tls: Failed changing permissions with packages

Arnaud LAURIOU arnaud.lauriou at
Wed Jul 29 08:42:05 CEST 2020

On 7/28/20 5:45 PM, Sven Hartge wrote:
> On 28.07.20 17:32, Arnaud LAURIOU wrote:
>> We are replacing our default ubuntu (18.04) FR packages with those
>> provided by
>> (3.0.21).
>> We use TLS (radsec), we kept the same tls virtual-server and with
>> networkradius packages we have an error
>> during the startup process :
>> freeradius[19720]: tls: Failed changing permissions on /var/tmp/radsec:
>> No such file or directory
>> This directory exists, it is owned by freeradius user and it is empty :
>> $ ls -al /var/tmp/radsec
>> total 8
>> drwx------ 2 freerad freerad 4096 juil. 28 15:41 .
>> drwxrwxrwt 7 root    root    4096 juil. 28 17:15 ..
> The systemd.unit freeradius comes with uses "PrivateTmp=yes" which
> creates a private and separate /tmp and /var/tmp in a separate namespace
> for the freeradius process.
> So your /var/tmp/radsec is not the directory the freeradius process sees.
> Solution: Switch of PrivateTmp (I would avoid this) or use a different
> directory, for example /run/freeradius or create /var/cache/freeradius
Indeed, and thank's for your prompt response.


Arnaud Lauriou

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