freeradius 3.2 accounting with sqlippool

Alan DeKok aland at
Wed Aug 17 12:16:55 UTC 2022

On Aug 17, 2022, at 8:14 AM, mohammed Irheem <mohammed059 at> wrote:
> accounting record added successfully in radacct but after that there is no
> update in this record

  Updates happen when the NAS sends accounting packets.  If there are no updated, then the NAS isn't sending accounting packets.

> if i disconnect manually nas update the record
> in radius 3.0.21 updating acct every 5 minutes
> in 3.2 updating acct every 5 minutes if user ip from sqlippool only if i
> assign static ip for user update on acct record not working

  Well, debug it.

  "it doesn't work" is not something I can really help with.

  Alan DeKok.

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