Framed-IP-Address Help

Aurélio de Souza Ribeiro Neto netolistas at
Tue Mar 10 21:51:03 CET 2020

   Hello Everyone,

       I need help.

       In my default configuration file I did this change in authenticate

           Auth-Type mschap {
                   mschap  {
                          reject  = 1
                       if(reject) {
                          update control {
                            Pool-Name := "mkt_pool"
                          update reply {
                             Mikrotik-Rate-Limit := "2M/2M"

       This change is for give an IP from another POOL if the user is with
   invalid credentials.
       All works fine if the IP comes from DHCP, but if the user have a
   fixed IP then the IP is not changed.

       How can I remove the fixed IP to force the user to receive an IP
   from pool that I choose?



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