Config file include order bug?

Adam Bishop Adam.Bishop at
Thu Jul 16 15:11:55 CEST 2020

On 16 Jul 2020, at 13:56, Sven Hartge <sven at> wrote:
> Here is the simple test tool I wrote. As you can see, it also contains
> part of the freeradius code to remove unwanted filenames to test that *dp
> is really the same is the one readdir() spits out.

Gave this a test myself, and found it didn't report the full contents of a directory on a Mac.

    $ ./scandir | wc -l
    $ ls .  | wc -l

No apparent pattern I could see between the things it did list and the things it didn't - there's a mix of symlinks, files and directories, and scandir recorded all 3 kinds... just not every instance.

Adam Bishop

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