Special character not showing in RADPOSTAUTH

JAHANZAIB SYED aacable at hotmail.com
Tue Mar 24 05:47:09 CET 2020

WE have enable radpostauth to record unsuccessful dialing attempt. Passwords with special characters are not showing properly in radpostauth table.

username: zaib
password: myp@$$^&*w0rd

In radpostauth I see this

zaib  myp@=3D24=3D24=3D5E=3D26=3D2Aw0rd  Access-Reject

RADPOSTAUTH config is below:

       query = "\
                INSERT INTO ${..postauth_table} \
                (username, pass, reply, reply_msg, authdate, nasipaddress, mac) \
                VALUES ( \
                        '%{SQL-User-Name}', \
                        '%{%{User-Password}:-%{Chap-Password}}', \
                        '%{reply:Packet-Type}', \
                        '%{reply:Reply-Message}', \
                        '%S', \
                        '%{NAS-IP-Address}', \


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