Authentication Source Order

Clayton Milos clay at
Tue Oct 26 14:39:02 CEST 2021

Hi Alan

Thanks for the quick reply, it's exactly what I need!
My understanding of the redundant section was wrong, I thought it 
applied only to SQL and not to any module.


On 2021-10-26 13:41, Alan DeKok wrote:
> On Oct 26, 2021, at 4:04 AM, clay at wrote:
>> I am trying to do something that seems a bit odd as I can't find it in 
>> any searches. Perhaps someone else here has done this before.
>   Sometimes yes, sometimes no.  The "wonderful" thing about RADIUS is
> that people do so many things with it.  This makes it difficult to
> write documentation, and to find good worked examples.
>> I have FreeRadius successfully connected and working, serving 
>> authentication requests from a Mysql DB. It's running on a pfSense 
>> firewall and configured via the GUI but I doubt that makes any 
>> difference.
>   Nope.
>> I'm authenticating users connecting via a secure network to reach 
>> services and would like to change the authentication logic. If the 
>> MySQL server is down (yes I know it shouldn't be or I should have 
>> redundant servers) I would like the Radius server to always return an 
>> Access-Accept.
>   That's easy enough to do.
>> I know this seems counter-intuitive for an authentication service but 
>> as I said it's via a secure network allowing users supplementary 
>> services that are better to give for free for a limited time than not 
>> to give at all in case of a backend outage.
>> My thoughts on doing this were trying to authenticate via SQL first 
>> and then falling back to "users" file authentication with a RegExp or 
>> DEFAULT user to match a user pattern all users. Is this a good way to 
>> do it?
>   If it's what you want, sure.
>> From what I've seen, FreeRadius tries to use the users file before 
>> trying SQL by default but I changed the sites-enabled/default ordering 
>> and that seems to work for (notfound || noop) but not for ( fail ). If 
>> I use SQL and then (notfound || noop) then "file" and the user exists 
>> in the "users" file it works. DEFAULT user works as well for any user.
>> Where I'm going wrong, I think is that in the sites-enabled/default it 
>> accepts the "fail" as a module response code but doesn't act on it 
>> when the sql1 fails. I've attached the debug log.
>>        redundant sql {
>>                sql1
>>        }
>   I don't know what that that means, or why you'd do it.  The
> "redundant" block is about failing over between *multiple* modules.
> Having a "redundant" block with only one module doesn't make sense.
>   There's also no need to name the "redundant" block.
>>        if ( fail ) {
>>                        files
>   The "redundant" block fails over to the second module if the first
> one returns "fail".  So there's no need to check for "if fail, do
> files".  Just list "files" in the "redundant" block/
>>                        if (notfound || noop) {
>>                                reject
>>                        }
>>                }
>>        }
>   The default is to reject users who are unknown, and who don't have a
> password.  So these checks are not necessary.
>   Just do:
> 	redundant {
> 		sql
> 		files
> 	}
>   Then if "sql" is down, the "files" module will be used.  And if the
> user isn't found in either one, they will be rejected.
>   Alan DeKok.
> -
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