MongoDB findAndModify() with aggregation

Geaaru geaaru at
Sat Mar 21 11:23:32 CET 2020

Hi guys,

I think that the fix must be a little more complex.

The change that you share is happening for >= MongoDB  4.2 so probably
it is needed to add a different configuration based on the version of
mongoc library.

The only issue here is I dunno if it's correct base the fix through the
mongoc library because here probably it's possible handle the update
with both mongoc library 1.15.x and 1.16.x.

The best solution probably is this:
- try to identify the target MongoDB Server version on first connection
and store this inside mongo db instance struct
- to change the code in the way that if mongodb is >= 4.2 update is
handled as an array instead of a single document.

Obviously, this introduces complexity in the code.

My cent.
-- geaaru

On Sat, 2020-03-21 at 13:01 +0300, Benjamin Thompson wrote:
> > > If there is any possiblitly to support the aggregation option then I
> > > think this would be very useful as it allows much more complex data
> > > processing inside the request.
> > 
> >   Sure.  What API does the module have to use?
> Hi Alan
> I think the API is the right one. The problem seems to be that the
> validity check on the "update" parameter is expecting only a document
> (which starts and ends with a curly bracket), when actually it should
> accept either a document or array (which starts and ends with square
> brackets).
> The code which does the checking is on line 414 of rlm_sql_mongo.c:
> > > > > SNIP>>>>
> if (bson_iter_init_find(&iter, bson, "update")) {
>     if (!BSON_ITER_HOLDS_DOCUMENT(&iter)) {
>         DEBUG("rlm_sql_mongo: 'update' does not hold a document.");
>         goto error;
>     }
>     bson_iter_document(&iter, &document_len, &document);
>     bson_update = bson_new_from_data(document, document_len);
>     if (!bson_update) {
>         DEBUG("rlm_sql_mongo: Failed parsing 'update'");
>         goto error;
>     }
>     update = true;
> }
> > > > > > > > > > > > > 
> As a quick test I changed the code as follows:
> > > > > SNIP>>>>
> if (bson_iter_init_find(&iter, bson, "update")) {
>     if (!(BSON_ITER_HOLDS_DOCUMENT(&iter) || BSON_ITER_HOLDS_ARRAY(&iter))) {
>         DEBUG("rlm_sql_mongo: 'update' does not hold a document or array.");
>         goto error;
>     }
>     if (BSON_ITER_HOLDS_DOCUMENT(&iter)) {
>         bson_iter_document(&iter, &document_len, &document);
>         bson_update = bson_new_from_data(document, document_len);
>     }
>     else {
>         bson_iter_array(&iter, &document_len, &document);
>         bson_update = bson_new_from_data(document, document_len);
>     }
>     if (!bson_update) {
>         DEBUG("rlm_sql_mongo: Failed parsing 'update'");
>         goto error;
>     }
>     update = true;
> }
> > > > > > > > > > > > > 
> Based the minimal testing which I have done this seems to work.
> However I am not an expert in C and I was not sure about where the
> paramter "document" comes from as this in theory might want to be
> renamed to someting else (as it can either be a document or an array).

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