Logging EAP-TLS certificate details

Alan DeKok aland at deployingradius.com
Mon Mar 22 20:25:25 CET 2021

On Mar 22, 2021, at 2:46 PM, <Roberto.Franceschetti at ocfl.net> <Roberto.Franceschetti at ocfl.net> wrote:
> I thank you both for letting me know that it's not possible to obtain certificate information when logging the accounting information. I had been looking for a way for the past week and would still be looking for one if it wasn't for your reply.

  That's good to hear.

> However I believe my point of this being a big freeradius security issue is incorrectly overlooked.

  Please be aware that FreeRADIUS is *strongly* limited by the RADIUS protocol.  We just can't do what we'd like to do, as you saw with trying to get TLS information into the Accounting process.

> Consider a scenario where freeradius is configured to authenticate against an LDAP/Active Directory.
> * We detect IP on our internal network currently attacking one of our Exchange servers.
> * We see as belonging to our WiFi DHCP pool.
> * We thus go to the RADIUS radacct table to see the FramedIP address issued at the time of the attack.
> * We see the UserName that was logged in as being "JohnS". We thus know exactly which LDAP account is compromised, are able to block the attack and quickly investigate how the account was compromised.
> The key there is that access was granted with a username/password credential. The username in this case unequivocally identifies the account used to login WiFi, and that "identity" information was logged by freeradius.

  Mostly.  There are additional caveats, of course.  One is that the credential logged in radacct is the one sent by the NAS.  It is *usually* the same as the one in the Access-Request, but it doesn't *have* to be.

  FreeRADIUS just logs whatever the NAS sends it.  The NAS can (and will) lie about what it's doing.  Saying this is a security issue in FreeRADIUS is to severely misunderstand the problem.

> Now consider a different scenario (ours...) were, in addition to LDAP/Active Directory, we also allow EAP-TLS authentication via certificates issues by our certificate authority (we have issued over 40,000 certificates).
> * We detect IP on our internal network currently attacking one of our Exchange servers.
> * We see as belonging to our WiFi DHCP pool.
> * We thus go to the RADIUS radacct table to see the FramedIP address issued at the time of the attack.
> * We see the UserName that was logged in as being "HaHaHaTryToCatchMeIfYouCan".

  This User-Name is taken from the Access-Request packet.  Which in turn is derived from the User-Name in the EAP packet.  Which is under the control of the malicious user.

> We discover that the account "HaHaHaTryToCatchMeIfYouCan" does not exist in our LDAP/Active Directory.

  So... why did you let the user in?

  A good chunk of this problem is that you're not validating the user names.  You've previously said:

> While each device has its own unique client certificate having the device's serial number as the CN in the cert, the hardware vendors is using a generic username of "user" when specifying the username during the authentication process

  This is a problem.  Most people don't do this.  Most people put a real name into the certificate.  For devices, they put the device MAC address.  So this comes down to:

  "We provisioned entirely similar user credentials to 40K devices, and now we don't know which device is which".

  To which the only possible answer is "well, don't do that!"

> We then think the user probably authenticated with EAP-TLS and a certificate, but we're guessing since neither the radacct nor the radpostauth tables provide any clues as to the authentication used.

  This is why the configuration files are editable.  So you can edit them.

> * We check the "CallingStationID" in radacct to see if the MAC address of the hacker appears elsewhere, but it's a fake MAC.

  But the same MAC will be sent in both the Access-Request and Accounting-Request packets.

  Or, you can check the Framed-IP-Address as you said before.  Or is this no longer possible?  What changed?

  And why is it not possible to look at the NAS IP address / port, etc. as I suggested before?  Why isn't that information available?  If it isn't, I would hope that you would reply "No, it isn't available" instead of ignoring my comments and coming up with yet another scenario for why this doesn't work.

> We are thus in a nightmare scenario where the hacker was able to obtain the private key for one of our 40,000 certificates to authenticate with our WiFi, but we have absolutely no idea which of these 40K certificates was compromised. We will need to revoke them all and that would be a disaster.

  Sure.  So... configure your certificates to contain useful information, like names and/or MAC addresses.

  Use the information in the packets to cross-correlate Access-Request and Accounting-Request packets.

  This is all what people do.

> Saying "this is how radius works" does not apply here. There's nothing wrong with RADIUS. It's authenticating correctly. EAP-TLS allows the user to specify a random username as it's not taking part of the authentication process. There's nothing wrong with that either. WHY? Because they are authenticating with a certificate that we issued, and given any specific certificate's serial number, we know who it was issued to. If there's a problem with the specific certificate being compromised, we revoke it. Freeradius checks the CRL so it will not allow access to revoked certificates.
> BUT WAIT. Freeradius is logging usernames for users who authenticating with a password, BUT it's NOT logging absolutely anything at for the certificate used by users who authenticate with a certificate. NOTHING.

  If only the configuration files were editable, and you could log the certificate serial number along with the fake User-Name.

  See?  It's easy.

> The issue is thus that while freeradius is be default logging the critical "Username" when regular authentication is occurring, freeradius is completely oblivious when it comes to logging the equivalent of the username when dealing with EAP-TLS. Any properly written application will have adequate auditing for who is logging into it. Freeradius is instead allowing users to login via EAP-TLS with absolutely no auditing whats-over.


  You've configured 40K certificates with "user" as the name.  Then, you're saying that FreeRADIUS is broken because it doesn't anticipate this situation, and log *extra* information that *you* need, and *only* you need for your particular deployment.

  Please don't blame us for a broken system.

> Auditing means auditing the identity used to login. Auditing an EAP-TLS username that is not actually being used for login purposes is useless - Freeradius MUST log whatever method is used to authenticate a user, and with EAP-TLS that means logging the TLS-Client-Certificate information.

  If only the configuration files were editable...

> As you said there's nothing from with RADIUS protocol. But there everything wrong with the default installation of freeradius when it comes to auditing EAP-TLS authentications.


  NORMAL installations doing NORMAL things work fine.  Your situation where you're doing very non-normal things doesn't work.  But FreeRADIUS gives you the power to fix it.

  So... fix it.

> This is a huge issue security hole as the logging of EAP-TLS certificate information that should be included in the default freeradius configuration, not left to admins to figure out that (1) they actually have an auditing problem of an application that's not logging who's authenticating, and (2) for them to figure out how to log it.

  Normal configurations work.  If you use unique user names for each certificate, then the default configuration works.  If you put "user" into all of the certs, then well...

  Yes, if you do unusual things, then you have to understand how the server works, and then configure it log extra information.

> We were able to implement what was missing after much pain and Googling.

  Or perhaps asking on this list?  You got an answer in much less than a day.  An answer which was specific, clear, and helpful.

> For anyone who thinks this is an actual concern,

  Making snide insults to the developers is quite rude.  Don't do that.

  I understand that YOUR system is insecure and broken.  Because YOU did unusual things, and the server magically doesn't know how to fix that.

  The solution is NOT to complain that the server is broken.  The solution is to ask for help, and to listen to the answers.

  The default configuration of the server works in as many situations as possible.  However, it does NOT automatically do everything that everyone wants, everywhere, always.  That's impossible.

> this is how we addressed it.
> 1. Our NAS logs the MAC address of our wireless clients on authentication requests. So we modified the radpostauth table to include the "CallingStationID" (which has the MAC address of the client) and the client cert information. This allows us to had an audit trail of usernames, MAC and Client Cert for every Access-Request:
> ALTER TABLE `radius`.`radpostauth` ADD COLUMN `CallingStationId ` VARCHAR(64) AFTER `nasipaddress`,
> ADD COLUMN `TLS_Client_Cert_Common_Name` VARCHAR(256) AFTER `CallingStationId`,

  If the TLS-Client-Cert-Common name is always "user", then you can also check for bad user-names:

post-auth {
	if (TLS-Client-Cert-Common-Name && (TLS-Client-Cert-Common-Name != User-Name)) {

  2 lines of code will prevent users from lying about their User-Name.

  This doesn't solve the problem of having 40K certs with the same identity, but whatever.

> 4. Change the postauth_query in the dialup.conf module to log the CallingStationid and the Client Cert data in the database on the Access-Request:
> postauth_query = "INSERT INTO ${postauth_table} \
>                          (username, message, nasipaddress, reply, authdate, CallingStationid, TLS_Client_Cert_Common_Name, TLS_Client_Cert_Serial, TLS_Client_Cert_Issuer) \
>                          VALUES ( \
>                          '%{User-Name}', \
>                          '%{Module-Failure-Message}', \
>                          '%{NAS-IP-Address}', \
>                          '%{reply:Packet-Type}', '%S', '%{Calling-Station-Id}', \
>                          '%{TLS-Client-Cert-Common-Name}', '%{TLS-Client-Cert-Serial}', '%{TLS-Client-Cert-Issuer}')"
> 5. Create and call every minute or so the following stored procedure which will update the certificate details for the records in the radacct table by matching logins via their MAC address (CallingStationId) in the radpostauth table (which does contain the certificate information previously retrieved/stored by the access-request).

  That's very heavy-weight.

  Or, in 3.0.18 and later we have a new policy "sql_session_start".  This policy is run in the post-auth section, and creates an entry in the radacct table:


  it can then log TLS information there, too.

> The nightmare scenario above where EAP-TLS clients would be untraceable

  Again, because *your* deployment is broken.  Having 40K certificates with identity "user" is just terrible security practice.

> now becomes the following:
> * We detect IP on our internal network currently attacking one of our Exchange servers.
> * We see as belonging to our WiFi DHCP pool.
> * We thus go to the RADIUS radacct table to see the FramedIP address issued at the time of the attack.
> * We see the certificate's serial number and common name in the radacct table for that record
> * We revoke the certificate, force a re-download of the CRL in the cron job, stop the attack, and can now focus on investigating how the user the certificate was issued to mishandled it.


* create certificates with unique contents (device name, MAC address, etc.)
* verify that the User-Name matches TLS-Client-Cert-Common-Name
* use the default config to log default values

  At that point, it is *trivial* to figure out which certificate has been compromised.  There's no need to go edit the default configuration files.  And there's no need to complain that the default configuration is "insecure", because you have 40K users, all with the same name.

  Yes we didn't anticipate that someone would do that.  Largely because such practices are insecure.

  So... don't blame us for failing to anticipate *and* work around site-local practices which create security issues.

  Alan DeKok.

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