sql read_clients not binding/working properly with multiple virtual servers.
Alan DeKok
aland at deployingradius.com
Thu Mar 12 15:09:40 CET 2020
On Mar 12, 2020, at 7:51 AM, Enrico Zanolin <enrico at coherence.co.za> wrote:
> Hi Alan, thanks so much for the advice but unfortunately there seems to be
> no difference in 3.0.20. I cut down my config to run only one site in the
> hopes of establishing a working baseline but to no avail. I can confirm
> that things work if I set the server to "NULL".
I had put patches into GitHub to give more information... the point of me doing that was that you could test them.
The extra debug information will show exactly what's going wrong, and why.
> I have set up a new vm with my application for testing and now have 2
> networks in my "rad_nas" table (I renamed it from "nas"). Below is the
> debug output. Also, could you shed some light on the discrepancy in config
> file location between the Networkradius 3.0.20 deb package(/etc/freeradius)
> and the default Debian 3.0.17 package (/etc/freeradius/3.0)?
We control what we ship. We don't control what Debian ships.
Alan DeKok.
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