[EXTERNAL] Help in Configuring EAP-SIM

Alan DeKok aland at deployingradius.com
Tue Feb 8 22:27:04 UTC 2022

On Feb 8, 2022, at 4:34 PM, Shane Guan via Freeradius-Users <freeradius-users at lists.freeradius.org> wrote:
> Which commit would you suggest to use for testing EAP-SIM in v4? I tried using the nested_coding branch for the eap-aka-sim submodule, since that branch had its latest commit last year while passing all tests on github. However, I could not get it working -- it results in a segfault and I have attached the logs (*segfault.log).

  Use the "master" branch.  The current tests which are failing are not relevant to SIM.

> I set SIM-Algo-Version to be 1 in the send Challenge-Request section.
> I was unsure where to put SIM-Algo-Version, as I know that EAP-SIM has a version negotiation step (at least eapol_test expects that step). I noticed in the comments for the send Start-Request section that the version could be negotiated here, but when I put the SIM-Algo-Version attribute in that section instead of in the Challenge-Request section, that didn't cause the version negotiation step to happen.
> send Start {
> update control {
> &SIM-Algo-Version := 1
> }
> }

  To be honest, I'm not overly familiar with SIM.  And like most things in v4, it's unreleased.  It might change at any moment.  It might work (or not).  Much of it is undocumented.

  If it works, great.  If not... we're happy to accept patches for code and/or documentation.

  Alan DeKok.

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