Using variables in unlang conditions

Alan DeKok aland at
Thu Feb 24 14:51:13 UTC 2022

On Feb 24, 2022, at 5:50 AM, Rahman Duran <rahman.duran at> wrote:
> I am trying to do some filtering/policing in the authorize section of the
> default virtual server. I need to check source ip matches our Wireless
> Controllers and SSID and username format etc then decide what to do with
> the request. How can I user some kind of alias/variable for our IP address
> block so I should not need to write and update IP addresses multiple places?

  You can edit raddb/dictionary to define local attributes.  Or, if the values don't change too often (i.e. rarely), you can out them into the configuration files themselves.

> Here sample of what I try to achieve:
> //////////////////////
> etu_aruba_wlc_001 =
> etu_aruba_wlc_002 =
> etu_aruba_wlc_002 =

  You can just put that at the bottom of radiusd.conf.

  Where did you put the above text?  Into a configuration file?  Which one?  Or some other file?  If so, how is the server supposed to find it?

>  ### 001: Test Wifi Service ###
>  *if ((&Packet-Src-IP-Address < ${etu_aruba_wlc_001}) \*

  Then that will work.

  There are many examples of this.

> Well using variables (${...}) in conditions not working, Freeradius
> daemon not starting with parse error:
> /etc/freeradius/3.0/sites-enabled/default[40]:
> ((&Packet-Src-IP-Address < *${etu_aruba_wlc_001})
> *      && (&NAS-Port-Type == "Wireless-80...
> /etc/freeradius/3.0/sites-enabled/default[40]:                            ^
> Failed to parse value for attribute

  Because you didn't define "etu_aruba_wlc_001" anywhere.

  There are many examples of using variables defined in configuration files.  It works.  You just have to define the variables in the configuration files...

  Alan DeKok.

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