modules to load
} # modules
} # server
radiusd: #### Opening IP addresses and Ports ####
listen {
type = "auth"
ipaddr = *
port = 0
listen {
type = "acct"
ipaddr = *
port = 0
listen {
type = "control"
listen {
socket = "/var/run/radiusd/radiusd.sock"
listen {
type = "auth"
ipaddr =
port = 18120
Listening on authentication address * port 1812
Listening on accounting address * port 1813
Listening on command file /var/run/radiusd/radiusd.sock
Listening on authentication address port 18120 as server inner-tunnel
Listening on proxy address * port 1814
Ready to process requests.
rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host port 46224, id=31, length=276
Service-Type = Framed-User
Framed-Protocol = PPP
NAS-Port = 15729457
NAS-Port-Type = Ethernet
User-Name = "testlane5 at"
Calling-Station-Id = "02:24:83:47:95:AB"
Called-Station-Id = ""
NAS-Port-Id = "eoip-timarutech"
MS-CHAP-Domain = ""
MS-CHAP-Challenge = 0x1f3993056e4dacd5d7112a34d9d97078
MS-CHAP2-Response = 0x0100eb3b8b7818917c46039413a48a7a52780000000000000000246c4cef8fc251c4ed3fccc26c71a0b1242e0d678989479d
NAS-Identifier = ""
Mikrotik-Realm = ""
NAS-IP-Address =
# Executing section authorize from file /etc/raddb/sites-enabled/default
+group authorize {
++[preprocess] = ok
++[chap] = noop
[mschap] Found MS-CHAP attributes. Setting 'Auth-Type = mschap'
++[mschap] = ok
++[digest] = noop
[suffix] Looking up realm "" for User-Name = "testlane5 at"
[suffix] Found realm ""
[suffix] Adding Stripped-User-Name = "testlane5"
[suffix] Adding Realm = ""
[suffix] Proxying request from user testlane5 to realm
[suffix] Preparing to proxy authentication request to realm ""
++[suffix] = updated
[eap] No EAP-Message, not doing EAP
++[eap] = noop
[sql] expand: %{Stripped-User-Name} -> testlane5
[sql] expand: %{%{Stripped-User-Name}:-%{%{User-Name}:-DEFAULT}} -> testlane5
[sql] sql_set_user escaped user --> 'testlane5'
rlm_sql (sql): Reserving sql socket id: 31
[sql] expand: SELECT id, username, attribute, value, op FROM radcheck WHERE username = '%{SQL-User-Name}' ORDER BY id -> SELECT id, username, attribute, value, op FROM radcheck WHERE username = 'testlane5' ORDER BY id
[sql] User found in radcheck table
[sql] expand: SELECT id, username, attribute, value, op FROM radreply WHERE username = '%{SQL-User-Name}' ORDER BY id -> SELECT id, username, attribute, value, op FROM radreply WHERE username = 'testlane5' ORDER BY id
[sql] expand: SELECT groupname FROM radusergroup WHERE username = '%{SQL-User-Name}' ORDER BY priority -> SELECT groupname FROM radusergroup WHERE username = 'testlane5' ORDER BY priority
[sql] expand: SELECT id, groupname, attribute, Value, op FROM radgroupcheck WHERE groupname = '%{Sql-Group}' ORDER BY id -> SELECT id, groupname, attribute, Value, op FROM radgroupcheck WHERE groupname = 'default' ORDER BY id
[sql] User found in group default
[sql] expand: SELECT id, groupname, attribute, value, op FROM radgroupreply WHERE groupname = '%{Sql-Group}' ORDER BY id -> SELECT id, groupname, attribute, value, op FROM radgroupreply WHERE groupname = 'default' ORDER BY id
rlm_sql (sql): Released sql socket id: 31
++[sql] = ok
++[expiration] = noop
++[logintime] = noop
++[pap] = noop
++? if (!control:Auth-Type)
? Evaluating !(control:Auth-Type) -> FALSE
++? if (!control:Auth-Type) -> FALSE
+} # group authorize = updated
WARNING: Empty pre-proxy section. Using default return values.
Sending Access-Request of id 71 to port 1812
Service-Type = Framed-User
Framed-Protocol = PPP
NAS-Port = 15729457
NAS-Port-Type = Ethernet
User-Name = "testlane5"
Calling-Station-Id = "02:24:83:47:95:AB"
Called-Station-Id = ""
NAS-Port-Id = "eoip-timarutech"
MS-CHAP-Domain = ""
MS-CHAP-Challenge = 0x1f3993056e4dacd5d7112a34d9d97078
MS-CHAP2-Response = 0x0100eb3b8b7818917c46039413a48a7a52780000000000000000246c4cef8fc251c4ed3fccc26c71a0b1242e0d678989479d
NAS-Identifier = ""
Mikrotik-Realm = ""
NAS-IP-Address =
Proxy-State = 0x3331
Proxying request 0 to home server port 1812
Sending Access-Request of id 71 to port 1812
Service-Type = Framed-User
Framed-Protocol = PPP
NAS-Port = 15729457
NAS-Port-Type = Ethernet
User-Name = "testlane5"
Calling-Station-Id = "02:24:83:47:95:AB"
Called-Station-Id = ""
NAS-Port-Id = "eoip-timarutech"
MS-CHAP-Domain = ""
MS-CHAP-Challenge = 0x1f3993056e4dacd5d7112a34d9d97078
MS-CHAP2-Response = 0x0100eb3b8b7818917c46039413a48a7a52780000000000000000246c4cef8fc251c4ed3fccc26c71a0b1242e0d678989479d
NAS-Identifier = ""
Mikrotik-Realm = ""
NAS-IP-Address =
Proxy-State = 0x3331
Going to the next request
Waking up in 0.9 seconds.
rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host port 1814, id=71, length=267
Service-Type = Framed-User
Framed-Protocol = PPP
NAS-Port = 15729457
NAS-Port-Type = Ethernet
User-Name = "testlane5"
Calling-Station-Id = "02:24:83:47:95:AB"
Called-Station-Id = ""
NAS-Port-Id = "eoip-timarutech"
MS-CHAP-Domain = ""
MS-CHAP-Challenge = 0x1f3993056e4dacd5d7112a34d9d97078
MS-CHAP2-Response = 0x0100eb3b8b7818917c46039413a48a7a52780000000000000000246c4cef8fc251c4ed3fccc26c71a0b1242e0d678989479d
NAS-Identifier = ""
Mikrotik-Realm = ""
NAS-IP-Address =
Proxy-State = 0x3331
# Executing section authorize from file /etc/raddb/sites-enabled/default
+group authorize {
++[preprocess] = ok
++[chap] = noop
[mschap] Found MS-CHAP attributes. Setting 'Auth-Type = mschap'
++[mschap] = ok
++[digest] = noop
[suffix] No '@' in User-Name = "testlane5", looking up realm NULL
[suffix] No such realm "NULL"
++[suffix] = noop
[eap] No EAP-Message, not doing EAP
++[eap] = noop
[sql] expand: %{Stripped-User-Name} ->
[sql] ... expanding second conditional
[sql] expand: %{User-Name} -> testlane5
[sql] expand: %{%{User-Name}:-DEFAULT} -> testlane5
[sql] expand: %{%{Stripped-User-Name}:-%{%{User-Name}:-DEFAULT}} -> testlane5
[sql] sql_set_user escaped user --> 'testlane5'
rlm_sql (sql): Reserving sql socket id: 30
[sql] expand: SELECT id, username, attribute, value, op FROM radcheck WHERE username = '%{SQL-User-Name}' ORDER BY id -> SELECT id, username, attribute, value, op FROM radcheck WHERE username = 'testlane5' ORDER BY id
[sql] User found in radcheck table
[sql] expand: SELECT id, username, attribute, value, op FROM radreply WHERE username = '%{SQL-User-Name}' ORDER BY id -> SELECT id, username, attribute, value, op FROM radreply WHERE username = 'testlane5' ORDER BY id
[sql] expand: SELECT groupname FROM radusergroup WHERE username = '%{SQL-User-Name}' ORDER BY priority -> SELECT groupname FROM radusergroup WHERE username = 'testlane5' ORDER BY priority
[sql] expand: SELECT id, groupname, attribute, Value, op FROM radgroupcheck WHERE groupname = '%{Sql-Group}' ORDER BY id -> SELECT id, groupname, attribute, Value, op FROM radgroupcheck WHERE groupname = 'default' ORDER BY id
[sql] User found in group default
[sql] expand: SELECT id, groupname, attribute, value, op FROM radgroupreply WHERE groupname = '%{Sql-Group}' ORDER BY id -> SELECT id, groupname, attribute, value, op FROM radgroupreply WHERE groupname = 'default' ORDER BY id
rlm_sql (sql): Released sql socket id: 30
++[sql] = ok
++[expiration] = noop
++[logintime] = noop
[pap] WARNING: Auth-Type already set. Not setting to PAP
++[pap] = noop
++? if (!control:Auth-Type)
? Evaluating !(control:Auth-Type) -> FALSE
++? if (!control:Auth-Type) -> FALSE
+} # group authorize = ok
Found Auth-Type = MSCHAP
# Executing group from file /etc/raddb/sites-enabled/default
+group MS-CHAP {
[mschap] Creating challenge hash with username: testlane5
[mschap] Client is using MS-CHAPv2 for testlane5, we need NT-Password
[mschap] FAILED: MS-CHAP2-Response is incorrect
++[mschap] = reject
+} # group MS-CHAP = reject
Failed to authenticate the user.
Using Post-Auth-Type REJECT
# Executing group from file /etc/raddb/sites-enabled/default
+group REJECT {
[sql] expand: %{Stripped-User-Name} ->
[sql] ... expanding second conditional
[sql] expand: %{User-Name} -> testlane5
[sql] expand: %{%{User-Name}:-DEFAULT} -> testlane5
[sql] expand: %{%{Stripped-User-Name}:-%{%{User-Name}:-DEFAULT}} -> testlane5
[sql] sql_set_user escaped user --> 'testlane5'
[sql] expand: %{User-Password} ->
[sql] ... expanding second conditional
[sql] expand: %{Chap-Password} ->
[sql] expand: INSERT INTO radpostauth (username, pass, reply, authdate) VALUES ( '%{User-Name}', '%{%{User-Password}:-%{Chap-Password}}', '%{reply:Packet-Type}', '%S') -> INSERT INTO radpostauth (username, pass, reply, authdate) VALUES ( 'testlane5', '', 'Access-Reject', '2019-05-19 20:05:11')
rlm_sql (sql) in sql_postauth: query is INSERT INTO radpostauth (username, pass, reply, authdate) VALUES ( 'testlane5', '', 'Access-Reject', '2019-05-19 20:05:11')
rlm_sql (sql): Reserving sql socket id: 29
rlm_sql (sql): Released sql socket id: 29
++[sql] = ok
[attr_filter.access_reject] expand: %{User-Name} -> testlane5
attr_filter: Matched entry DEFAULT at line 11
++[attr_filter.access_reject] = updated
+} # group REJECT = updated
Delaying reject of request 1 for 1 seconds
Going to the next request
Waking up in 0.9 seconds.
rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host port 46224, id=31, length=276
Sending duplicate proxied request to home server port 1812 - ID: 71
Sending Access-Request of id 71 to port 1812
Service-Type = Framed-User
Framed-Protocol = PPP
NAS-Port = 15729457
NAS-Port-Type = Ethernet
User-Name = "testlane5"
Calling-Station-Id = "02:24:83:47:95:AB"
Called-Station-Id = ""
NAS-Port-Id = "eoip-timarutech"
MS-CHAP-Domain = ""
MS-CHAP-Challenge = 0x1f3993056e4dacd5d7112a34d9d97078
MS-CHAP2-Response = 0x0100eb3b8b7818917c46039413a48a7a52780000000000000000246c4cef8fc251c4ed3fccc26c71a0b1242e0d678989479d
NAS-Identifier = ""
Mikrotik-Realm = ""
NAS-IP-Address =
Proxy-State = 0x3331
Waking up in 0.6 seconds.
rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host port 1814, id=71, length=267
Waiting to send Access-Reject to client localhost port 1814 - ID: 71
Waking up in 0.6 seconds.
rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host port 46224, id=31, length=276
Sending duplicate proxied request to home server port 1812 - ID: 71
Sending Access-Request of id 71 to port 1812
Service-Type = Framed-User
Framed-Protocol = PPP
NAS-Port = 15729457
NAS-Port-Type = Ethernet
User-Name = "testlane5"
Calling-Station-Id = "02:24:83:47:95:AB"
Called-Station-Id = ""
NAS-Port-Id = "eoip-timarutech"
MS-CHAP-Domain = ""
MS-CHAP-Challenge = 0x1f3993056e4dacd5d7112a34d9d97078
MS-CHAP2-Response = 0x0100eb3b8b7818917c46039413a48a7a52780000000000000000246c4cef8fc251c4ed3fccc26c71a0b1242e0d678989479d
NAS-Identifier = ""
Mikrotik-Realm = ""
NAS-IP-Address =
Proxy-State = 0x3331
Waking up in 0.3 seconds.
rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host port 1814, id=71, length=267
Waiting to send Access-Reject to client localhost port 1814 - ID: 71
Waking up in 0.3 seconds.
Sending delayed reject for request 1
Sending Access-Reject of id 71 to port 1814
MS-CHAP-Error = "\001E=691 R=1"
Proxy-State = 0x3331
Waking up in 4.9 seconds.
rad_recv: Access-Reject packet from host port 1812, id=71, length=42
MS-CHAP-Error = "\001E=691 R=1"
Proxy-State = 0x3331
# Executing section post-proxy from file /etc/raddb/sites-enabled/default
+group post-proxy {
[eap] No pre-existing handler found
++[eap] = noop
+} # group post-proxy = noop
Using Post-Auth-Type REJECT
# Executing group from file /etc/raddb/sites-enabled/default
+group REJECT {
[sql] expand: %{Stripped-User-Name} -> testlane5
[sql] expand: %{%{Stripped-User-Name}:-%{%{User-Name}:-DEFAULT}} -> testlane5
[sql] sql_set_user escaped user --> 'testlane5'
[sql] expand: %{User-Password} ->
[sql] ... expanding second conditional
[sql] expand: %{Chap-Password} ->
[sql] expand: INSERT INTO radpostauth (username, pass, reply, authdate) VALUES ( '%{User-Name}', '%{%{User-Password}:-%{Chap-Password}}', '%{reply:Packet-Type}', '%S') -> INSERT INTO radpostauth (username, pass, reply, authdate) VALUES ( 'testlane5 at', '', 'Access-Reject', '2019-05-19 20:05:11')
rlm_sql (sql) in sql_postauth: query is INSERT INTO radpostauth (username, pass, reply, authdate) VALUES ( 'testlane5 at', '', 'Access-Reject', '2019-05-19 20:05:11')
rlm_sql (sql): Reserving sql socket id: 28
rlm_sql (sql): Released sql socket id: 28
++[sql] = ok
[attr_filter.access_reject] expand: %{User-Name} -> testlane5 at
attr_filter: Matched entry DEFAULT at line 11
++[attr_filter.access_reject] = updated
+} # group REJECT = updated
Sending Access-Reject of id 31 to port 46224
MS-CHAP-Error = "\001E=691 R=1"
Finished request 0.
Going to the next request
Waking up in 4.9 seconds.
rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host port 58794, id=32, length=276
Service-Type = Framed-User
Framed-Protocol = PPP
NAS-Port = 15729458
NAS-Port-Type = Ethernet
User-Name = "testlane5 at"
Calling-Station-Id = "02:24:83:47:95:AB"
Called-Station-Id = ""
NAS-Port-Id = "eoip-timarutech"
MS-CHAP-Domain = ""
MS-CHAP-Challenge = 0x8cfad6f1df5918ab44bcca7d4fd0eb9d
MS-CHAP2-Response = 0x01007b8394b86094fb4bd086c3e8183f2e1b00000000000000007e68546c2b8eed73be5a12f8cb5175ab4cbedfa2aec45d2b
NAS-Identifier = ""
Mikrotik-Realm = ""
NAS-IP-Address =
# Executing section authorize from file /etc/raddb/sites-enabled/default
+group authorize {
++[preprocess] = ok
++[chap] = noop
[mschap] Found MS-CHAP attributes. Setting 'Auth-Type = mschap'
++[mschap] = ok
++[digest] = noop
[suffix] Looking up realm "" for User-Name = "testlane5 at"
[suffix] Found realm ""
[suffix] Adding Stripped-User-Name = "testlane5"
[suffix] Adding Realm = ""
[suffix] Proxying request from user testlane5 to realm
[suffix] Preparing to proxy authentication request to realm ""
++[suffix] = updated
[eap] No EAP-Message, not doing EAP
++[eap] = noop
[sql] expand: %{Stripped-User-Name} -> testlane5
[sql] expand: %{%{Stripped-User-Name}:-%{%{User-Name}:-DEFAULT}} -> testlane5
[sql] sql_set_user escaped user --> 'testlane5'
rlm_sql (sql): Reserving sql socket id: 27
[sql] expand: SELECT id, username, attribute, value, op FROM radcheck WHERE username = '%{SQL-User-Name}' ORDER BY id -> SELECT id, username, attribute, value, op FROM radcheck WHERE username = 'testlane5' ORDER BY id
[sql] User found in radcheck table
[sql] expand: SELECT id, username, attribute, value, op FROM radreply WHERE username = '%{SQL-User-Name}' ORDER BY id -> SELECT id, username, attribute, value, op FROM radreply WHERE username = 'testlane5' ORDER BY id
[sql] expand: SELECT groupname FROM radusergroup WHERE username = '%{SQL-User-Name}' ORDER BY priority -> SELECT groupname FROM radusergroup WHERE username = 'testlane5' ORDER BY priority
[sql] expand: SELECT id, groupname, attribute, Value, op FROM radgroupcheck WHERE groupname = '%{Sql-Group}' ORDER BY id -> SELECT id, groupname, attribute, Value, op FROM radgroupcheck WHERE groupname = 'default' ORDER BY id
[sql] User found in group default
[sql] expand: SELECT id, groupname, attribute, value, op FROM radgroupreply WHERE groupname = '%{Sql-Group}' ORDER BY id -> SELECT id, groupname, attribute, value, op FROM radgroupreply WHERE groupname = 'default' ORDER BY id
rlm_sql (sql): Released sql socket id: 27
++[sql] = ok
++[expiration] = noop
++[logintime] = noop
++[pap] = noop
++? if (!control:Auth-Type)
? Evaluating !(control:Auth-Type) -> FALSE
++? if (!control:Auth-Type) -> FALSE
+} # group authorize = updated
WARNING: Empty pre-proxy section. Using default return values.
Sending Access-Request of id 116 to port 1812
Service-Type = Framed-User
Framed-Protocol = PPP
NAS-Port = 15729458
NAS-Port-Type = Ethernet
User-Name = "testlane5"
Calling-Station-Id = "02:24:83:47:95:AB"
Called-Station-Id = ""
NAS-Port-Id = "eoip-timarutech"
MS-CHAP-Domain = ""
MS-CHAP-Challenge = 0x8cfad6f1df5918ab44bcca7d4fd0eb9d
MS-CHAP2-Response = 0x01007b8394b86094fb4bd086c3e8183f2e1b00000000000000007e68546c2b8eed73be5a12f8cb5175ab4cbedfa2aec45d2b
NAS-Identifier = ""
Mikrotik-Realm = ""
NAS-IP-Address =
Proxy-State = 0x3332
Proxying request 2 to home server port 1812
Sending Access-Request of id 116 to port 1812
Service-Type = Framed-User
Framed-Protocol = PPP
NAS-Port = 15729458
NAS-Port-Type = Ethernet
User-Name = "testlane5"
Calling-Station-Id = "02:24:83:47:95:AB"
Called-Station-Id = ""
NAS-Port-Id = "eoip-timarutech"
MS-CHAP-Domain = ""
MS-CHAP-Challenge = 0x8cfad6f1df5918ab44bcca7d4fd0eb9d
MS-CHAP2-Response = 0x01007b8394b86094fb4bd086c3e8183f2e1b00000000000000007e68546c2b8eed73be5a12f8cb5175ab4cbedfa2aec45d2b
NAS-Identifier = ""
Mikrotik-Realm = ""
NAS-IP-Address =
Proxy-State = 0x3332
Going to the next request
Waking up in 0.9 seconds.
rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host port 1814, id=116, length=267
Service-Type = Framed-User
Framed-Protocol = PPP
NAS-Port = 15729458
NAS-Port-Type = Ethernet
User-Name = "testlane5"
Calling-Station-Id = "02:24:83:47:95:AB"
Called-Station-Id = ""
NAS-Port-Id = "eoip-timarutech"
MS-CHAP-Domain = ""
MS-CHAP-Challenge = 0x8cfad6f1df5918ab44bcca7d4fd0eb9d
MS-CHAP2-Response = 0x01007b8394b86094fb4bd086c3e8183f2e1b00000000000000007e68546c2b8eed73be5a12f8cb5175ab4cbedfa2aec45d2b
NAS-Identifier = ""
Mikrotik-Realm = ""
NAS-IP-Address =
Proxy-State = 0x3332
# Executing section authorize from file /etc/raddb/sites-enabled/default
+group authorize {
++[preprocess] = ok
++[chap] = noop
[mschap] Found MS-CHAP attributes. Setting 'Auth-Type = mschap'
++[mschap] = ok
++[digest] = noop
[suffix] No '@' in User-Name = "testlane5", looking up realm NULL
[suffix] No such realm "NULL"
++[suffix] = noop
[eap] No EAP-Message, not doing EAP
++[eap] = noop
[sql] expand: %{Stripped-User-Name} ->
[sql] ... expanding second conditional
[sql] expand: %{User-Name} -> testlane5
[sql] expand: %{%{User-Name}:-DEFAULT} -> testlane5
[sql] expand: %{%{Stripped-User-Name}:-%{%{User-Name}:-DEFAULT}} -> testlane5
[sql] sql_set_user escaped user --> 'testlane5'
rlm_sql (sql): Reserving sql socket id: 26
[sql] expand: SELECT id, username, attribute, value, op FROM radcheck WHERE username = '%{SQL-User-Name}' ORDER BY id -> SELECT id, username, attribute, value, op FROM radcheck WHERE username = 'testlane5' ORDER BY id
[sql] User found in radcheck table
[sql] expand: SELECT id, username, attribute, value, op FROM radreply WHERE username = '%{SQL-User-Name}' ORDER BY id -> SELECT id, username, attribute, value, op FROM radreply WHERE username = 'testlane5' ORDER BY id
[sql] expand: SELECT groupname FROM radusergroup WHERE username = '%{SQL-User-Name}' ORDER BY priority -> SELECT groupname FROM radusergroup WHERE username = 'testlane5' ORDER BY priority
[sql] expand: SELECT id, groupname, attribute, Value, op FROM radgroupcheck WHERE groupname = '%{Sql-Group}' ORDER BY id -> SELECT id, groupname, attribute, Value, op FROM radgroupcheck WHERE groupname = 'default' ORDER BY id
[sql] User found in group default
[sql] expand: SELECT id, groupname, attribute, value, op FROM radgroupreply WHERE groupname = '%{Sql-Group}' ORDER BY id -> SELECT id, groupname, attribute, value, op FROM radgroupreply WHERE groupname = 'default' ORDER BY id
rlm_sql (sql): Released sql socket id: 26
++[sql] = ok
++[expiration] = noop
++[logintime] = noop
[pap] WARNING: Auth-Type already set. Not setting to PAP
++[pap] = noop
++? if (!control:Auth-Type)
? Evaluating !(control:Auth-Type) -> FALSE
++? if (!control:Auth-Type) -> FALSE
+} # group authorize = ok
Found Auth-Type = MSCHAP
# Executing group from file /etc/raddb/sites-enabled/default
+group MS-CHAP {
[mschap] Creating challenge hash with username: testlane5
[mschap] Client is using MS-CHAPv2 for testlane5, we need NT-Password
[mschap] FAILED: MS-CHAP2-Response is incorrect
++[mschap] = reject
+} # group MS-CHAP = reject
Failed to authenticate the user.
Using Post-Auth-Type REJECT
# Executing group from file /etc/raddb/sites-enabled/default
+group REJECT {
[sql] expand: %{Stripped-User-Name} ->
[sql] ... expanding second conditional
[sql] expand: %{User-Name} -> testlane5
[sql] expand: %{%{User-Name}:-DEFAULT} -> testlane5
[sql] expand: %{%{Stripped-User-Name}:-%{%{User-Name}:-DEFAULT}} -> testlane5
[sql] sql_set_user escaped user --> 'testlane5'
[sql] expand: %{User-Password} ->
[sql] ... expanding second conditional
[sql] expand: %{Chap-Password} ->
[sql] expand: INSERT INTO radpostauth (username, pass, reply, authdate) VALUES ( '%{User-Name}', '%{%{User-Password}:-%{Chap-Password}}', '%{reply:Packet-Type}', '%S') -> INSERT INTO radpostauth (username, pass, reply, authdate) VALUES ( 'testlane5', '', 'Access-Reject', '2019-05-19 20:05:12')
rlm_sql (sql) in sql_postauth: query is INSERT INTO radpostauth (username, pass, reply, authdate) VALUES ( 'testlane5', '', 'Access-Reject', '2019-05-19 20:05:12')
rlm_sql (sql): Reserving sql socket id: 25
rlm_sql (sql): Released sql socket id: 25
++[sql] = ok
[attr_filter.access_reject] expand: %{User-Name} -> testlane5
attr_filter: Matched entry DEFAULT at line 11
++[attr_filter.access_reject] = updated
+} # group REJECT = updated
Delaying reject of request 3 for 1 seconds
Going to the next request
Waking up in 0.9 seconds.
rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host port 58794, id=32, length=276
Sending duplicate proxied request to home server port 1812 - ID: 116
Sending Access-Request of id 116 to port 1812
Service-Type = Framed-User
Framed-Protocol = PPP
NAS-Port = 15729458
NAS-Port-Type = Ethernet
User-Name = "testlane5"
Calling-Station-Id = "02:24:83:47:95:AB"
Called-Station-Id = ""
NAS-Port-Id = "eoip-timarutech"
MS-CHAP-Domain = ""
MS-CHAP-Challenge = 0x8cfad6f1df5918ab44bcca7d4fd0eb9d
MS-CHAP2-Response = 0x01007b8394b86094fb4bd086c3e8183f2e1b00000000000000007e68546c2b8eed73be5a12f8cb5175ab4cbedfa2aec45d2b
NAS-Identifier = ""
Mikrotik-Realm = ""
NAS-IP-Address =
Proxy-State = 0x3332
Waking up in 0.6 seconds.
rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host port 1814, id=116, length=267
Waiting to send Access-Reject to client localhost port 1814 - ID: 116
Waking up in 0.6 seconds.
rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host port 58794, id=32, length=276
Sending duplicate proxied request to home server port 1812 - ID: 116
Sending Access-Request of id 116 to port 1812
Service-Type = Framed-User
Framed-Protocol = PPP
NAS-Port = 15729458
NAS-Port-Type = Ethernet
User-Name = "testlane5"
Calling-Station-Id = "02:24:83:47:95:AB"
Called-Station-Id = ""
NAS-Port-Id = "eoip-tech"
MS-CHAP-Domain = ""
MS-CHAP-Challenge = 0x8cfad6f1df5918ab44bcca7d4fd0eb9d
MS-CHAP2-Response = 0x01007b8394b86094fb4bd086c3e8183f2e1b00000000000000007e68546c2b8eed73be5a12f8cb5175ab4cbedfa2aec45d2b
NAS-Identifier = ""
Mikrotik-Realm = ""
NAS-IP-Address =
Proxy-State = 0x3332
Waking up in 0.3 seconds.
rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host port 1814, id=116, length=267
Waiting to send Access-Reject to client localhost port 1814 - ID: 116
Waking up in 0.3 seconds.
Sending delayed reject for request 3
Sending Access-Reject of id 116 to port 1814
MS-CHAP-Error = "\001E=691 R=1"
Proxy-State = 0x3332
Waking up in 3.8 seconds.
rad_recv: Access-Reject packet from host port 1812, id=116, length=42
MS-CHAP-Error = "\001E=691 R=1"
Proxy-State = 0x3332
# Executing section post-proxy from file /etc/raddb/sites-enabled/default
+group post-proxy {
[eap] No pre-existing handler found
++[eap] = noop
+} # group post-proxy = noop
Using Post-Auth-Type REJECT
# Executing group from file /etc/raddb/sites-enabled/default
+group REJECT {
[sql] expand: %{Stripped-User-Name} -> testlane5
[sql] expand: %{%{Stripped-User-Name}:-%{%{User-Name}:-DEFAULT}} -> testlane5
[sql] sql_set_user escaped user --> 'testlane5'
[sql] expand: %{User-Password} ->
[sql] ... expanding second conditional
[sql] expand: %{Chap-Password} ->
[sql] expand: INSERT INTO radpostauth (username, pass, reply, authdate) VALUES ( '%{User-Name}', '%{%{User-Password}:-%{Chap-Password}}', '%{reply:Packet-Type}', '%S') -> INSERT INTO radpostauth (username, pass, reply, authdate) VALUES ( 'testlane5 at', '', 'Access-Reject', '2019-05-19 20:05:12')
rlm_sql (sql) in sql_postauth: query is INSERT INTO radpostauth (username, pass, reply, authdate) VALUES ( 'testlane5 at', '', 'Access-Reject', '2019-05-19 20:05:12')
rlm_sql (sql): Reserving sql socket id: 24
rlm_sql (sql): Released sql socket id: 24
++[sql] = ok
[attr_filter.access_reject] expand: %{User-Name} -> testlane5 at
attr_filter: Matched entry DEFAULT at line 11
++[attr_filter.access_reject] = updated
+} # group REJECT = updated
Sending Access-Reject of id 32 to port 58794
MS-CHAP-Error = "\001E=691 R=1"
Finished request 2.
Going to the next request
Waking up in 3.8 seconds.
[root at radius-220q ~]#
Warm Regards,
Matthew McTague
Head of Infrastructure, Reliance Networks
d. +64 3 222 6013
t. 0800 483 882 (+64 3 683 9090)
Website |
Service Desk
Internet Services
Reliance Networks Ltd accepts no liability for the content of this email, or for the consequences of any actions taken on the basis of the information provided, unless that information is subsequently confirmed in writing. Any views or opinions presented in this email are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of the company.
-----Original Message-----
From: Freeradius-Users < at> On Behalf Of Alan DeKok
Sent: Thursday, 2 May 2019 12:51 AM
To: FreeRadius users mailing list <freeradius-users at>
Subject: Re: MS-CHAPv2 not working
On Apr 30, 2019, at 7:36 PM, Matthew McTague via Freeradius-Users <freeradius-users at> wrote:
> Does anyone know why MS-CHAPv2 may not be working on a new FreeRADIUS implementation we've built?
You edited the configuration and broke it. Don't do that.
> I'm trying to do MS-CHAPv2 with a SQL database, not with LDAP.
> The issue only occurs when a realm is added to the username (on the RADIUS client). As I understand, as nostrip is not entered in the relevant realm block in /etc/raddb/proxy.conf, this should be stripped.
The MS-CHAP calculations are done with the User-Name. If you mangle the User-Name, the MS-CHAP calculations will be wrong.
> radiusd -X output is at
Just post it here. That's what the documentation says to do.
> Information and passwords have been changed / sanitized.
• rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host port 60421, id=170, length=278
• Service-Type = Framed-User
• Framed-Protocol = PPP
• NAS-Port = 15732821
• NAS-Port-Type = Ethernet
• User-Name = "testuser at"
This is the real User-Name.
• [preprocess] expand: %{User-Name} -> testuser at
• [preprocess] hints: Matched DEFAULT at 36
• [preprocess] expand: %{1} -> testuser
Then you mangle it, for reasons unexplained.
• [mschap] Creating challenge hash with username: testuser
Which is not the correct User-Name.
• [mschap] Client is using MS-CHAPv2 for testuser, we need NT-Password • [mschap] FAILED: MS-CHAP2-Response is incorrect
And MS-CHAP fails.
Don't re-write the User-Name. If you need to support realms, the "realms" module does this already. And, it does it in a way that *doesn't* break everything.
Delete the "hints" configuration which re-writes the User-Name.
Add in "" as a local realm to proxy.conf.
It *will* work.
Alan DeKok.
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