LDAP groups and how to filter

uj2.hahn at posteo.de uj2.hahn at posteo.de
Wed Feb 12 12:32:55 CET 2020

I was going to explain something similar but Matthew was much faster.
In addition: You should definitely use ldapsearch on Linux command line 
first to find the right
ldap module configuration. Because this has to match your ldap server 
structure (did you mention what that
is? AD or OpenLDAP or what?).
ldapsearch is much easier for debugging.
In case you are not so familiar I give you an example:

Matthew described the two ways of getting group ownership.
The memberOf method would (in my case, you have to check for yours!) 
translate into the following
ldap query on Ubuntu commandline:

> ldapsearch -D "cn=<queryUser>,dc=kms,dc=de" -w <queryUserPasswd> -h 
> LDAPserver -s sub "(objectclass=posixAccount)" -b 
> "uid=uhahn,ou=people,dc=kms,dc=de" memberOf

Result is:

# extended LDIF
# LDAPv3
# base <uid=uhahn,ou=people,dc=kms,dc=de> with scope subtree
# filter: (objectclass=posixAccount)
# requesting: memberOf

# uhahn, people, kms.de
dn: uid=uhahn,ou=people,dc=kms,dc=de
memberOf: cn=lehrer,ou=groups,dc=kms,dc=de
memberOf: cn=gast,ou=groups,dc=kms,dc=de

# search result
search: 2
result: 0 Success

Note: Result are two memberOf: lines, i.e. user uhahn belongs to two 
groups: lehrer and gast.
This is the most efficient way because you have to check this one user 
only for his memberOf attribute.
The other method without memberOf is to check ALL groups to see if the 
user is part of it, i.e. if this name is part
of the member attribute of the group.

The ldapsearch command is:

> ldapsearch -D "cn=<queryUser>,dc=kms,dc=de" -w <queryUserPasswd> -h 
> LDAPserver -s sub 
> "(&(member="uid=uhahn,ou=people,dc=kms,dc=de")(objectClass=groupOfNames))" 
> -b "ou=groups,dc=kms,dc=de" cn

Result is:

  extended LDIF
# LDAPv3
# base <ou=groups,dc=kms,dc=de> with scope subtree
# filter: 
# requesting: cn

# lehrer, groups, kms.de
dn: cn=lehrer,ou=groups,dc=kms,dc=de
cn: lehrer

# gast, groups, kms.de
dn: cn=gast,ou=groups,dc=kms,dc=de
cn: gast

# search result
search: 2
result: 0 Success

You get the same result: User uhahn belongs to two groups: lehrer and 
- understand the structure of your underlaying LDAP structure
- test the queries by ldapsearch
- once ldapsearch is working and shows the expected results: configure 
the ldap module accordingly

Am 12.02.2020 11:29 schrieb Matthew Newton:
> On Tue, 2020-02-11 at 23:53 +0000, Daniel Oakes wrote:
>> Thanks that definitely got me a lot closer – but for some reason I’m
>> not getting an expansion of the groups, so suspect that it’s probably
>> something to do with the bind user:
> Don't try and enumerate all the groups in FreeRADIUS. Configure the
> LDAP module correctly and then use unlang to check groups, similar to
> how you posted earlier.
> if (LDAP-Group == "LDAP Group One") {
>         update reply {
> 		Fortinet-Group-Name := 'group1'
> 	}
> }
> elsif (LDAP-Group == "LDAP Group Two") {
>         update reply {
> 		Fortinet-Group-Name := 'group2'
> 	}
> }
> elsif
> (....) {
> }
> There are two ways you can check LDAP group membership. Most efficient
> is normally to use the "memberOf" attribute, see "membership_attribute"
> in mods-available/ldap. This is a virtual attribute maintained by the
> LDAP server for each entry with a list of all the groups that entry is
> a member of. Not all LDAP servers provide it, or it might not be
> enabled.
> The alternative is to use a filter and look for all groups that contain
> "member={search DN}". This may be slower, but should be supported on
> all LDAP servers. See "membership_filter" in the ldap config.
> In both cases, you need server permission to be able to either read all
> relevant groups (membership_filter), or the memberOf attribute
> (membership_attribute).
> So, like Alan said, use `ldapsearch` to do the search to check that
> FreeRADIUS can get the result, then configure the group member options
> in LDAP as required and use the special LDAP-Group attribute above to
> do the checking. Don't try and enumerate group memberships in unlang,
> the module does the checking for you. Using &LDAP-Group[*] is likely
> the wrong approach.
> There's a lot more at https://wiki.freeradius.org/modules/Rlm_ldap

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