
mohamed almeshal mohammed.almeshal at
Wed Dec 15 14:02:25 CET 2021

Dear Savers ....
First Thank you Alan ..

first :
I'm new at building exec script by php ...
I do read some docs about exec and I found that to build my script for update some values and telegram messages I have to build modules .
but the doc's always refer to raddb/modules but I have freeradius 3.0.25 and it's on etc I think the alternative is mod-enabled is that ok
also in php script what is the variable should I use to represent of the %{User-Name} .

Second :
is the use of exec script not for auth just for some additional function will affect the speed of auth in present of unlag statments in defult config

third :

I use radsec for auth , what is the best way to determine the active online NAS that connected to freeradius box

fourth :

I read tons of doc about MAC Auth but I need the script to check that against last mac in radacct what is the best way to do that

sorry for the long questions .


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