Send Accounting Request but not expect an response

Alan DeKok aland at
Mon Oct 26 13:15:13 CET 2020

On Oct 26, 2020, at 2:34 AM, Wiegand, Nils <Nils.Wiegand at> wrote:
> Hello everybody
> I am currently trying to get the FreeRadius to send accounting messages (accounting request) but not expecting a response (accounting response). My previous attempts to adjust the policy accordingly have unfortunately failed. Currently I have adjusted the config so that the accounting message is written locally in a log and replied to a second accounting server in parallel via the detail reader. Since there is no Radius service running there, there will be no response. Unfortunately, FreeRadius then first declares this server as a zombie and then as dead.

  The server always expects an answer when you proxy packets.  If you want "fire and forget", use the "replicate" module.  See mods-available/replicate for details.

  Alan DeKok.

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