EAP-TLS local issuer cert problem

Kostya Berger bergerkos at yahoo.co.uk
Mon Dec 21 19:58:14 CET 2020

Hi, seems like I poorly expressed my problem in my previous message, sorry for that.
I seem to experience a bug in the OpenBSD pkg of Freeradius 3.0.21. Server denies access to client with good certs. These work perfectly well in an absolutely identical nstallation on FreeBSD...
And I can't understand what's happening. It verifies the cert, says OK. But then verifies agsin and says NOT OK. Looks like the second time temp. file it's trying to read is already removed....  or what?
OpenBSD ktrace output of #radiusd -X session is attached, hope it will help. It's in text format.
Thank you for help.

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