Exec module questions, v4

Fri Jul 31 15:00:34 CEST 2020

Hi all,
  Does the exec module in v4 still support "non-xlat" use, i.e. where you stipulate a program, run it, maybe collect output pairs values?

If so, I have an example where the execution is a bit different from v3, and wanted to query it.

Using pretty much stock setup, only just added two bits - one to update the cleartext-password for chap testing, and the other to reject the user every time, for another reason.

I have an exec module "testexec"

exec testexec {
  wait = yes
  input_pairs = request
  output_pairs = reply

And my test.sh program

echo "Reply-Message := \"hello\""
exit 0

Some observations

-          The stdout output "pickup" didn't seem to be consistent, here I've used radtest to fire a test auth twice in a row without changing anything (let me know if you'd like to see the complete output)


(0)    pap - Setting &control:Auth-Type = pap

(0)    pap (updated)

(0)    testexec (yield)

(0)    EXPAND /etc/freeradius/test.sh

(0)      --> /etc/freeradius/test.sh

(0)    Running request

(0)    tmpl - Resuming execution

(0)    testexec - EXEC GOT -- Reply-Message := \"hello\"

(0)    testexec (ok)


pap - Setting &control:Auth-Type = pap

(1)    pap (updated)

(1)    testexec (yield)

(1)    EXPAND /etc/freeradius/test.sh

(1)      --> /etc/freeradius/test.sh

(1)    Running request

(1)    tmpl - Resuming execution

(1)    testexec (ok)


-          Also, the module return code isn't the same as it used to be, i.e. where 0 was ok, 1 was reject, 2 fail, as per https://networkradius.com/doc/3.0.10/raddb/mods-available/exec.html

If I modify the program to:


echo "Reply-Message := \"hello\""

exit 1

./test.sh ; echo $?

Reply-Message := "hello"


I still get (ok), not (reject), and some more output inconsistency, one has status code, one not, even with no modifications (except the exit code in the script) or restarting the service

(3)    pap - Setting &control:Auth-Type = pap

(3)    pap (updated)

(3)    testexec (yield)

(3)    EXPAND /etc/freeradius/test.sh

(3)      --> /etc/freeradius/test.sh

(3)    Running request

(3)    tmpl - Resuming execution

(3)    testexec (ok)

pap - Setting &control:Auth-Type = pap

(4)    pap (updated)

(4)    testexec (yield)

(4)    EXPAND /etc/freeradius/test.sh

(4)      --> /etc/freeradius/test.sh

(4)    Running request

(4)    tmpl - Resuming execution

(4)    Program failed with status code 1

(4)    testexec (ok)

I'm not modifying the module behaviour with { reject=1 } etc.

We used to rely on the text output, even if the exit code was non zero, and that exit code value to do some more stuff after a CoA request.

I should try modifying my unlang to do some xlats instead, but thought I'd ask first - is it just me - do I not understand deliberate changes that have taken place?

I've tried changing shell_escape value, using sh instead of bash, with similar results.




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