Config file include order bug?

Matthew Newton mcn at
Wed Jul 15 14:13:36 CEST 2020

On 15/07/2020 12:51, Sven Hartge wrote:> I just noticed something 
strange with 3.0.21 from buster-backport...> Notice how the load-order 
is different? It seems freeradius does not > load the files in 
alphanumeric order but in the order the filesystem > presents them, 
breaking the parsing of policy.d/thm_rada in this case > because 
policy.d/canonicalization hasn't been parsed yet.> > Is this known or am 
I doing something wrong?
I don't believe FreeRADIUS has ever made any guarantees about file load 
order in a directory.

> The comment states "If policy A calls policy B, then B MUST be defined 
> before A." which I am doing here, because "t" comes after "c" but it 
> clearly isn't doing that.

You can include a file in the main radiusd.conf which contains your 
definitions, before the policy directory is included. That way it's 
explicit in the config and won't break.


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