
Adam Bishop Adam.Bishop at jisc.ac.uk
Mon Jul 6 03:10:40 CEST 2020

Are the tarballs from ftp.freeradius.org mirrored anywhere using HTTP that isn't GitHub? The GitHub tarballs have a differently named root folder, so the signature checking is failing. Hashes show they're different:

  $ shasum -a 256 freeradius-server-*
  2bf914d471d4409fd72e708e308fa32ca8d01d698c518497a1d4b867d50132ae  freeradius-server-3.0.21.tar.gz
  b2014372948a92f86cfe2cf43c58ef47921c03af05666eb9d6416bdc6eeaedc2  freeradius-server-release_3_0_21.tar.gz

I'm migrating our RPM builds from $OLD_CI to $NEW_CI, but $NEW_CI doesn't support ftp for grabbing source. I'd like to avoid creating a special case just for a single build job (or manually verifying and uploading the tarball) if possible.

Many Thanks,

Adam Bishop

  gpg: E75B 1F92 6407 DFDF 9F1C  BF10 C993 2504 6609 D460


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