FreeRadius Config Validation Case Sensitivity

Alan DeKok aland at
Tue Nov 9 15:08:00 CET 2021

On Nov 9, 2021, at 9:02 AM, Emile Swarts <emile.swarts123 at> wrote:
> We're using FreeRadius to validate configurations before deploying them to
> production.
> radiusd -CX

  That's good.

> This works great and catches any invalid dictionary keys or values that
> have been added to /etc/raddb/mods-config/files/authorize:
> aa-bb-cc-77-88-99
>          Reply-Message = "hi"
> I noticed that these validations are not case sensitive though, and this
> still passes:
> aa-bb-cc-77-88-99
>          reply-message = "hi"
> Is case checking intentionally skipped? Is this still a valid response to
> send back?

  It's fine.

  The names in the dictionary files are local to the server.  They are never sent "on the wire".  Instead, the number of the attribute is sent, as an 8-bit value.  And since the number isn't case sensitive, it's fine.

  Alan DeKok.

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