Is it possible to automate a Disconnect-Request based on exceeded Monthly-Usage?
houmie at
Tue Sep 10 22:06:31 CEST 2019
I have setup the FreeRadius like the following to prevent a user
from logging in after his monthly usage has been exceeded.
echo 'ATTRIBUTE Monthly-Usage 3001 integer64' >>
sed -i '/authorize {/a\
update request {\
Monthly-Usage = "%{sql:SELECT
COALESCE((SUM(`acctoutputoctets`)), 0) FROM radacct WHERE
`username`='"'"'%{User-Name}'"'"' AND
Month(acctupdatetime)=(Month(NOW())) AND
' /etc/freeradius/3.0/sites-enabled/default
INSERT INTO radcheck (username,attribute,op,VALUE) VALUES
While this works fine, the user won't be disconnected after the
monthly-usage has been exceeded. Instead only if the user disconnects
voluntarily and tries to reconnect again would he be prevented.
So I'm trying to find a way to disconnect the user the moment his limit has
been reached.
After some research I have come across Dynamic Authorization extension and
have enabled it like this:
*dae {*
* enable = yes *
* listen = *
* port = 3799 *
* secret = secret123 *
Now I can disconnect myself from the command line, like this:
*echo User-Name=houman | radclient -x
<> disconnect ''secret123''*
That's very nice. So I could run a Python script via a crontab job to check
every minute to see which users have exceeded their monthly-usage and
disconnect them.
But I was wondering if there is a way to automate the disconnect directly
via free radius so that I don't have to run the crontab job.
Is there a way that I'm overlooking?
Many Thanks,
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