Help debugging sql problem

Alan DeKok aland at
Thu Nov 21 19:25:30 CET 2019

On Nov 21, 2019, at 10:56 AM, Alex Sharaz via Freeradius-Users <freeradius-users at> wrote:
> I've just upgraded one of my servers to 3.0.2o and have just noticed the
> following radius.log messages, although I'm fairly sure it's got nothing to
> do with the version release.
> My FR setup uses buffered-sql to offload sql writes via the details file.
> This config works fine on all my other servers ( puppet managed config) but
> on this one I've noticed
> 1). I see the following messages in the log
> Thu Nov 21 15:24:55 2019 : WARNING: (86473) WARNING: Module rlm_sql became
> unblocked\

  Which means that the SQL module is blocking the server.

> 2). the buffered-sql process copies contents of file  detail  into
> leaving the source to capture subsequent packets.oes

  That's fine.

> An ls -lt shows
> -rw------- 1 freerad freerad  31359093 Nov 21 15:51 detail
> -rw------- 1 freerad freerad 101566485 Nov 21 15:51 detail-filebeat
> -rw------- 1 freerad freerad     63282 Nov 21 14:22
> -rw------- 1 freerad freerad 211324742 Nov 21 06:24 detail-filebeat.1
> So hasn't moved since 14:22

  Because the SQL server is blocking, and isn't letting FreeRADIUS process requests.

> I'm guessing there's something in thre file causing the sql to
> fail.

  Probably not.  The SQL server is *down*.  If there was something in the packets that was bad, then the rlm_sql module would be 

> How can I debug the buffered-sql server to check this out without
> generating 3,000,000 logs for the rest of the server ?

  You don't.  You fix SQL so that it's responding to FreeRADIUS.

  Alan DeKok.

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