FR 3.0.20 running with -f on Debian 8.11

Martin Pauly pauly at
Wed Mar 4 09:27:24 CET 2020


Am 29.02.20 um 16:31 schrieb Alan DeKok:
> Use the 3.0.20 packages from
Thanks for the hint (and the service of providing them1). They don't play
with the openssl from jessie-backports I am using (to support SCT in modern certs).
As time allows, I will get things from github or install 3.0.21, whatever
happens first (and rather, invest time to really rework this old install
which is due anyway).

Thanks, Martin

   Dr. Martin Pauly     Phone:  +49-6421-28-23527
   HRZ Univ. Marburg    Fax:    +49-6421-28-26994
   Hans-Meerwein-Str.   E-Mail: pauly at HRZ.Uni-Marburg.DE
   D-35032 Marburg

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