not found

Клеусов Владимир Сергеевич Kleusov.Vladimir at
Mon Apr 27 14:16:55 CEST 2020

/var/run/freeradius  cуществует. Я сообщил о проблеме на чистой системе.  Разумеется я разберусь с ней. Возможно это баг новой версии.

27 апр. 2020 г., в 15:08, Alan DeKok <aland at<mailto:aland at>> написал(а):

Does the /var/run/freeradius directory exist?

 You should be able to track down the issue by gradually checking each possibility for why something is wrong.

 And yes, FreeRADIUS does write the PID file on other systems.  So it's likely something local to you.  As such, you are the best person to find and fix the problem.

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