Ignoring request to auth address *

James Ngo james.ngobui at gmail.com
Wed Jan 22 08:48:39 CET 2020

Hello everyone,

I am newbie with Freeradius so hopefully, you could extend your patience
with my question

I setup FreeRadius server on Ubuntu 18.04. Update and everything went OK.

Setup the client and user all OK

But when I try to connect to the network from my iPhone, it keep saying
password is incorrect.

In the sudo freeradius -X, the status keeps saying


----Ignoring request to auth address * port 1812 bound to server default
from unknown client 192.168.x.xxx  port xxxxx ----


I have allowed the ufw as 

sudo ufw allow 1812/tcp

sudo ufw allow 1813/tcp

sudo ufw allow 1812/udp

sudo ufw allow 1813/udp



My user setup format is as in the "users" file

username Cleartext := "password123"


My Client is the Access point, as in the "client.conf" file

Client AP {

ipaddr = 192.168.x.xxx

secret = test111



Any idea what I am missing in here?

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