Unlang Configuration Problem on Missing Attributes

StreitLeak streitleak at gmail.com
Sat Feb 13 06:44:42 CET 2021

I have problem on unlang when I want to build SQL Query.
The Request packet is missing some attributes on VSA.
The Dictionary which I custom it have 150 attributes. But the Request only
sent 120 or 130.
So if I set all attributes in my sql query, the query will fail with
lacking some attributes in Request Packet.
-----SQL Schema---
  Ex:   The table Schema Example
create table radacct {
                 attr1   int not null default 0.
                 attr2  varchar(255) not null default '',
                 attr3  int not null default 0.
                 attr4  int not null default 0
--- SQL Query in sql/main/mysql/querier.conf ---
 The Query = "insert into radacct ( attr1.attr2.attr3,attr4) values
('%{attr1}', '%{attr2}','%{attr3}','%{attr4}' );"
---  Request Packet Example ---
        Acct-Delay-Time = 437
        Attr1-Log-Time = "Mon Feb  8 15:15:11 2021\n"
        Acct-Status-Type = Stop
        Acct-Session-Id = "15934598980000000296"
        Attr2-Session-Ingress-CallId = 65535
        Attr3-Session-Egress-CallId = 1
        Attr5-Session-Generic-Id = 157
        Acct-Multi-Session-Id = "1612768062157"
     so the real query is "insert into radacct ( attr1.attr2.attr3,attr4)
values (' Mon Feb  8 15:15:11 2021\n ', '65535','1','' )
      As you can see . the Attr4 is missing in Request Packet. And it cause
the query failed. So I need to set some rules to avoid it. But I can't
understand the foreach how to check each VSA attributes. Or any easily way
to avoid the missing attributes.
      Have any configuration Example can help me to understand it?

              我らの望み  それほ

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